Help us disseminate "The Truth About Islam" to a wider audience.
Mail checks to:
The Wisdom Fund
P.O. Box 2723
Arlington, VA 22202.
'The Truth About Islam' Bronze Plaque
Created in 1995, "The Truth About Islam" has been called the "best, short
introduction to Islam" — to read, click on picture.
This unique, 600 word message is available as an 18 by 24 inch bronze plaque (one
quarter inch thick, weighing 37 pounds) for around $1850, plus shipping and handling.
Each plaque is custom made, and sold at cost. EMail us to order the bronze
plaque. Please note: The price today will be based upon current manufacturing costs.
The first "Saying" is from Understanding Islam by Frithjof
Schuon; the sixth from Muhammad by Karen Armstrong. The remainder were
selected from The Sayings of Muhammad by Sir Abdullah Suhrawardy (1882-1935).
Cardinal Arinze was presented a plaque on August 9, 1995.
Prof. Huston Smith
wrote that he expects to be "referring to it often
in lectures."
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan
Williams, was handed the Rack Card in March 2004(?) at a Building Bridges seminar at
Georgetown University.
A bronze plaque was purchased by Mohummad Risaluddin, MBE, for his home in
London (1), (2).
A bronze plaque was presented to the India Islamic
Cultural Centre in New Delhi, India, on February 12, 2008. Mohummad Risaluddin is
seated on far left.