Non-Proliferation Treaty (July 1, 1968)
- Forbids the five member states with nuclear weapons from transferring them to any other state
- Forbids member states without nuclear weapons from developing or aquiring them
- Provides assurance through the application of international safeguards that peaceful nuclear energy in NNWS will not be diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
- Facilitates access to peaceful uses of nuclear energy for all NNWS under international safeguards
- Commits all member states to pursue good faith negotiations toward ending the nuclear arms race and achieving nuclear disarmament.
Enver Masud, "U.S. Violating Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty," The Wisdom Fund, March 11, 2003
Agency: 30 Countries Could Soon Have Nuclear Weapons," Fox News,
October 16, 2006
Gordon Prather, "The U.S. Is Violating the
NPT -- Not Iran,", September 26, 2009
Enver Masud, "Fact Check: IAEA Report on Iran's
Nuclear Program," The Wisdom Fund, November 11, 2011
"War With Iran Neither Rational Nor Lawful,
Could Ignite World War III," The Wisdom Fund, January 11, 2012
[Resolution urges Israel to sign non-proliferation treaty 'without
further delay'--"UN Calls on Israel to
Open Nuclear Facilities," The Wisdom Fund, December 4, 2012]
"June 8, 1967: Israel Attacked the
USS Liberty," The Wisdom Fund, June 8, 2013
"Obama, Iran's Rouhani Hold Historic Phone
Call,", September 28, 2013
"Insight: Saudis brace for 'nightmare' of U.S.-Iran
rapprochement,", October 9, 2013
Stephen M. Walt, "The Talks with Iran: 3 Voices
Whose Advice We Should Ignore,", October 15, 2013
"Pentagon to
sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal," RT,
October 18, 2013
Joy Gordon, "The human costs of the Iran sanctions,", October 18, 2013
[Hatred of the Shia/Alawite Syrian regime, an unquenchable suspicion of Shia Iran's
nuclear plans and a general fear of Shia expansion is turning the unelected Sunni Arab
monarchies into proxy allies of the Israeli state--Robert Fisk, "How the Sunni-Shia schism is dividing the
world,", October 23, 2013]
Muhammad Sahimi, "Saudi Arabia and Israel Try To
Derail Nuclear Negotiations With Iran by Terrorism,", November 9,
[Israel, which is believed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal and regards
its arch-enemy Iran as a mortal threat, has repeatedly mooted military action against
Tehran if it does not mothball its entire nuclear program.--Louis Charbonneau and
Yeganeh Torbati, "Iran nuclear deal unlikely as split emerges in Western camp: diplomats,", November 9, 2013
[Israel has threatened to bomb the reactor before it starts operations, pointing out
that once it is fuelled, bombing becomes impossible as it would scatter radioactive
fallout around a large region.
. . . some western officials accused France of sabotaging the hopes of a deal to curry favour
with Israel and the Gulf Arab states.--Julian Borger and Saeed Kamali Dehghan, "Geneva talks end without deal on Iran's nuclear
programme: Diplomats said to be furious after France objected to a stopgap deal being
presented as a fait accompli,", November 9, 2013]
Julian Borger and Harriet Sherwood, "Iran
nuclear programme deal in danger of unravelling: US negotiator leaves talks to reassure
Israeli prime minister after France sinks bid to seal temporary agreement,", November 10, 2013
Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett, "Obama's
Refusal to Respect Iran's Sovereign and Treaty Rights Continues to Thwart
Diplomacy, Leaving America on the Self-Defeating Path to War,",
November 12, 2013
Muhammad Sahimi, "Iran Has a Right to Enrich -- And America Already Recognized
It,", November 19, 2013
"Iran nuclear deal complete after days of talks, ministers confirm,", November 24, 2013
"Iran nuclear deal: joint plan of action - full
document,", November 24, 2013
Sheldon Richman, "Iran: It's
Not About Nuclear Weapons,", November 26, 2013
Eric Margolis, "Iran
Gets Short End of the Geneva Deal,", November 30, 2013
nuclear deal to enter into force on 20 January,", January 12, 2014
[When the former speaker of the Knesset, Avraham Burg, broke the taboo last month,
declaring Israeli possession of both nuclear and chemical weapons and describing the
official non-disclosure policy as "outdated and childish" a rightwing group formally
called for a police investigation for treason.
Meanwhile, western governments have played along with the policy of "opacity" by
avoiding all mention of the issue. In 2009, when a veteran Washington reporter, Helen
Thomas, asked Barack Obama in the first month of his presidency if he knew of any
country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, he dodged the trapdoor by saying only
that he did not wish to "speculate".--Julian Borger, "The
truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal,", January 15, 2014]
Gareth Porter, "U.S. 'Dismantling' Rhetoric Ignores Iran's Nuclear Proposals,"
Inter Press Service, January 25, 2014
Mark Landler, "Potent Pro-Israel Group Finds Its Momentum
Blunted,", February 3, 2014
Joe Cirincione, "Six steps to a
done deal on nuclear Iran,", February 11, 2014
Gareth Porter, "Manufactured
Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare," Just World Books (February 14, 2014)
[The Washington narrative about Iran's alleged secret program to obtain nuclear weapons
capability is among the single greatest lies ever propagated by the Warfare
State.--David Stockman, "The 30-Year US/Iran Nuke Standoff: We Started It
In The Reagan Days,", March 26, 2014]
Arron Merat, "The Great Iranian
Nuclear Swindle,", July 11, 2014
Gareth Porter, "How a US and International Atomic Energy
Agency Deception Haunts the Nuclear Talks,", October 21, 2014
Robert Parry, "The Neocon Plan for War and More
War,", November 11, 2014
Robert E. Hunter, "Why Israel Opposes a Final Nuclear Deal with Iran
and What to Do About It,", November 18, 2014
[We got the fundamental bomb-preventing restrictions (including
most significantly a complete elimination of medium-level uranium enrichment) and
enhanced inspections we sought, in return for only minor sanctions relief to Iran that
leaves all the major banking and oil sanctions in place. If negotiations were to go on
forever under these terms, we would have no cause to complain to the Iranians.
