by Ian Traynor
Paddy Ashdown displays a "bewildering conception of democratic
politics" and his exercise of absolute powers in Bosnia is
frustrating the establishment of a functioning democracy in a
country recovering from war, according to a study of nation building
in the Balkans.
. . . The flaws in the international design for Bosnia, the first
western experiment in nation building after the cold war, show how
not to proceed in Afghanistan or Iraq, the authors of the study
Mr Knaus added that the target of his criticism was less Lord
Ashdown, who has been running Bosnia since May last year, than the
institution of the office of the high representative, set up to run
Bosnia as a result of the Dayton
peace agreements of November 1995.
Eric Margolis, "U.S.
falling into bin Laden's trap," Toronto Sun, July 6, 2003
Patrick J. Buchanan, "Approaching
imperial overstretch," WorldNet Daily, July 21, 2003
[THE President of Serbia-Montenegro apologised yesterday for the
"evil" committed by Serbs and Montenegrins during the Bosnian war in
which 200,000 people were killed.--John Phillips and Dragan
Petrovic, "Serb
leader says sorry for 'evil' of war in Bosnia," Times (UK),
November 14, 2003]