by Enver Masud
All systems (electrical, mechanical, biological, social) need effective
(engineers refer to it as negative feedback).
In society, feedback is the news media's job.
To competent systems engineers or management consultants it should be evident that
American society's feedback loop is seriously deficient.
Without effective feedback systems become unstable.
Dissatisfaction with the status quo cannot be corrected without effective feedback.
With effective feedback we would likely have better leaders in Congress and the White House.
Enver Masud, "Demise of Fairness Doctrine and
Failure of Mainstream News," The Wisdom Fund, July 25, 1997
Enver Masud, "Deadly Deception, Pretexts
for War," The Wisdom Fund, July 30, 2001
[In the wake of the devastating attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon, many media pundits focused on one theme:
retaliation.--"Media March to War," Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting,
September 17, 2001]
"American Patriots Question 9/11,"
The Wisdom Fund, September 11, 2011
John Pilger, "War by Media and Triumph
of Propaganda," counterPunch, December 5, 2014
Robert Parry, "Getting Fooled on Iraq, Libya,
Now Russia,", September 14, 2016
John Pilger, "The
Issue is Not Trump. It is Us,", January 17, 2017
Nafeez Ahmed, "How the Trump regime was
manufactured by a war inside the Deep State," Insurge Intelligence, February 11, 2017