Enver Masud, "Aggression Pays: Message
of Clinton Plan For Bosnia," The Wisdom Fund, December 1, 1995
Ian Traynor, "Ashdown 'Running Bosnia
Like a Raj'," Guardian, July 5, 2003
Anthony Loyd, "Hunters See Red as War
Criminal Stays Free," Times, November 15, 2003
[Bosnia has already won this World Court lawsuit. All that Bosnia must do
now is to see this lawsuit through to its ultimate and successful
conclusion. It is inevitable that the World Court will rule that the rump
Yugoslavia and its surrogate Bosnian Serb armed forces have committed
genocide against the People and the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina.--Francis A. Boyle, "From Washington
to Srebrenica to Dayton... Carving up the Republic of Bosnia &
Herzegovina," Hartford Web Publishing, August 18, 2005]
[Bosnia, the first country ever to bring a state versus state genocide
charge, aims to secure international legal acknowledgment of atrocities
allegedly committed by the Serbian leadership during the 1992 to 1995
conflict. The case was first filed 13 years ago but has been delayed by
legal wrangling.--Helen Warrell, "Bosnia
Launches ICJ Genocide Suit," Institute for War & Peace Reporting, March 3, 2006]
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia," Global Policy Forum
[The American administration offered its help to change the constitution,
and Bosnians gladly accepted. However, it turned out that the Americans were
interested only in legitimizing the General Framework Agreement. They
offered some cosmetic and unimportant changes to be adopted in the
institutions created by the new (so called Dayton) Constitution.
Cosmetic changes, except in one very important detail -- since they would be
passed in Bosnia's legislative bodies, they would discontinue the old
Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina, and they would therefore
laundry the dirty constitution.
Then Bosnians would go even deeper in the hole. The nonfunctioning
constitution would become legitimate, and hence irreversible. Nobody could
force the Serbs to negotiate again to give up their veto power, which
cripples the country.
Therefore the Bosnian patriots in the parliament refused to adopt the
cosmetic amendments.
That drove the Bush administration mad. They want to laundry the Dayton
constitution, in order to show off a foreign policy success, no matter what
happens to Bosnia. They publicly threaten that Bosnia will endure sanctions
for not agreeing to the change of the constitution. They also use corrupt
Bosnian politicians and the corrupt Bosnian media to personally attack those
who voted against the constitution.
Even worse, they want to repeat the vote, even before the October elections,
pressuring the parliamentarians who voted against only three weeks ago to
reverse their vote. --"Can you imagine a
democracy where you must repeat a vote, until the super power is happy with
the outcome," National Congress of the Republic of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, No. 401 International, May 16, 2006]
[The Great Powers have always acted as if Bosnia did not have Statehood
under International Law and Practice. Indeed, at the Owen-Stoltenberg
Negotiations in Geneva, the Great Powers tried to destroy Bosnia's Statehood
under International Law, rob Bosnia of it's Membership in the United
Nations Organization, and submit 1.5 to 2 million more Bosnians to ethnic
cleansing. That never happened ! But the Great Powers' agenda remains the
same: to eliminate Bosnia's Statehood.
. . . by a vote of 13 to 2, the World Court effectively prohibited the
Owen-Stoltenberg carve-up of Bosnia because it would result from acts of
genocide, which were already prohibited by its 8 April 1993 Order.
Nevertheless undeterred, thereafter Owen and Stoltenberg continued to plot
their tripartite carve-up of Bosnia under the new rubric of the so-called
"Contact Group Plan" with the full support of the United States, Britain,
France, Russia, the United Nations, the European Union and its other member
Boyle, "Bosnia Statehood Under International Law," email, January 20,
OUTSIDERS - SPEAK," bosnjaci.net, September 16, 2007
[People of Bosnia-Herzegovina reject any amendments to the illegitimate
Dayton Constitution, as well as the Dayton Constitution itself. Now it
should be clear to the world community and all freedom loving people that
people of Bosnia-Herzegovina reject the illegitimately imposed Dayton
Constitution as the law of the country.--Muhamed Borogovac, "THE BOSNIAN
republic-bosnia-herzegovina.com, March 28, 2009]
[Politically and constitutionally, Bosnia's ethnic groups are still debating
the same issues they were 20 years ago before the war even started - how to
divide power between themselves, and the degree to which Bosnia should be a
unitary or a federal state. By large majorities, Bosnian Serbs continue to
favor either unification with Serbia or outright independence. In the
Herzegovinian town of Stolac recently, the national anthem was played at a
military ceremony; however, the anthem played was that of neighboring
Croatia, not of Bosnia-Herzegovina. In Sarajevo last April, a general
convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) of war crimes against Croats and Serbs was given a state burial with
full military honors, and the state's foreign ministry routinely operates
with intentional disregard for the rules and procedures for formulating
foreign policy outlined in the country's own constitution. Factor in such
things as the fact that Bosnia's foreign minister is the citizen of a
neighboring country and one realizes how little political progress has been
made in getting Bosniacs, Croats and Serbs to embrace a common vision for
the state's future. . . .
In no small measure, our decision to go to war in Iraq was based on the
widespread Washington view that our Balkan efforts had worked. In 2002,
former Assistant Secretary of State James Rubin claimed that "Kosovo has
been a success," despite tremendous evidence to the contrary, not the least
of which was the fact that the ICTY's own chief prosecutor had said that the
ethnic persecution taking place in Kosovo under NATO's watch was just as
serious as the ethnic persecution taking place in Kosovo under Slobodan
Milosevic. Anticipating the invasion of Iraq, Rubin called for the creation
of a high-level envoy for nation building ("with a budget to match"). Tens
of thousands of Afghan, American and Iraqi lives (and hundreds of billions
of dollars) later, the enthusiasm for nation building in Afghanistan and
Iraq has faded. But it never would have been there to begin with if we had
been more serious (and honest) about what was happening in the
Balkans.--Gordon N. Bardos, "Bosnian
Lessons," nationalinterest.org, July 16, 2010]
Max Clements, "Sarajevo: a cosmopolitan capital in an
ethnically cleansed state," Independent, August 26, 2017
Nebojsa Malic, "The Unruly Vassal: Election in Kosovo
Brings US-Ousted Radical Kurti Back to Power," antiwar.com, February 21, 2021