"Kerry Says Egypt's Military Was 'Restoring Democracy',"
The Wisdom Fund, August 1, 2013
[The Saudi monarchy's chosen battlefield for its war on the Muslim Brotherhood is Egypt.
. . . The Brotherhood was founded in Egypt, its
Supreme Guides have all been Egyptian, and Egypt is the center of the Brotherhood's
global operations. Branches of the Brotherhood are guided by General Secretaries from
their respective regions, but key policy decisions flow from Egypt.--Monte Palmer, "Egypt
becomes battleground for Arab world," atimes.com, March 24, 2014]
Patrick Cockburn, "The death of justice in Egypt: An eight-minute trial, with no arguments
for the defence, and one judge sentences 683 people to death,"
independent.co.uk, April 28, 2014
Robert Fisk, "All hail the Egyptian Emperor -- but what about that missing 7%? Sisi's
'victory' is hardly democratic, but stability in the region is all that
matters," independent.co.uk, May 29, 2014
[Sisi's actions, by contrast, portray Egypt's new pharaoh as an exceptionally ambitious
man who lusts for power, craves adulation, demands subservience, and inclines toward
violence.--Monte Palmer, "The
Sisi his allies can't see," counterinformation.wordpress.com, July 30, 2014]
[Human rights groups, who had criticised the conditions in which he was kept, have called for
an impartial investigation into his death.--"Egypt's Mohammed Morsi:
Ex-leader buried after court death," bbc.com, June 18, 2019]
[describes the creation of an Egyptian secret society, the Muslim Brotherhood, and then
its re-creation after the Second World War by the British secret services. Finally, the
use of the group by MI6 to carry out political assassinations in this ex-Crown
colony.--Thierry Meyssan, "The Muslim Brotherhood as
assassins," voltairenet.org, July 5, 2019]