Enver Masud, "A Clash Between Justice
and Greed, Not Islam and the West," The Wisdom Fund, September 2, 2002
Enver Masud, "An Open Letter to the
People of Iraq," The Wisdom Fund, April 23, 2003
"Fuelling Suspicion: The Coalition
and Iraq's Oil Billions," Christian Aid, June 28, 2004
[The condition was that Saudi Arabia would use its petrodollars to purchase
U.S. government securities; in turn, the interest earned by these securities
would be spent by the U.S. Department of the Treasury in ways that enabled
Saudi Arabia to emerge from a medieval society into the modern,
industrialized world. In other words, the interest compounding on billions
of dollars of the kingdom's oil income would be used to fulfill the vision
(I and presumably some of my competitors) had come up with, to convert Saudi
Arabia into a modern industrial power.--John Perkins, "Confessions
of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to
Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions," Berrett-Koehler Publishers
(November 9, 2004), p. 90]
[The assessment would precede a World Bank plan to manage foreign donations
for Sudan from two trust funds - one for the north and one for the south--
Lesley Wroughton, "World Bank
returns to Sudan as donors plan comeback," Sudan Tribune, January 18, 2005]
Ellen Knickmeyer, "U.S. Has End in Sight on Iraq Rebuilding:
Documents Show Much of the Funding Diverted to Security, Justice System and
Hussein Inquiry," Washington Post, January 2, 2006
[Along with the $37 billion fund, another $24 billion from U.S. taxpayers
has been ordered for Iraqi reconstruction. Together with $4 billion pledged
by other countries, more than $60 billion is pegged for reconstruction costs
alone. The problem is U.S. and Iraqi officials aren't sure just how much
money has been stolen or misspent.--Rowan Scarborough, "In
search of rebuilding billions," Washington Times, January 20, 2006]
James Glanz, "Iraq Rebuilding Badly Hobbled, U.S. Report
Finds," New York Times, January 24, 2006
[Stuart Bowen, special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, says $8.8
billion is unaccounted for because oversight on the part of the Coalition
Provisional Authority, the entity governing Iraq after the war, "was
relatively nonexistent."--Jennifer MacDonald and Ira Rosen, "Billions Wasted In Iraq?," CBS Broadcasting, February 9, 2006]
[Many of the corporate players - Chevron, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin and
Halliburton - have corporate leaders who went into and out of government
over the years, influencing the direction of U.S. policy and then ensuring
that their corporations profited mightily from the policies they put in
place. Juhasz points to Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, L. Paul Bremer,
Scooter Libby, Robert Zoellick, Paul Wolfowitz, Zalmay Khalilzad and
George Shultz, as key players in the long term quest to takeover of Iraq's
economy.--Kevin Zeese, "The Corporate
Takeover of Iraq's Economy," counterpunch.org, May 10, 2006]
T. Christian Miller, "Blood
Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in
Iraq," Little, Brown and Company, 2006
[The exact sum missing may never be clear, but a report by the US Special
Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) suggests it may exceed
$50bn, . . .
Despite the vast sums expended on rebuilding by the US since 2003, there
have been no cranes visible on the Baghdad skyline except those at work
building a new US embassy and others rusting beside a half-built giant
mosque that Saddam was constructing when he was overthrown.--Patrick
Cockburn, "A 'fraud' bigger than Madoff," Independent,
February 16, 2009]
[The report by the US Special Investigator for Iraq Reconstruction says
$8.7bn (£5.6bn) out of $9.1bn withdrawn between 2004 and 2007 from a special
account set up by the UN Security Council is unaccounted for. This is
separate from $53bn set aside by Congress for Iraqi reconstruction.
. . . Iraqis continually complain that they see little sign of their
infrastructure being rebuilt after 30 years of war and sanctions.--Patrick
Cockburn, "US unable to account for
billions of Iraq oil money," Independent, July 28, 2010]