"Palace Being Renovated for U.S.
Occupation," Los Angeles Times, May 9, 2003
[". . . the American people may have been lured into accepting the
unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, in violation of
long-standing International law, under false premises. There is
ample evidence that the horrific events of September 11 have been
carefully manipulated to switch public focus from Osama Bin Laden
and Al Queda who masterminded the September 11th attacks, to Saddam
Hussein who did not."--US Senator Robert Byrd, "The
Truth Will Emerge," Senate Floor Remarks, May 21, 2003]
US and UK to maintain most of the power
Occupying forces to remain till new government formed
Situation to be reviewed within a year
UN to appoint special representative to help form new government
Sanctions to be lifted, though arms embargo will stay
Russian and French companies will be able to complete lucrative contracts
Return of UN weapons inspectors to be considered
$1bn Iraq Development Fund to be launched
["The plan is being seen as a big change of heart among the
Americans, who had been reluctant to allow the return of UN
inspectors to look for the alleged banned weapons which were the
main reason for launching the war.
"The US's own teams in Iraq have found no proof of a chemical,
biological or nuclear arsenal."--"War
critics back US Iraq plans," BBC News, May 22, 2003]
["The measure grants the United States and Britain an extraordinary
amount of authority over Iraq's political and economic affairs until
a representative, internationally recognized government is
installed. . . .
"The financial issues involved the control of Iraqi oil revenues, the
disposition of $400 billion of debt owed by Mr. Hussein's government, and
contracts approved and financed through the United Nations' oil-for-
food program.
"The oil revenues will be controlled by the United States and
Britain, but the management of the new Development Fund for Iraq,
which will hold these funds in the Central Bank of Iraq, will be
monitored by an advisory board with representation from
international financial institutions and the United Nations, . .
."-- Felicity Barringer, "U.S. Wins Support to End Sanctions Imposed on
Iraq," New York Times, May 22, 2003]
["Iraqis said on Thursday the United States wanted to lift
crippling sanctions on Iraq to have a free hand with the country's
oil reserves, the world's second largest after Saudi
Arabia."--Hassan Hafidh, "Iraqis Suspect U.S. Motive Behind Sanctions Move,"
Reuters, May 22, 2003]
["A coalition of over 150 peace groups and global non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) is lashing out at the U.N. Security Council for
adopting a resolution (#1483) that virtually legitimises
the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and endorses the foreign occupation of
a U.N. member state. "--Thalif Deen, "NGOs Decry
'Bribes' and 'Threats' Behind U.N. Vote," Inter Press Service,
May 22, 2003]
["THE leading opponents of war in Iraq capitulated to raw American
power yesterday as the United Nations Security Council voted
overwhelmingly to give Britain and the US broad control of the
country."--James Bone, "UN
gives in to coalition administration of Iraq," Times Online,
May 23, 2003]
["Unsurprisingly, the UN security council has capitulated
completely, recognised the occupation of Iraq and approved its
re-colonisation by the US and its bloodshot British adjutant. The
timing of the mea culpa by the "international community" was
perfect. Yesterday, senior executives from more than 1,000 companies
gathered in London to bask in the sunshine of the re-established
consensus under the giant umbrella of Bechtel, the American empire's
most favoured construction company. A tiny proportion of the loot
will be shared.
"The UN has now provided retrospective sanction to a pre-emptive
strike. Its ill-fated predecessor, the League of Nations, at least
had the decency to collapse after its charter was serially raped.
Analogies with Hitler's blitzkrieg of 1940 are drawn without
compunction by cheerleaders for the war."--Tariq Ali, "The UN has capitulated. Now let the north's plunder of the south
begin again," Times Online, May 24, 2003]
Charged With War Crimes," Information Clearing House, May 24, 2003
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, "U.S. to Appoint Council in Iraq: Officials Decide Not to Allow
Large Assembly to Pick Interim Leaders," Washington Post, June
2, 2003
Elaine Cassell, "How
Goes the Occupation?," CounterPunch, July 21, 2003
[They erected a fence of barbed wire, stretched over wooden poles,
and laid spirals of razor wire around the village, a cluster of
mud-and-brick homes set in orchards of pears and pomegranates about
six miles south of Tikrit.
Checkpoints were set up at all roads leading into the village of
about 3,500 residents--Katarina Kratovac, "U.S.
forces seal off Saddam's birthplace," Associated Press, October
31, 2003]
[American soldiers have begun wrapping entire villages in barbed
wire.--Dexter Filkins, "
John F. Burns and Tom Shanker, "U.S. Officials Fashion Legal Basis
to Keep Force in Iraq," New York Times, March 26, 2004