[Mr Feldman - a professor at New York University Law School - joined
the US Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance led by
Paul Bremer in Iraq - as an adviser on framing a new constitution.
He resigned from that position last week, . . .--Rachel Clarke, "US 'must
accept Islam in Iraq politics'," BBC News, July 25, 2003]
[I feared my role with the reconstruction council was sliding from
what I had originally envisioned - working with allies in a
democratic fashion - to collaborating with occupying forces.--Isam
al-Khafaji, "'I did not want to be a collaborator',"
Guardian, July 28, 2003]
[Why don't the occupation authorities realise that Iraq cannot be
"spun"? This country is living a tragedy of epic proportions, and
now - after its descent into hell under Saddam - we are doomed to
suffer its contagion. By our hubris and by our lies and by our
fantasies - including the fantasies of Tony Blair - we are
descending into the pit.--Robert Fisk, "Iraq Isn't Working," Independent, July 31, 2003]
[A Bahraini company that established a network accessible to those
without American phones has been forced to scrap its plans after a
week.--Andrew Buncombe, "Cut off for un-American activities: the mobile phone firm
that connected Iraqis," Independent, July 30, 2003]
Martin Sieff, "Analysis:
Soaring costs of 'rescuing' Iraq," UPI, July 31, 2003
"Israeli firm wins public telephone contract
in Iraq," Middle East & North Africa Report, August 04, 2003
"Western vice--Iraq's new tyrant," Sydney Morning
Herald, August 13, 2003
James L. Larocca, "Have We Forgotten Anger in the
Eyes?," Newsday, August 13, 2003
"Withdraw U.S.
forces," USA Today, August 20, 2003
Robert Fisk, "Why the US needs to blame anyone but locals for its
latest catastrophe," Independent, August 21, 2003
Ben Wootliff, "Bush pals hired to rewrite Iraqi law," The Observer,
August 31, 2003
Alan Fram, "Bush
Paper Details Iraq Spending Plan," Associated Press, September
22, 2003
Douglas Jehl, "Washington Insiders'
New Firm Consults on Contracts in Iraq," New York Times,
September 30, 2003
Stephen Pizzo, "Divvying up
the Iraq Pie," AlterNet, October 7, 2003
Steven R. Weisman, "U.S. Set to Cede Part of Control Over Aid to Iraq,"
New York Times, October 19, 2003
Elizabeth Nash, "Nations
pledge additional $13bn to help rebuild Iraq," Independent, October 25, 2003
[More than 70 American companies and individuals have won up to $8
billion in contracts for work in postwar Iraq and Afghanistan over
the last two years. Those companies contributed more money to the
presidential campaigns of George W. Bush -- more than $500,000 --
than to any other politician over the last dozen years.--Chalres
Lewis, "Windfalls
of War," The Center for Public Integrity, October 30, 2003]
Naomi Klein, "Iraq is Not America's to Sell," The
Guardian, November 7, 2003
Peyman Pejman, "Iraqis
Shut Out of Lucrative Rebuilding Deals," Inter Press Service,
November 21, 2003
Knut Royce and Tom Frank, "Start-up Company With
Connections: U.S. gives $400M in work to contractor with ties to Pentagon
favorite on Iraqi Governing Council ," Newsday.com, February 15, 2004
David R. Baker, "Feinstein's spouse owns stake in firm fixing energy
grid," San Franscisco Chronicle, March 13, 2004
AUDIO: Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar, "One Year
Later: An Iraqi Speaks From Baghdad," Democracy Now, March 19, 2004
[The project, called the Fatah pipeline crossing, had been a critical
element of a $2.4 billion no-bid reconstruction contract that a Halliburton
subsidiary had won from the Army in 2003. . . . Exactly what portion of
Iraq's lost oil revenue can be attributed to one failed project, no matter
how critical, is impossible to calculate. But the pipeline at Al Fatah has a
wider significance as a metaphor for the entire $45 billion rebuilding
effort in Iraq.James Glanz, "Rebuilding
of Iraqi Pipeline as Disaster Waiting to Happen," New York Times, April
25, 2006]
CARTOON: "Halliburton
wants to handle your reconstruction needs"
"Audit Shows
$8.8B Missing in Iraq," Fox News, August 20, 2004