[Nearly $20 million in surplus U.S. military equipment will be sent to
Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda, the officials said, adding that the three
countries support Sudanese opposition groups preparing a joint offensive to
topple the government of Sudan.--David B. Ottaway, "Wielding Aid, U.S. Targets Sudan," The Washington Post,
November 10, 1996]
Enver Masud, Sudan: Villain, or Victim of Religious
Persecution?," The Wisdom Fund, November 7, 1997
David Hoile, "Farce
Majeure: The Clinton Administration's Sudan Policy 1993-2000," The
European Sudanese Public Affairs Council, June 2000
Declan Walsh,
Scam in Sudan: An elaborate hoax involving fake African slaves and
less-than-honest interpreters is duping concerned Westerners," The
Independent (UK), February 24, 2002
Karl Vick, Ripping Off Slave
'Redeemers'," Washington Post, February 26, 2002
Sudan Slavery Propaganda Exposed," The European Sudanese Public Affairs
Council, May 15, 2003
Sudan, Oil, and Human
Rights," Human Rights Watch, September 2003
[The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), led by Joseph Kony, operates in the north
from bases in southern Sudan. More concerned with destabilising northern
Uganda from bases in Sudan, the LRA has linked up with Interahamwe and
anti-RCD rebels around the Bunia area. --Lord's
Resistance Army," GlobalSecurity.org]
Declan Walsh, "
Rape, torture, and one million forced to flee as Sudan's crisis unfolds.
Will we move to stop it?," Independent, April 23, 2004
[The trafficking of human beings is a problem in every African country--"Scale of African
slavery revealed," BBC News, April 23, 2004]
[In the end, it was agreed that the government will have 55% of the
positions in the disputed regions and the rebels 45%.
The two sides have already established that the south should be autonomous
for six years, culminating in a referendum on the key issue of independence,
with Sharia law remaining in the north.
Protocols have also been signed on how to share out oil revenues, the
establishment of separate monetary systems in the north and south, and
security arrangements involving the two armies.--"Joy at historic
Sudan peace deal," BBC News, May 27, 2004]
[United Nations media sources, for example, have noted "a lack of accurate
information on the conflict" and Reuters has also stated that "it is
hard to independently verify claims by government or rebels in Darfur."
Human rights reports have consistently reported - and attributed - human
rights abuses within Darfur in circumstances in which independent
confirmation of such assertions is impossible. The New York Times, while
echoing many of these allegations of human rights abuses, was candid enough
to admit that "it is impossible to travel in Darfur to verify these claims".
Claims of Khartoum's control over the "Janjaweed" persist despite
increasing evidence that they are out of control.--"THE DARFUR CRISIS: HUMAN
RIGHTS AND HYPOCRISY," The European-Sudanese
Public Affairs Council, May 27, 2004]
[Darfur is home to some 80 tribes and ethnic groups divided between nomads
and sedentary communities. The unrest appears to have been identified within
two or three communities such as the Fur and the Zaghawa tribes. A number of
anti-government commentators have chosen to project a partisan analysis of
events in Darfur, claiming that government-supported "Arab" - "Janjaweed" -
militias have been involved in attacks upon "African", Fur or Zaghawa,
villagers (and in doing so often merely echo questionable rebel claims). A
combination of anti-Sudanese activists and lazy journalists have sought to
portray the inter-tribal violence that has taken place in Darfur as "ethnic
cleansing" and even "genocide".--"ALLEGATIONS OF GENOCIDE IN DARFUR:
European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, June 1, 2004]
Ewen Macaskill, "Sudan
refugees tell of world's worst humanitarian disaster," Guardian, June 8, 2004
[Militiamen arrived at a village mosque in the same region and defecated on
Korans before executing the imam and his muezzin. More than 30,000 civilians
have been murdered in the past year. A million have been forced to flee into
neighbouring countries--Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, "Muslims must look to their own
wrongs," Independent, June 14, 2004]
to Disarm Militias," Reuters, June 20, 2004
[Tensions in Darfur have simmered since the 1970s, when drought and
competition over scarce resources sparked clashes between largely nomadic
cattle and camel herders, who view themselves as Arabs, and the more
sedentary farmers, who see their ancestry as African. Both groups are
The tensions flared in February 2003, when groups of students and political
activists from three of Darfur's African tribes started a rebellion against
the government, complaining that the Arab ruling elite had failed to develop
the area. . . .
The first major victory of the Darfur groups was the capture of the military
town of El Fashir in a battle last year. They killed 75 government soldiers,
stole weapons and destroyed four gunships and two Antonov aircrafts,
government officials said. In response, the government began to arm local
militias to boost the army and also launched an aerial bombardment of
villages, witnesses say.--Emily Wax, "In
Sudan, Death and Denial," Washington Post, June 27, 2004]
VIDEO: Julie Flint, "Darfur
Destroyed," Human Rights Watch, 2004
[Characterising the Darfur war as 'Arabs' versus 'Africans' obscures the
reality. Darfur's Arabs are black, indigenous, African and Muslim - just
like Darfur's non-Arabs, who hail from the Fur, Masalit, Zaghawa and a dozen
smaller tribes.
Until recently, Darfurians used the term 'Arab' in its ancient sense of
'bedouin'. These Arabic-speaking nomads are distinct from the inheritors of
the Arab culture of the Nile and the Fertile Crescent.
'Arabism' in Darfur is a political ideology, recently imported, after
Colonel Gadaffi nurtured dreams of an 'Arab belt' across Africa, and
recruited Chadian Arabs, Darfurians and west African Tuaregs to spearhead
his invasion of Chad in the 1980s. He failed, but the legacy of arms,
militia organisation and Arab supremacist ideology lives on.--Alex de Waal,
s deep grievances defy all hopes for an easy solution," The Observer,
July 25, 2004]
[The silence is all the more odd, given that Darfur is a region which is rich in oil and through which
pipelines are to be constructed. Moreover, the main investor in the Sudanese
oil industry is the China National Petroleum Company, and China is Sudan's
biggest trading partner overall. It has been alleged that there are
Chinese soldiers in Sudan protecting Chinese oil interests there, and that
these troops have engaged in skirmishes with the rebels. Moreover, while
there are numerous foreign oil companies present in Sudan, it is precisely
in Southern Darfur that the Chinese National Petroleum Company has its
concessions. . . .
According to Arab sources quoted by the informative Turkish paper, Zaman,
oil is the basis of the crisis in Darfur. These sources say that renewed
fighting broke out at the very moment when a peace agreement was about to be
signed which would have brought an end to 21 years of conflict. This is
certainly what the Sudanese government itself alleges. If so, this would
conform to the pattern established in Bosnia and Kosovo, when the
international community moved to scupper peace deals, preferring to
encourage wars which provide the pretext for intervention.--John Laughland,
"Fill full the mouth of famine," Sanders Research Associates,
July 26, 2004]
John Laughland, The mask
of altruism disguising a colonial war: Oil will be the driving factor
for military intervention in Sudan, Guardian, August 2, 2004
Sudan army's anger
over UN 'war', BBC News, August 2, 2004
Union to deploy peacekeeping force in Sudan's Darfur region, AFP, August 4, 2004
Jeevan Vasagar, Sudan
agrees Darfur aid plan, says UN envoy, Guardian, August 6, 2004