[National Geographic Map: 21st Century Slavery --
also see Civilian Protection Monitoring Team reports]
The Sudanese civil war has generated a vast amount of propaganda and
disinformation. The intervention in Sudan by foreign powers, especially
the United States, and by civil groups with partisan religious and
political motivations, has exacerbated and prolonged a tragic conflict
by the deliberate and cynical manufacture of blatantly manufactured
distortions, lies and hoaxes.
A recent and archetypal example of this process was the manipulation of
the image of Sudan for personal and propaganda purposes in the campaign
surrounding a woman calling herself Kola Boof. (1) The author of 'Long
Train to the Redeeming Sin: Stories of African Women', Ms Boof's
"sudden" appearance on the Internet "several months ago" was noted by
'The New York Times' in December 2002. (2) Ms Boof came to prominence
when she claimed that she had been made the subject of a Sudanese
government fatwa issued by a Sudanese diplomat in London, Mr Jamal
Ibrahim, and Dr Hasan Turabi, the former speaker of the Sudanese
Parliament, allegedly sentencing her to death for being opposed to the
Khartoum government and blaspheming Islam. Ms Boof claimed that she had
been sentenced to be beheaded. These claims were carried by several
media outlets. (3) She claimed that the fatwa had been issued in
September 2002 by the Sudanese government, and that this had been
conveyed to her by the SPLA, who in turn claimed to have had it
confirmed by a Mr Tanzim Wasti, Mr Ibrahim's secretary and by Islamist
activist Sheikh Omar Bakri.
On the basis of these and other previous claims Ms Boof quickly emerged
as a darling of the anti-Sudan campaign, and was embraced by activists
such as Joe Madison and Maria Sliwa of "FreeWorldNow". (4) The 'New York
Times' revealed how impressionable members of African-American society
came forward to help her campaign because of having read her claims as
publicised on the Internet. Demonstrations were held in her name. The
Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWD), for example,
arranged simultaneous demonstrations in New York city, Los Angeles and
Washington-DC on 7 November 2002 to "protest" the "Sept. 26th death
sentence from Sudan ordering that Black womanist writer Kola Boof is to
be beheaded". The AWID protest literature spoke of "our beloved Queen
Kola". (5)
Building on her anti-Khartoum theme, Ms Boof also stated in interviews
for example: "I am a political activist, a soldier in Dr. John Garang's
Sudanese People's Liberation Army". (6) It subsequently emerged that she
had made a number of other interesting claims. She claimed, for example,
that she was the daughter of an Egyptian archaeologist and a Somalian
princess, and that she had lived in Omdurman, Sudan, until she was 10 or
11, in 1978. Ms Boof claimed that in 1978 "my parents...were murdered
for speaking up against slavery and the brutish Islamic government of
Sudan". (7) She claimed that "murahleen" tribesmen had killed them in
front of her. She claims that her Egyptian grandmother then put her up
for adoption and that through UNICEF she travelled to London and was
taken in by an Ethiopian family who eventually gave her up because, she
said, they thought she might be a witch. She says she was then adopted
by a black family in Washington-DC in 1980. (8)
Ms Boof also claimed that the Sudan People's Liberation Army was in
existence as early as 1977, and that as a little girl she had attended
SPLA meetings.
The Mundane Truth
Every one of these claims unravelled under examination. The facts were
far less interesting. Mr Jamal Ibrahim, the deputy chief of mission at
the Sudanese embassy in Britain, wrote an article critical of Ms Boof
and claims that she had previously made, an article published in 'Al-
Sharq Al-Awsat' in September 2002. In this article he criticised her
"falsehood and dishonesty" in previous claims. Ms Boof subsequently
claimed that this article was in fact a fatwa, inaccurately stating that
fatwa is "a contract for assassination". (9)
Unlike Ms Boof, 'The New York Times' took the trouble to confirm the
claims made to her by the SPLA in London. The newspaper spoke to Sheikh
Omar Bakri, a senior judge of the Islamic sharia court in London, and
someone noted for his forthright views. Ms Boof claimed that Bakri had
been party to the fatwa. He stated that "nobody issued a fatwa against
Kola Boof". (10) The Islamic judge went on to state: "I know she was
criticized by a Muslim official in London, but he isn't in a position to
issue a fatwa." This was confirmed by Mr Ibrahim himself, who said the
claim was "bizarre and baseless" and that: "My own view is that she
wants to make use of this to help her in selling her books. It is a
bizarre exercise in public relations." (11) Mr Ibrahim did criticise Ms
Boof in his article, and there would appear to be considerable grounds
for legitimate criticism, but as 'The New York Times' observed
"criticism isn't the same as a fatwa". It would appear that the SPLA in
London deliberately misrepresented the issue.
