Enver Masud, "New Iraq
Constitution a Pretext for Exploitation," The Wisdom Fund, September 16, 2003
Robert Fisk, "How We Denied Democracy to
the Middle East," Independent, November 8, 2003
"Fuelling Suspicion: The Coalition
and Iraq's Oil Billions," Christian Aid, June 28, 2004
Ed Harriman, "Iraq: Where Has All The Money
Gone?," London Review of Books, July 7, 2005
Francis A. Boyle, "Iraq and the Laws of War,"
International Clearing House, October 14, 2005
Doug Struck, "Iraqi Parties Complain of Vote
Irregularities," Washington Post, December 18, 2005
Doug Struck, "Sunnis Allege Fraud, Demand New Iraq Elections,"
Washington Post, December 20, 2005
[The election marks the final shipwreck of American and British hopes of
establishing a pro-Western secular democracy in a united Iraq.
Islamic fundamentalist movements are ever more powerful in both the Sunni
and Shia communities. Ghassan Attiyah, an Iraqi commentator, said: "In two
and a half years Bush has succeeded in creating two new Talibans in
Iraq."--Patrick Cockburn, "
Iraq's election result: a divided nation," Independent, December 21,
[The three blocs include the Unified Iraqi list, headed by the former prime
minister Ayad Allawi--Shafika Mattar, "Iraq
opposition groups call for new elections to parliament," The Scotsman,
December 27, 2005]
Ellen Knickmeyer and Naseer Nouri, "Chalabi Lacks Votes Needed to Win Spot in Iraqi
Assembly," Washington Post, December 27, 2005]
Sabrina Tavernise, "UN Observer in Baghdad Calls the Voting Valid," New York Times,
December 29, 2005]
[The alliance received 128 seats out of 275, with Kurdish parties gaining 53
and the main Sunni Arab bloc 44.--"Iraqi
Shias win election victory," BBC News, January 20, 2006]
election results confirmed," BBC News, February 10, 2006
[President George W Bush has made it clear that he does not want Ibrahim
al-Jaafari to remain prime minister of Iraq . . . "The Americans are very
firm about this," said a senior official." They don't want Jaafari at any
price."--Patrick Cockburn, "
Americans' call for removal of Iraqi PM threatens rift with Shias,"
Independent, March 29, 2006
[The Iraqi Prime Minister was apparently only given five minutes' notice of
Mr Bush's arrival. The two leaders met in the former palace of Saddam
Hussein - now the US embassy - where Mr Maliki had been invited on the
pretence he would be taking part in a video-conferenced "joint cabinet
meeting" with their American counterparts.--Rupert Cornwell, "Iraqi
PM given five minutes' notice of Bush's flying visit," Independent, June
14, 2006]