"UN Urges Global Action in
Darfur," BBC News, April 3, 2004
Enver Masud, "Sudan, Oil, and the
Darfur Crisis," The Wisdom Fund, August 7, 2004
Robert Menard and Stephen Smith, "Darfur Needs Peace, Not
Peacekeepers," Los Angeles Times, April 14, 2007
Stephanie McCrummen, "A Wide-Open
Battle For Power in Darfur," Washington Post, June 20, 2008
Peter Erlinder, "Darfur
Deception," CommonDreams.org, September 9, 2008
Xan Rice, "Sudan President Charged With War
Crimes," Guardian, March 4, 2009
[Save Darfur has remained silent on the history of the Darfur conflict in
Sudan, which began as an internal civil war in 1987-9 and had multiple
causes. The deep historical cause was the land policy introduced by British
colonialism, which redistributed all land in Darfur as tribal homeland, with
land awards generally made to tribes with settled villages. One result of
this was that the camel nomads of the north, who have no settled villages,
did not receive a tribal homeland.--Mahmood Mamdani, "Darfur, the
history," mondediplo.com, August, 2009]
[Tunguer Kueigong is among those who think that 2009 will be the last year
of peace. In Bentiu, the dusty capital of Unity State, the paramount chief
of the Nuer, southern Sudan's second largest tribe, holds court in his
"office" under the shade of a mahogany tree. "You know the north will not
just let the south separate like this," he says, matter-of-factly. "If it
happens, the people must fight."
The traditional leader understands better than most that the biggest
obstacle to peace is oil. Unity State produces half of Sudan's oil. His time
as chief has coincided with the discovery of the first sign of Sudan's huge
oil wealth, here in the state 33 years ago.--Daniel Howden, "Deadly faultline
threatens to reignite civil war in Sudan," Independent, December 16,
Xan Rice, "Sudan signs ceasefire with Darfur rebel group: Truce with
Justice and Equality Movement but wider peace not yet in sight,"
Guardian, February 24, 2010
[Darfur is the fly in the ointment. Oil is the aggravating factor. But US
inattention, internal divisions, and an overall inability to manage its
Sudan portfolio effectively may be the precipitating factor in renewed civil
war.--Peter Lee, "US, China brace
for Sudan trainwreck," Guardian, September 21, 2010]