David Rohde, "Iraqis Were Set to Vote, But U.S.
Wielded a Veto," New York Times, June 19, 2003
Ghazi Sabir-Ali, "Let Iraqis Rebuild Their Own
Country ," The Guardian (UK), August 1, 2003
Enver Masud, "New Constitution a Pretext for
Exploiting Iraq," The Wisdom Fund, September 16, 2003
Bristle At Bush's Speech on Democracy," Associated Press, November 8, 2003
[The first indicator of what a Saddam-free education will look like
is arriving this month, as millions of newly revised textbooks roll
off the printing presses to be distributed to Iraq's 5.5 million
schoolchildren in 16,000 schools. All 563 texts were heavily edited
and revised over the summer by a team of US-appointed Iraqi
educators. Every image of Saddam and the Baath Party has been
removed.--Christina Asquith, "Turning
the page on Iraq's history," Christian Science Monitor, November
4, 2003]
Naomi Klein, "Iraq is Not America's to Sell," The
Guardian, November 7, 2003
Howard LaFranchi and Dan Murphy, "US shifts
to war footing in Iraq's 'Sunni triangle'," Christian Science
Monitor, November 10, 2003
Ivan Eland, "Double
Standards in Double Time: Bush's Plan to 'Democratize' the World," The
Independent Institute, November 12, 2003
["We will write into that constitution exactly the kinds of
guarantees that were not in Saddam's constitution.," L. Paul Bremer
told ABC's "This Week" from Baghdad, the Iraqi capital.
"We'll have a bill of rights. We'll recognize equality for all
citizens. We'll recognize an independent judiciary. We'll talk about
a federal government.
"All of these things will be in the interim constitution which will
also provide in a limited time, probably two years, for a permanent
constitution to be written that also embodies those American
values."--"U.S. Will Help
Draft New Interim Constitution, Bremer Says," Associated Press,
November 16, 2003]
Alex Berenson, "Iraq's Shiites Insist on
Democracy. Washington Cringes," New York Times, November 30, 2003
Joel Brinkley, "U.S.
Rejects Iraqi Plan to Hold Census by Summer," New York Times, December 4, 2003
[We are surrounded by frenzied students, yelling, "This is the
democracy? This is the freedom? You see what the Americans are doing
to us here?"--Dahr Jamail, "Secondary School
under Siege by US Forces," Electronic Iraq, December18, 2003]
Robert Fisk, "Iraq
through the American looking glass," Independent, November 26, 2003
[In the province of Dhi Qar, about 230 miles southeast of Baghdad and a
backwater even by Iraq's standards, residents voting as families will have
elected city councils in 16 of the 20 biggest cities by next month. Bradley
will have organized 11, more than half of them this month.--Anthony Shadid,
In Iraqi Towns, Electoral Experiment Finds Some Success," Washington
Post, February 16, 2004]