[. . . the United States is not the solution to the Mideast's chronic
instability and tensions, but a major source.--Eric Margolis, "Not So Fast, Sen. Lott," Toronto
Sun, February 16, 1998
Enver Masud, "Iraq War: 'Supreme International
Crime'," The Wisdom Fund, June 29, 2005
[Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was addressing a human rights
conference in Ireland, also said the Bush administration's refusal to accept Hamas' 2006
election victory was "criminal."--Shawn Pogatchnik, "Carter Blasts US Policy on Palestinians,"
Associated Press, June 20, 2007]
"Are Iran Election Protests U.S. Orchestrated?,"
The Wisdom Fund, June 21, 2009
"Brutal Repression in Bahrain, U.S. Objections Muted," The
Wisdom Fund, April 16, 2011
"NATO Accused of War Crimes in Libya," The
Wisdom Fund, January 19, 2012
"Egypt In Turmoil, Morsi Ousted in US-Backed Military Coup,"
The Wisdom Fund, July 1, 2013
[Bandar is Saudi Arabia's key point person for Syria. . . . The Saudi-backed
coup in Egypt reinforces the US-Saudi axis in Syria.--M K Bhadrakumar, "A spy
who tried to scale Kremlin wall," atimes.com, August 2, 2013
al-Zawahiri says US behind coup against Mohamed Morsi," theguardian.com, August 3, 2013
[These millions were essential for the supreme fantasy: that General al-Sisi
was merely following the will of the people. But then Tony Blair - whose accuracy over
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is well known - told us that there were "17 million
Egyptians on the streets"! This was worthy of an exclamation mark. Then the US State
Department told us there were 22 million on the streets of Egypt. Then just three days
ago, the Democracy Index informed us that there were 30 million taking part in
demonstrations against Morsi and only one million Morsi supporters on the streets!
This is truly incredible. The population of Egypt is around 89 million.--Robert Fisk,
"Millions take to the streets of Egypt
in an ever-growing media fantasy," independent.co.uk, August 4, 2013]
[The Egyptian armed forces, headed by Defence Minister Abdel-Fattah El Sisi,
who is supervising a roadmap encompassing early presidential elections and the drafting
of a new constitution, runs scores of manufacturing and service-providing companies,
through which it controls a significant stake of the nation's economy.--Dahlia Kholaif, "The
Egyptian army's economic juggernaut," aljazeera.com, August 5, 2013]
David D Kirkpatrick and Mayy El Sheikh, "Appointment
of 19 Generals as Provincial Governors Raises Fears in Egypt," nytimes.com, August 13,
Robert Fisk, "Cairo massacre: After today, what
Muslim will ever trust the ballot box again?," nytimes.com, August 14, 2013
Chris Hedges, "Murdering
the Wretched of the Earth," truthdig.com, August 14, 2013
[525 people were killed and more than 3,500 injured in fighting in Cairo, Alexandria
and numerous towns and cities around the mostly Muslim nation of 84 million. . . .
In Ankara, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called for the U.N. Security Council to
convene quickly and act after what he described as a massacre in Egypt.
"I am calling on Western countries. You remained silent in Gaza, you remained silent in
Syria ... You are still silent on Egypt. So how come you talk about democracy, freedom,
global values and human rights?" he told a news conference.--Tom Perry and Michael Georgy, "Islamists call Cairo protest march as Egypt death toll mounts," reuters.com,
August 15, 2013]
"Tamarod movement
calls on Egyptian government to cancel Camp David peace treaty," jpost.com,
August 17, 2013
"UAE says supports Egypt government's 'sovereign
measures'," reuters.com, August 15, 2013
"US 'complicit'
in killings in Egypt," usatoday.com, August 16, 2013
Jim Michaels, "U.S. military needs Egypt for access to critical
area," usatoday.com, August 17, 2013
"Israel lobbying U.S., EU to support
Egypt's military government," jta.org, August 19, 2013
Jeremy Herb, "Saudi Arabia says it will cover cuts to Egypt
aid," thehill.com, August 19, 2013
"Erdogan: Israel orchestrated Morsi overthrow, Egypt
unrest," turkishweekly.net, August 20, 2013
["We need six months to liquidate or imprison them all"--Yasmine Ryan, "Egypt's generals following Algerian playbook?," aljazeera.com,
August 20, 2013]
[Egypt's new US Ambassador Robert Ford, with his experience in Iraq 2004-06,
Algeria and Syria, is a clear sign that Obama will back the coupmakers with all the
dirty tricks in the bag, including death squads, to maintain US hegemony in the
region.--Eric Walberg, "Egypt's 'color coup'," ericwalberg.com, August 22, 2013]
"Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood, orders its
assets confiscated," FoxNews.com, September 23, 2013
Andre Vltchek, "Egypt: End of
Hope," counterpunch.org, October 14, 2013
[Many Egyptian liberals supported the removal of the democratically elected Islamist
President, Mohamed Morsi, but now the state has widened its crackdown, they are
questioning the unholy alliance--Alastair Beach, "The return of Egypt's police state," counterpunch.org, November
29, 2013]
[So Egypt is back to the age of the dictators - or, as I always call it, the Age of
Magic Statistics.--Robert Fisk, "Egyptians - or 98.1% of them - carry on a
proud tradition," independent.co.uk, January 19, 2014]
[The Egyptian army controls almost 45 per cent of the country's economy--"Die Welt: Egypt's army is its real economic power,"
middleeastmonitor.com, February 10, 2014]
[What Egypt has become three years after its once inspiring revolt is a police state
more vigorous than anything we have seen since Nasser.--Hazem Kandil, "Sisi's Turn,"
lrb.co.uk, February 20, 2014]
Monte Palmer, "Egypt becomes
battleground for Arab world," atimes.com, March 24, 2014
Robert Fisk, "The Middle East we must
confront in the future will be a Mafiastan ruled by money," independent.co.uk, April
20, 2014
[This superb, stunning, incredible - quite literally, one might say - achievement in
Egypt's presidential election, places ex-Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on a
pedestal alongside those other imperishable titans of modern Arab history: Nasser,
Sadat, Mubarak, Hafez al-Assad. Indeed, Sisi's stupendous victory is only 7 per cent
less than the total votes collected by that indomitable mother of all presidents, Saddam
Hussein, who scored an even more handsome victory of 100 per cent in the 2002 Iraqi
presidential referendum.--Robert Fisk, "All hail the Egyptian Emperor -- but what about that missing 7%? Sisi's
'victory' is hardly democratic, but stability in the region is all that
matters," independent.co.uk, May 29, 2014]
Patrick Kingsley, "Worse than the dictators: Egypt's leaders bring pillars of freedom crashing
down," independent.co.uk, December 26, 2014
[After vowing to support the country's revolutionaries, the U.S. is now aiding and
abetting their violent oppression--Ganzeer, "Egypt, five years
later: A human-rights catastrophe of America's making," Creative Time Reports,
January 22, 2016]
[The dam, which will eventually produce 6,000 megawatts of electricity according to its backers,
is scheduled to start operations next year.--Kieran Cooke, "Ethiopian mega-dam project leaves Egypt high and dry,"
middleeasteye.net, July 29, 2016]