"Bush Says Bin Laden Wanted Dead or Alive," ABC News, September 17,
"Text: Bush Announces Strikes Against
Taliban," washingtonpost.com, October 7, 2001
Rory McCarthy, "New
offer on Bin Laden: Minister makes secret trip to offer trial in
third country," Guardian, October 16, 2001
[A month after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush released a list
of the world's
most-wanted terrorists. There were 22 names on it. Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed was No. 22.
And the list wasn't alphabetical.
But, sometime between then and early Saturday morning, when Mohammed
was captured in Pakistan, the U.S. government identified Mohammed as
the mastermind behind the al-Qaida plot.--Debra Pickett, "'Terror Boss' Moves Up Ladder As U.S. Sees Fit," Chicago
Sun-Times, March 4, 2003 -- the world's most-wanted terrorists list
and Sun-Times article have been either moved or removed]
[Mrs Mahlaqa Khanum is the mother of Ahmed Qadoos, the 42-year-old
Pakistani accused of sheltering the mastermind of the September 11
attacks. . . . His mother produced a medical report describing him
as a "low IQ person" . . .
"They took my diaries and address book, a box of family photographs,
tapes of the Koran that I like listening to and a computer we bought
last month for the children." . . . Qadoos's daughter Aisha said:
"It was our computer. We didn't even have the internet. It just had
some games--Aladdin and The Lion King." . . .
The Qadoos family point to the photo of Khalid released by Pakistani
authorities, purportedly showing him under arrest in the house,
looking fat and dazed in a baggy vest as he stands against a wall of
peeling paint. A thorough search of the house shows there is no such
wall.--Christina Lamb, "Was Khalid
Arrested Where the FBI Said He Was?," Sunday Times, March 9, 2003]
[A grainy video purporting to show the arrest of two al-Qaida
leaders has done little to deflect accusations that Pakistan may
have staged this month's raid to give it leeway to abstain in a UN
vote on an Iraq war.--"Did Pak Stage Khalid Arrest?,"
Reuters, March 11, 2003]
Enver Masud, "Bin Laden Not Wanted
for 9/11," The Wisdom Fund, June 8, 2006
[Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks, confessed
at a Guantanamo Bay military hearing that he planned and
funded that al-Qaeda operation and said he was involved in more than two
dozen other terrorist acts around the world, according to documents released
by the Pentagon yesterday.--Josh White, "Alleged Architect Of 9/11 Confesses To Many
Attacks," Washington Post, March 15, 2007]
In the
KSM transcript, on page 20, KSM
states that Daniel Pearl "have relation" with the CIA and Israel's Mossad.--twf.org, March 15, 2007
[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's claims that he was responsible for dozens of
successful, foiled and imagined attacks in the past 15 years relies on a
loose definition of the word "responsible." . . . They view the claims as at
least in part a rallying cry to bolster his image and that of al-Qaida in
the only venue Mohammed has left: a military courtroom from which the public
is barred. . . . One official cautioned that many of Mohammed's claims
during interrogation were "white noise" - designed to send the U.S. on wild
goose chases or to get him through the day's interrogation session.
Mohammed said his statement was not made under duress. But Mohammed and
human rights advocates have alleged that he was tortured, and legal experts
say that could taint all his statements.--Katharine Schrader, "Officials: Mohammed exaggerated claims," Associated Press, March 15,
Robert Baer, "Why
KSM's Confession Rings False," Time, March 15, 2007
Dana Hughes, "Pearl
Family Doubts KSM Confession," abcnews.com, March 16, 2007
[The impeccable timing - although more than four years late - of KSM's
"confession" also happens to knock the scandal surrounding US President
George W Bush's chief law enforcer and torture apologist, Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales, off the media cycle.--Pepe Escobar, "The
waterboarded evildoer," Asia Times, March 17, 2007]
Andrew Gumbel, "Confession
of 9/11 architect backfires on US," Independent, March 18, 2007
[In Baer's view, we should take it with a grain of salt. He further hints
that, in the light of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's current lack of gravitas and
obvious reliability as a witness, we should perhaps look to the
contributions of other agents and state actors in our evolving understanding
of the dynamics of al Qaeda. And though he now seeks to minimize the role of
KSM in the Pearl killing - Baer considers him, as he has now learned through
the proverbial grapevine, as more of a standby eyewitness than as an actual
hands-on participant - Baer neglects to inform his readers of his own
personal role in Daniel Pearl's investigation, a role that could arguably be
said to have set Pearl directly on the course toward his tragic fate.--Chaim
Kupferberg, "Robert Baer and Daniel Pearl: On The Trail Of
The 9/11 Mastermind?," Global Research, March 19, 2007]
Michael Scheuer, "What's
behind Khalid's 'confessions'," Asia Times, March 23, 2007
Enver Masud,
"9/11 Unveiled,"
The Wisdom Fund (September 11, 2008)
Enver Masud, "Report: 9/11 Mastermind, Bin Laden, Assassinated in Pakistan,"
NPR, May 2, 2011
Joanne Mariner, "The
Trial of the Century?," verdict.justia.com, April 13, 2012
[Carle also played a role in revealing that supposed "al-Qaeda mastermind"
Abu Zubeida turned out to be a mentally retarded individual who could
barely mastermind the tying of his own shoes.
The retarded Abu Zubeida, under torture, apparently fingered Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed (KSM) as a fellow (retarded?) "terrorist mastermind." Mohammed was
then kidnapped and tortured relentlessly - presumably until he "broke" and
began parroting the torturers' claim that he had something to do with
9/11.--"CIA whistleblower Glenn Carle on TJ Radio,"
truthjihadradio.blogspot.com, May 2, 2012]