Enver Masud, "Aggression Pays:
Message Of Clinton Plan For Bosnia," The Wisdom Fund, December
1, 1995
Ian Black and Ewen MacAskill, "U.S.
Threatens to Boycott Belgium Over War Crimes Law, The Guardian,
June 13, 2003
[The United Nations tribunal for the war crimes in the Balkans in
the 1990's is suddenly rushing through its backlog of cases,
adopting a disputed strategy to promote plea bargains with much
reduced sentences in exchange for cooperation and guilty pleas.
The abrupt shift after seven years of methodical if plodding trials
came in response to intense pressure from the United Nations
Security Council and particularly the Bush administration, which
pays almost a quarter of the tribunal's current $120 million annual
budget and has little sympathy for such international courts. The
Council has demanded that the court end all investigations next year
and complete its trials by 2008.--Marlise Simmons, "Plea Deals Being Used to Clear Balkan War Tribunal's
Docket," New York Times, November 18, 2003]
[That's "justice" for you, Bush style. In fact, the Bush Sr
administration, many of whom now work for Bush Jr., fully supported
the Serbian campaign of genocide against the Bosnians. So it comes
as no surprise that the Bush Jr people want to wind up the ICTY as
soon as possible by means of "plea bargains" at the expense of
justice for the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and
genocide.-- Francis A
Boyle, Attorney for the Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinja]
Ian Black, "Karadzic 'gave order' for mass killing of Muslims from
Srebrenica," The Guardian, November 22, 2003
[THE former Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milosevic, knew in advance
of plans to murder more than 7,000 Muslim men and boys at
Srebrenica--Adam LeBor, "Milosevic 'knew in advance of massacre',"
The Times, December 19, 2003]
Nicholas Wood, "Milosevic's Name on the Ballot Signals Serbian Nationalism," New York
Times, December 27, 2003
[The most widely accepted estimates - e.g., those cited in testimony by
demographic experts in cases before the ICTY - seem to be:
ca. 200,000 killed during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia
ca. 25,000 killed during the 1991-1995 war in Croatia
ca. 10,000 killed during the 1998-1999 war in Kosovo
The other Balkan conflicts (Slovenia 1991, bombing of Serbia 1999, Macedonia
2001) resulted in relatively smaller numbers of people killed or missing,
ranging from some dozens in Slovenia and in Macedonia to several hundred in
To put that in context, the 200,000 dead in Bosnia were out of a total
pre-war population of 4 million. Thanks to the UN High Commission on
Refugees and other such agencies, we have firmer figures on the number of
people who were "ethnically cleansed" - more than 2 million, over half of
Bosnia's population, were turned into refugees. Fewer than 1 million have
since returned to their pre-war homes.--Andras Riedlmayer,
International Justice Watch, June 22, 2004]
[Pursuant to Rice's "ukase" (demands), McElhaney is putting enormous
pressure upon all Bosnian political leaders to capitulate to the Hays
Reforms, which will further consolidate the powers of Republika Srpska and
inevitably culminate in RS joining Serbia and Montenegro. To the contrary,
the Bosnian People must emphatically reject the Hays Reforms and demand
instead that the Bosnian Government seek the elimination of Republica Srpska
at the International Court of Justice when the trial of Bosnia's genocide
lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro opens in The Hague on February 27.
Genocide must be combated, not rewarded again like Hays does. Never again!
--Professor Francis A.
Boyle, February 3, 2006]
[The American administration offered its help to change the constitution,
and Bosnians gladly accepted. However, it turned out that the Americans were
interested only in legitimizing the General Framework Agreement. They
offered some cosmetic and unimportant changes to be adopted in the
institutions created by the new (so called Dayton) Constitution.
Cosmetic changes, except in one very important detail -- since they would be
passed in Bosnia's legislative bodies, they would discontinue the old
Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina, and they would therefore
laundry the dirty constitution.
Then Bosnians would go even deeper in the hole. The nonfunctioning
constitution would become legitimate, and hence irreversible. Nobody could
force the Serbs to negotiate again to give up their veto power, which
cripples the country.
Therefore the Bosnian patriots in the parliament refused to adopt the
cosmetic amendments.
That drove the Bush administration mad. They want to laundry the Dayton
constitution, in order to show off a foreign policy success, no matter what
happens to Bosnia. They publicly threaten that Bosnia will endure sanctions
for not agreeing to the change of the constitution. They also use corrupt
Bosnian politicians and the corrupt Bosnian media to personally attack those
who voted against the constitution.
Even worse, they want to repeat the vote, even before the October elections,
pressuring the parliamentarians who voted against only three weeks ago to
reverse their vote. --"Can you imagine a
democracy where you must repeat a vote, until the super power is happy with
the outcome?," National Congress of the Republic of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, No. 401 International, May 16, 2006]
"UN's top court says Srebrenica massacre was genocide," AFP,
February 26, 2007
"Court clears
Serbia of genocide," BBC News, February 26, 2007
[Bosnia seems to be in the midst of its most serious political crisis since
the Dayton agreement brought the civil war to an end in November 1995.
Senior officials of EUFOR, the European Union peacekeeping force, have for
the first time openly discussed the possibility of renewed conflict (1).
On Thursday 1 November, BosniaÕs Serbian prime minister Nikola Spiric
resigned in protest at the international High RepresentativeÕs meddling with
the countryÕs constitutional framework.--David Chandler, "What about
democracy for Bosnia?," BBC News, November 6, 2007]
[Bosnia's Serb wartime president, Radovan Karadzic, one of the
world's most wanted war criminals for his part in the massacre of more than
8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995, has been arrested--Dan
Bilefsky and Marlise Simons, "Bosnian
Serb Leader, Top War Crimes Suspect, Arrested," BBC News, February
26, 2007]
[Joy at Karadzic arrest gives way to the realisation that he succeeded in
ethnic carve-up of Bosnia--Peter Popham, "The Sarajevo legacy," Independent, July 26, 2008]
"Karadzic protected by US until
he broke 'deal': Belgrade report," AFP, August 2, 2008
[Police in Serbia have arrested former Serbian military commander Ratko
Mladic, the highest-ranking war crimes suspect still at large from the
Balkan wars of the 1990s--"Bosnia genocide suspect Ratko Mladic arrested in Serbia,"
cnn.com, May 26, 2011]