by Enver Masud
FREE ebook — "9/11 Unveiled" (Arabic, Chinese)
American Patriots — Muslims didn't do it
John D. Wyndham, founding member Scientists for 9/11 Truth, claims
to bring closure to the 9/11 Pentagon debate. A decisive test of Dr. Wyndham's hypothesis is the Sandia National
Laboratories' F-4 Phantom jet crash test.
Dr. Wyndham writes (Foreign Policy Journal, October 7, 2016):
Many physical hypotheses can be tested by experiment in a laboratory using relatively
simple equipment. In the case of the Pentagon 9/11 event, costs to test and/or reproduce
some features of the event would be prohibitive. Fortunately, there are prior relevant
tests, airplane incidents and other evidence
that are pertinent to the event and that support the large plane impact hypothesis [sic].
The F4 Experiment: In the F4 Phantom jet experiment, a plane was propelled at high speed
on a rocket sled into a massive and impenetrable concrete wall. The plane was completely
fragmented into small pieces. This experiment supports the fragmentation of the Boeing
757 plane parts that did not enter the building.
The F-4 test aimed to
investigate the impact of a jet on a wall of reinforced concrete 7 meters (23 ft)
square and 3.66 meters (12 ft) thick representing a containment building
at a nuclear power station -- not the outer wall of the Pentagon.
For the F-4
test: "The aircraft was accelerated on a 600m (2000ft) long two-rail rocket sled
until a constant velocity of 215 m/sec (480mph) was reached. . . . The concrete block
weighed . . . approximately 25 times the weight of the impacting F-4 Phantom aircraft."
According to the Pentagon
Building Performance Report (page 6): "The perimeter exterior walls of [the
Pentagon's] Ring E are faced in limestone and backed with unreinforced brick infilled in
the concrete frame. Nearly all remaining exterior walls are 10 in. concrete."
Dr. Wyndham and his colleagues have written:
"The Pentagon west wall, two feet thick at Wedge 1, had recently been reinforced to
consist, starting at the outside, of 6 inches of Indiana limestone, 8 inches of bricks,
and 10 inches of concrete with steel and Kevlar mesh."
Dr. Wyndham may not have correctly described how Kevlar was used in construction of the
Pentagon outer wall. According to Architecture Week: "A Kevlar cloth stretched between the steel tubes
prevented debris from becoming shrapnel during the explosion [sic]." Kevlar was used to catch
debris. It did not add to the strength of the wall.
The F-4 test results are neither consistent with the internal column damage shown in the
Pentagon Building Performance Report (Figures 6.2 through 6.6), nor do they explain how
the plane is blown to pieces yet creates the damage shown in the Pentagon Building
Performance Report (Figure 7.9).
While there is some debate about the conclusions to be
drawn from the Sandia test, clearly, neither the Pentagon wall described in the Pentagon Building
Performance Report, nor that described by Dr. Wyndham and his colleagues, has a
fraction of the structural strength of a containment building at a nuclear power station.
By assuming that the F-4 test represents the behavior of a Boeing 757 striking the
Pentagon, Dr. Wyndham appears to have skipped a necessary step: model validation -- a
crucial step in the modeling process that requires "[i]nferences made in establishing
the model are checked by observing if the model behaves as expected" (Simulation and
Modeling, Prentice Hall, 1969).
Dr. Wyndham also does not address many relevant issues discussed in my March 7, 2005 and September 11, 2008 articles, and in great detail
by Pilots for
9/11 Truth.
For example: Hani Hanjour could not have flown the Boeing 757 in a
spiral turn from 7000 feet to level out and strike the Pentagon. There's no verification
or simulation of the Flight Data Recorder data. The assumed flight path apparently
ignores the actual terrain which slopes down from the communications tower over the
Navy Annex, electric power lines, and the gas station to the Pentagon.
Evidence in Pentagon transcripts and the testimony of FMFD Unit 161 is
ignored. FBI evidence contradicting the Solicitor General's account of conversations
with his wife on Flight 77 is ignored. Transportation Secretary Mineta's testimony is
ignored. Washington Post article showing "50 FBI officers . . . picking up debris"
(instead of preserving the crime scene) is ignored. Serial numbers on "AA Flight 77"
parts are not matched to plane logs. Eyewitnesses cited are neither named nor vetted.
More credible witnesses are ignored.
The assertion by Dr. Wyndham, Scientists for 9/11 Truth, that Sandia National
Laboratories' F-4 Phantom jet crash test represents what happened at the Pentagon on
September 11, 2001 is utter nonsense.
9/11 Facts, History — Not Propaganda
Draft: Arabic, Chinese
Matthew L Wald, "Experts Say Nuclear Plants Can Survive
Jetliner Crash,", September 20, 2002
Enver Masud, "What Really Happened on September 11 at the
Pentagon," The Wisdom Fund, March 7, 2005
Enver Masud, "9/11 Unveiled," The
Wisdom Fund (September 11, 2008)
Enver Masud, "Available evidence does not support the claim that
AA Flight 77 struck the Pentagon," The Wisdom Fund, September 11, 2010
"American Patriots Question 9/11," The
Wisdom Fund, September 11, 2011
"9/11: 'a strange absence of airliner debris' at
the Pentagon," The Wisdom Fund, April 6, 2015
MORE: "What Really Happened
on September 11, 2001," The Wisdom Fund