Unravelling the Lies
Ms Boof's claims about her early life are similarly flawed. She alleged
that murahleen tribesmen killed her parents in Omdurman. These horsemen
are only found in southern Kordofan, several hundred miles away from
Omdurman. It is the equivalent in American terms of being attacked in a
Washington-DC suburb by a band of Oklahoma cattlemen. She also claimed
that the SPLA were in existence in 1977. It is also a simple matter of
record that the SPLA was founded only in late 1983. (12) Ms Boof's claim
that her father was murdered in 1978 for speaking "up against...the
brutish Islamic government of Sudan" similarly jars with reality. In
1978 Sudan was resolutely secular, governed by President Jaafar Nimeiri,
a close American ally whose government was one of the largest recipients
of international American economic and military assistance. The present
Islamic government in Sudan only came to power in 1989.
Ms Boof made a number of other claims about herself. In August 2002, she
claimed to have been shot at outside Los Angeles by Arab Muslim gunmen,
and that she shot back. Boof further claimed to be under FBI protection.
The 'New York Times' reported that the FBI "had no knowledge of Ms.
Boof". (13)
Ms Boof was also said by 'The New York Times' to have "told flamboyant
stories about her life in Egypt and Morocco, where, she said she was a
B-movie actress and a high level prostitute, operating in luxury
hotels..." It was during this time in Morocco that Ms Boof also claimed
to have had an affair with Osama bin Laden in 1996. She elaborated on
this alleged affair in a January 2003 statement when she claimed that it
was a four month sexual relationship in Morocco. She had met bin Laden
in a Senegalese restaurant "which was the only place in Marrakech where
they knew how to cook lion's meat" (one of her "favorite" dishes). She
claimed that she subsequently became "Osama's mistress" and that she had
"lounged about in silk and diamonds". (14) One of the most watched men
in the world, there is no record whatsoever of bin Laden being in
Morocco in 1996.
Boof has also made other jarring claims, speaking, for example, about
"rich Palestinians who have black women slaves working in their
kitchens, their tongues cut out of their heads." (15)
Ms Boof's somewhat elaborate claims began to be actively challenged by
the end of 2002. The 'New York Times' examined her allegations in some
depth. (16) In an interview with the newspaper, Ms Boof admitted to
being manipulative: "I can't deny that I'm a conniving person...I have
to manipulate the system, and I don't mind if you publish that..." The
newspaper discredited the fatwa claim. Ms Boof was dropped by her
publisher at the end of 2002. And, despite having been warmly embraced
and extensively publicised by the anti-Sudan lobby within the United
States and elsewhere, Ms Boof's claims soon became even too outrageous
for all but the diehard fringe. The SPLA has distanced itself from Ms
Boof. The 'New York Times' reported that the SPLA "embraced her and then
backed away, as Ms. Boof's personal, if not literary credentials have
been called into question."
Deng Ajak, secretary-general of the anti-government Sudan Commission for
Human Rights, stated that he was initially supportive of Ms Boof "but
when she said in one of her own e-mails to me that she had a brief
encounter of dating Osama bin Laden, I said to my colleagues that we
need to pull the plug on this one". He stated that "This could be one of
the most impressively spun and choreographed pieces of fiction that one
could imagine". Nevertheless, Ms Boof claimed that "the Southern Blacks
of my homeland" have accorded her the title of "Queen Kola". (17)
The 'New York Times' reported that Ms Silwa has also "distanced" herself
from Kola Boof's claims, quoting her as stating: "I don't think it
behooves our human rights interest to connect ourselves with someone who
is inconsistent and can't prove her identity." (18) Joe Madison
continues to publicise Ms Boof.
Ms Boof and her claims provide a clear example of how patently false and
self-serving lies about Sudan have been accepted at face value and
publicised by the anti-Sudan industry. She has sold more of her books as
a result of these claims. Ms Boof has deliberately sought publicity,
both personal and commercial on the basis of these assertions.
The pattern is a sad one. Outrageous claims are manufactured and
disseminated widely. Eventually allegations are exposed as either
exaggerated or utterly groundless, or collapse in the face of their own
absurdity and self-contradictions. All but the most bigoted or partisan
of their disseminators retreat into a discrete silence - but never have
the honesty or integrity to admit their complicity in a hoax, or to
publicise the falsity of their previous articles. The miasma of
defamatory claims against Sudan is once again added to, and only a short
time elapses before yet another hoax or lie is launched and credulously
disseminated by a media that never seems to learn the lessons of its
previous blunders.
