by Enver Masud
On this 18th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, more than 3000
military and intelligence personnel, pilots, engineers, architects, and other
professionals question the official account of
9/11. Some believe 9/11 was a Mossad /
PNAC operation. The number of skeptics continues to
increase -- both in the U.S. and abroad.
Author is first person on left among A&Es pictured in page header
However, few Muslim leaders appear among the 3000 American patriots who
have long been speaking out on the defining issue of the century — 9/11.
America's wars, falsely justified
by 9/11, have killed millions of Muslims. Many
more have been maimed, wounded, become refugees, and wrongly incarcerated. Civil
liberties have eroded. About 20
veterans commit suicide daily. Wars have contributed significantly to our $21 trillion debt.
The evidence against the official account of 9/11 is
overwhelming. Evidence submitted by the author to the International Criminal Court is
being maintained in their archives.
Polls show America, along with Israel, is considered the
biggest threat to world peace.
While Muslims are the biggest victims of 9/11, American Muslim leaders and organizations
have not only failed to speak out against the official account of 9/11, they have
prevented Muslims who do from being widely heard. They have failed to examine the
evidence, and/or enter into dialogue with those who have and are speaking out. Some have issued
statements against "terrorism" without noting that in international conflicts
"terrorism" is a subjective term often used
by the oppressor to demonize the victim.
In September 2001, Hamza Yusuf -- renowned Islamic scholar and co-founder and president
of Zaytuna College, endorsed the "war on terror". He "was the
sole Muslim representative in a delegation of religious leaders who met President George W Bush".
The vice-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA -- largest Muslim
organization in North America) has, without examination, accepted the official account of 9/11.
ISNA's position is supported by officials of the Council on American Islamic Relations
(CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), All Dulles Area Muslim Society
(ADAMS) -- organizations often cited by
mainstream news media.
Graham Fuller, former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA,
writes (A World Without Islam, p. 41), "the
closer religion gets linked with state power the further it drifts away from the realm
of intellect and spirit and into the realm of the political".
The internationally recognized Muslim scholar, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, wrote:
putting a curb on dissent or criticism, or upbraiding dissenters, is not the Islamic
way. The method of Islam is to listen to opposite viewpoints and then attempt, by well
reasoned argument, to remove the grounds for dissent.
One of the foremost authorities on Islam, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, University
Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University, wrote (p. 30):
According to Sufism, the supreme goal of human life is to attain Truth, which
is also Reality, the source of all reality, and whose attainment, as also stated by
Christ, makes us free, delivering us from the bondage of ignorance.
Understandably, Prof. Nasr, like millions of others, accepted the official explanation in 2006.
Rashad Hussain, appointed President Barack Obama's U.S. Special Envoy for strategic
counterterrorism communications in 2015, accepted the official account of 9/11 without
hearing those who would provide facts that challenge the official account.
According to the "most influential English language philosopher of the nineteenth
century" John Stuart Mill (1806-73):
He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be
good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to
refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are,
he has no ground for preferring either opinion. . . Nor is it enough that he should hear
the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and
accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons
who actually believe them . . . he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive
The U.S. government's theory of 9/11 is not supported by the evidence -- it's authors have not responded to challenges to their theory. A 1967 CIA dispatch instructed its agents to attack challengers of the "official" narrative by labeling
them "conspiracy theorists".
The false account of 9/11 has caused trillions of
dollars to be diverted from spending on Americans' needs to spending on war. The
U.S. and its ally Israel are viewed as the biggest threats
to world peace.
The Quran (4:135) warns Muslims to "Be ever steadfast in upholding equity, bearing
witness to the truth for the sake of God, even though it be against your own selves or
your parents and kinsfolk."
The Quran (8:22) states: "Verily, the vilest of all creatures in the
sight of God are those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason."
FREE SPEECH is the "negative
feedback" that every system requires. Absent "negative feedback" systems become
unstable. Our bodies, every family, every city, every country, the world . . . is a system.
UNVEILED(2nd ed) in Arabic, Chinese, English -- "best, short summary"
Enver Masud, "No Arab Names
on 9/11 Passenger Lists," The Wisdom Fund, July 26, 2004
"Justice in Islam,", July 10, 2006
Washington Times Advertisement: "The 9/11 Commission
Report is 'Fatally Flawed'," January 21, 2009
Enver Masud, "Fear Paralyzes U.S. Muslim
'Leaders'," The Wisdom Fund, August 3, 2010
Enver Masud, "Hearings on Islamic Radicalization," The Wisdom Fund, March 6, 2011
M.P. Dillon: "The information you
have submitted will be maintained in our archives," Office of
the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, November 27, 2012
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, "The Garden of
Truth: The Vision and Promise of Sufism, Islam's Mystical Tradition," HarperOne;
Reprint edition (September 2, 2008), p. 30
"Why They Hate Us,"
The Wisdom Fund, December 19, 2015
Enver Masud, "9/11: Cognitive Dissonance,"
The Wisdom Fund, September 4, 2018
Ali Al-Arian, "The political impotence of the Muslim American
community,", August 21, 2019
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "Critical
Thinking,", October 12, 2022
"The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is
the ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational;
to the uninformed, the enlightened; to the straight-out lie, the simple truth."
— United States
v. Alvarez, 567 U.S. 709 (2012)
Enver Masud, "Avoiding hard truths about 9/11 has
brought us to the brink of nuclear war," The Wisdom Fund, December 16, 2024
ONE PAGE: "9/11
UNVEILED," The Wisdom Fund