[Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
grievances.--U.S. Constitution: First Amendment]
"UN Provides Cover for U.S. Occupation,
Sanctions Colonialism," The Wisdom Fund, May 22, 2003
"U.S. Curbs Iraqi Press," The Wisdom Fund, June 19, 2003
[U.S. military commanders have ordered a halt to local elections and
self-rule in provincial cities and towns across Iraq, choosing
instead to install their own handpicked mayors and administrators,
many of whom are former Iraqi military leaders.
The decision to deny Iraqis a direct role in selecting municipal
governments is creating anger and resentment among aspiring leaders
and ordinary citizens, who say the U.S.-led occupation forces are
not making good on their promise to bring greater freedom and
democracy to a country dominated for three decades by Saddam
Hussein.--William Booth and Rajiv Chandrasekaran, "Occupation Forces Halting Elections Throughout Iraq,"
Washington Post, June 28, 2003]
[Bremer has the power to overrule the council's decisions--"New Iraqi
Governing Council to Meet on Sunday," Reuters, July 12, 2003]
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, "Former
Exiles Given Majority on Iraqi Council," Washington Post, July 12, 2003
[I feared my role with the reconstruction council was sliding from
what I had originally envisioned - working with allies in a
democratic fashion - to collaborating with occupying forces.--Isam
al-Khafaji, "Broken promise: Why I quit
Iraq," Globe and Mail, July 18, 2003]
Gary Younge, "Annan
backs Iraq's US-picked leaders," Guardian, July 22, 2003
[His report urged the United States and Britain to set a timetable
for the end of military occupation and warned that 'democracy can't
be imposed from the outside'.--"Kofi Annan calls for early end to occupation," Straits
Times, July 23, 2003]
[Mr Feldman - a professor at New York University
Law School - joined the US Office for Reconstruction and
Humanitarian Assistance led by Paul Bremer in Iraq - as an adviser
on framing a new constitution.
He resigned from that position last week, but is continuing to offer
suggestions to Iraqis themselves in a more informal role.--Rachel
Clarke, "US 'must
accept Islam in Iraq politics'," BBC News Online, July 25, 2003]
Ian Mather, "Future
Iraqi leader spurns US," Scotsman, July 27, 2003
Andrew Buncombe, "Cut off for un-American activities: the mobile phone firm
that connected Iraqis," Independent, July 30, 2003
[The unprecedented dispute between an Anglo-American occupation
authority supposedly dedicated to "democracy" in Iraq and an Arab
station once praised by Washington for its services to free speech
in the Arab world comes at a time when the US administration appears
to be laying the ground work to close down Al-Jazeera's operations
in Iraq - along with those of the Arabia channel - for alleged
"incitement to violence".--Robert Fisk, "America Increasing Pressure on Al-Jazeera TV,"
Independent, July 30, 2003]
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, "Panel to Help Set Process for Constitution," Washington
Post, August 12, 2003
[The Iraqi Governing Council banned the station, one of the Arab
world's largest, from working in Iraq for broadcasting an audiotape
a week ago of a voice it said belonged to Saddam Hussein.--Bassem
Mroue, "Iraq's
U.S.-Appointed Government Shuts Arab TV News Bureau for 'inciting
Murder'," Associated Press, November 24, 2003]
[Last week, Al-Jazeera was in the headlines again, this time for
dumping its star Western journalist, Yvonne Ridley, as the senior
editor of the recently launched English-language website,
. . . a respected Kuwaiti newspaper which quoted an American
Gulf-based diplomat as saying Congress had secretly proposed to US
President George W. Bush that he should 'put all possible pressure'
on the Qatari government to close Al-Jazeera.--John R. Bradley, "Crunch-time for Al-Jazeera," Straits Times, December 1,
Chris Kromm, Rania Masri, Tara Purohit, "Why No Democracy
in Iraq?," CounterPunch, February 24, 2004