International Criminal
"Darfur, Sudan: African Muslim vs. African
Muslim," The Wisdom Fund, April 3, 2004
Enver Masud, "Sudan, Oil, and the
Darfur Crisis," The Wisdom Fund, August 7, 2004
David Leigh and David Pallister, "The New Scramble For Africa,"
Guardian, June 1, 2005
Enver Masud, "Iraq War: 'Supreme
International Crime'," The Wisdom Fund, June 29, 2005
Peter Erlinder, "Darfur
Deception,", September 9, 2008
Javier Blas and William Wallis, "U.S. Investor
Buys Sudanese Warlord's Land," Financial Times, January 9, 2009
Xan Rice, "Uproar in Sudan over Bashir war crimes
warrant: Protests erupt and government attacks 'white man's court' after
president is charged with Darfur war crimes," Guardian, March 4, 2009
[VIDEO: The horrendous crimes were committed 2003, 2004, and they're not
being remedied. But the UN data, the data from Genocide Intervention
Network, etc., indicates about 150 people are being killed every month in
Darfur. . . .
David Crane, the former prosecutor in the special tribunal that indicted
Liberian President Charles Taylor, says the same principles that led to
Bashir's indictment could be used against Bush on the issue of torture.--"HRW's Richard Dicker and
Scholar, Mediator Alex de Waal Debate International Criminal Court
Indictment of Sudanese President for Mass Killings in Darfur,", March 6, 2009]
[What has not been reported anywhere in the English press is that the United
States of America has just stepped up its ongoing war for control of Sudan
and her resources: petroleum, copper, gold, uranium, fertile plantation
lands for sugar and gum Arabic (essential to Coke, Pepsi and Ben & Jerry's
ice cream). This war has been playing out on the ground in Darfur through
so-called 'humanitarian' NGOs, private military companies, 'peacekeeping'
operations and covert military operations backed by the U.S. and its closest
allies.--Keith Harmon Snow, "Africom's
Covert War in Sudan,", March 6, 2009]
Rory McCarthy, "Attack
that killed arms smugglers in Sudan 'carried out by Israel'," Guardian,
March 26, 2009
[Security sources say Israel and Iran are conducting rival intelligence
operations in Eritrea, the poor African state on the Red Sea.--Uzi Mahnaimi,
"Israelis warn of Eritrea flashpoint," Sunday Times, April
19, 2009]
[Israeli sources said the plans would focus on collaboration with rebel
forces in the war-torn Darfour province--"Israel plans to strengthen ties with Sudan rebels,"
Guardian, April 7, 2009]
[The future of Sudan as a whole is closely tied to what happens in this oil-rich region--Stephanie
McCrummen, "Precarious South Essential to Sudan,"
Washington Post, April 25, 2009]
[Ali Gunn and myself and a group of journalists were lucky enough to be
invited to Sudan by the Sudanese Women General Union. The women's union in
Sudan has got 27,000 branches all over Sudan, including Darfur. They have
representatives in all the rural villages, across all different communities
consisting of around 80 tribes and clans. . . .
We saw no evidence of any genocide. We were not embedded by the
government nor with any NGO. We had absolute freedom to talk with whomever
we wished.--"'We Saw No
Evidence of Genocide' - Women in Darfur,", June
1, 2009]
Colum Lynch, "Sudan's 'Coordinated' Genocide in Darfur Is Over,
U.S. Envoy Says," Washington Post, June 18, 2009
[The case against Bashir rankles many African leaders, who say it is
hypocritical. They note that the Security Council, which authorized the
Sudan probe, has three permanent members who never signed the treaty
establishing the court: the United States, Russia and China.--Colum Lynch,
"International Court Under Unusual Fire: Africans
Defend Sudan's Indicted Leader," Washington Post, June 30, 2009]
Colum Lynch, "U.S. Diplomat Urges Revised Sudan Policy: Inclusion
on Terrorism List Challenged," Washington Post, July 31, 2009
[Bashir accuses the UN-backed court of "double standards" and conducting a
"campaign of lies".
Britain and other western countries were pursuing a politically motivated
vendetta against him with the ultimate aim of forcing regime change in Sudan
as well as in neighbouring Libya, he said. . . .
The UN estimates up to 300,000 people died and about 2.7 million were
internally displaced as a result of fighting between government forces and
their Janjaweed militia allies and the separatist rebel groups in Darfur
that peaked in 2003-4. Sudan's government says about 10,000 people died and
about 70,000 were displaced.--Simon Tisdall, "Omar al-Bashir: conflict in Darfur is my
responsibility," Guardian, April 20, 2011]
"Sudan's Darfur gold rush brings death and displacement to Jebel
Amer,", October 15, 2013