1. There appears to be some doubt as to her original name. On one
of her websites, she says that her name is Naima Bint Harith ("The Woman
is Dangerous: Biography of Kola Boof", at http://www.kolaboof.com/danger
ous.htm). On another of her websites, she gives her name as "Naima Alu
Kolbookek "("Kola Boof", at http://authors.aalbc.com/kola_boof.htm). In
an interview with 'The New York Times' she states that her given name is
Naima Bahri (Julie Salmon, "Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and
Internet Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002). In her 2003
book, 'Diary of a Lost Girl', Ms Boof says that she calls herself Kola
Boof "in honour of Clara Bow and Betty Boop - I'm a silent movie buff,
you see" (http://authors.aalbc.com/kola_boof.htm).
2. Julie Salmon, "Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and Internet
Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002.
3. See, for example, "'Anti-Islam' Books Spark Fatwa: Author Speaks
Out Despite Warning From Bin Laden", News Article by World Daily Net, 9
November 2002. This article claimed that Sudanese diplomat Jamal Ibrahim
had issued a fatwa calling for her to be beheaded. It also claimed that
Ms Boof was "under the protection of U.S. government agents". On 7
November 2002, CNSNews.com claimed in an article entitled "Islam,
Religion of Peace: Sudan's Threat to Behead Author Sparks US Protests",
that there was a "Sudanese government death warrant calling for the
beheading of best-selling author Kola Boof", and that this had prompted
anti-Sudanese demonstrations in Washington, New York and Los Angeles. An
article in 'The Washington Times' claimed that Ms Boof was "sentenced to
death for denouncing the oppression of women under Islamic law and the
enslavement of non-Muslim black Africans in Sudan" ("Eminem's Raunchy
Rap", 'The Washington Times', 15 November 2002). The 'Village Voice' has
also echoed her claims stating, for example, that "Prominent Sudanese
writer Kola Boof has recently taken refuge in the US after death threats
in Sudan, "Taslima Nassrin Speaks (Still)", 'The Village Voice' (New
York), 13-19 November 2002. The Russian newspaper, 'Pravda' also
repeated Ms Boof's claims ("Kola Boof, Some Lady", 'Pravda', Moscow, 26
July 2002).
4. Madison, for example, provided Ms Boof with considerable
coverage on his radio program, a program already noted for its anti-
Sudanese propaganda.
5. "Kola Boof Fights Back!", Press Release by The Association for
Women's Rights in Development, November 2002.
6. "Kola Boof Surrenders", Interview by Nathan Lewis, at
7. Ibid.
8. "'Anti-Islam' Books Spark Fatwa: Author Speaks Out Despite
Warning From Bin Laden", News Article by World Daily Net, 9 November
9. The 'New York Times' correctly pointed out that far from being a
murder contract, a fatwa "is a juristic opinion issued by a Muslim
scholar to address a specific problem, that can be related to political,
economic or social issues", ("Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and
Internet Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002).
10. Julie Salmon, "Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and Internet
Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002.
11. Ibid.
12. See, for example, the 1983 SPLM Manifesto, published in 'Horn of
Africa', Volume VIII, Number 1, New Jersey, 1985
13. Julie Salmon, "Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and Internet
Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002.
14. "Who's Afraid of Kola Boof?". Statement by Kola Boof, 3 January
2003, available at http://poetwomen.50megs.com/custom2.html
15. Ibid.
16. Julie Salmon, "Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and Internet
Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002.
17. "Statement by Kola Boof", 'North African Book Exchange', 11
December 2002.
18. Julie Salmon, "Mystery Enshrouds Kola Boof, Writer and Internet
Persona", 'The New York Times', 11 December 2002. Ms Sliwa does,
however, continue to publicise a number of similarly discredited claims
about Sudan, including allegations of "slave redemption" still made by
groups such as Christian Solidarity International.
Alex De Waal, "Creating
devastation and calling it Islam: the war for Nuba, Sudan," SAIS Review v. 21 no2
(Summer/Fall 2001) p. 117-22
Karl Vick, "Ripping Off
Slave 'Redeemers'," Washington Post, February 26, 2002
"Slave Trade
Hoax," CBS, May 15, 2002
[The suite alleges that Talisman Oil of Canada, which is connected to the United States
through its American subsidiaries, is guilty of complicity to genocide.--Roy Nielsen,
"Sudan: American Interests and
Christian Ethics," The Witness Magazine, October 10, 2003]
[Although the government of Sudan and the SPLA have reached agreement in principle on a
50-50 split of the country's oil revenue, the devil of the agreement lies in the
details, which are currently being worked out in secret.--"Sudan's oil still a
contentious topic in peace negotiations," Daily Star (Lebanon), January 3, 2004]
Jackie Halifax, "Report: Slavery 'Alive and Well' in
U.S.," Associated Press, February 25, 2004
[A report has found 180 million children are ensnared in sexual exploitation, soldiering
and forced labour--Maxine Frith, "Slavery and
drudgery: the reality of childhood," Independent, February 21, 2005]
Copyright © 2003 The Wisdom Fund -
Provided that it is not edited, and author name, organization, and web address
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