But the Iranians do not have comparable reason to be happy about this week's
development. The arrangement announced in Vienna is bound to be a tough sell back in
Tehran for President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif.--Paul R. Pillar, "The Risks
of No Iran-Nuke Deal,", November 24, 2014]
extension, hopes fade for Iran nuclear deal," AFP, November 25, 2014
[Ironically, its is the existing declared nuclear powers - the US, Russia, China,
France, Britain - who are in violation of the 1970
Non-Proliferation Treaty. The pact denied nuclear weapons to other nations
provided that the signatories rapidly eliminate their nuclear arsenals. Four decades
later, none have complied with the treaty, while Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea
have all secretly built nuclear arsenals.--Eric Margolis, "Nuclear
Chicken in the Mideast,", November 29, 2014]
Gareth Porter, "The Marivan Mystery: Why Hasn't the IAEA Followed Up Iran's Inspection
Offer?," AFP, December 6, 2014
Tyler Cullis, "How the
Mistaken Claims of One Hawkish Think-Tank Put at Risk the Prospects for a Nuclear
Deal,", December 11, 2014
[Mossadegh's ouster led to the return of Shah Reza Pahlavi, whose regime turned
increasingly oppressive until it was overthrown 26 years later by followers of Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini during the Islamic Revolution. The story of Mossadegh is still
regularly referenced by Iranian leaders as an example of American meddling, an argument
they make in relation to their nuclear program.--Bradley Klapper, "US delays release of study on 1953 Iran coup," AP, December 18, 2014]
"Iran Honors Nuclear Deal With Powers, IAEA Report Shows,", December 19, 2014
David Swanson, "CIA on
Trial in Virginia for Planting Nuke Evidence in Iran,", January 14, 2015
[We do for India what we not only refrain from doing for Iran, but positively try to
crush Iran to realize the Israeli-Saudi geopolitical power play in the Middle
East.--Norman Pollack, "Obama's India
Visit: Shill for American Capitalism,", January 26, 2015]
Stuart Winer, "Netanyahu vows to scuttle world powers' Iran deal,", February
8, 2015
["The Symington Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 prohibits most U.S.
foreign aid to any country found trafficking in nuclear enrichment equipment or
technology outside international safeguards," Smith wrote.
"The Glenn Amendment of 1977 calls for an end to U.S. foreign aid to countries that
import nuclear reprocessing technology."
--"US helped Israel with
H-bomb - 1980s report declassified,", February 13, 2015]
[Iran probably stopped pursuing a nuclear bomb in 2003, according to
the most recently published U.S. National Intelligence Estimate, the consensus of 16
intelligence agencies including the CIA.--Jonathan Tironer, "CIA's Nuclear-Bomb Sting Said to Spur Review in Iran
Arms Case,", February 20, 2015]
[Binyamin Netanyahu's dramatic declaration to world leaders in 2012 that Iran was about
a year away from making a nuclear bomb was contradicted by his own secret service,
according to a top-secret Mossad document.--Seumas Milne, Ewen MacAskill and Clayton Swisher, "Leaked cables show Netanyahu's Iran bomb claim contradicted by
Mossad,", February 23, 2015]
[Iran does not have a nuclear bomb and is signatory to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. . . . Iran has not launched an aggressive war since 1775, . .
. Modern Iran has not occupied the territory of its neighbors. . . . All the people
ruled over by Iran can vote in national elections--Juan Cole, "5 Surprising Ways
Iran is better than Israel,", February 27, 2015]
[Bibi wants to destroy this opportunity. He wants more sanctions. He wants to win the
Israeli elections on 17 March. He might even bomb Iran - which would bring an immediate
military response against the United States.--Robert Fisk, "The difference between America and Israel?
There isn't one,", March 1, 2015]
Avi Lewis, "'Ex-Mossad chief says PM misled Congress on Iran breakout
time,", March 6, 2015
Gareth Porter, "'The Long History of Israel Gaming the 'Iranian Threat',", March 6, 2015
Lee Fang, "'Immediately After Effort to
Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to Meet With Defense Contractors,", March 9, 2015
[Israel has seventy-five to
400 bombs (others say it is more like 100 to 200). --William Greider, "What
About Israel's Nuclear Bomb?,", March 12, 2015]
[Israel's nuclear research labs, the IDA researchers reported, "are
equivalent to our Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National
Laboratories."--William Greider, "It's Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel
Has Nuclear Weapons, Too,", March 20, 2015]
Robert Parry, "NYT
Publishes Call to Bomb Iran,", March 29, 2015
Michael R Gordon and David E Sanger, "Iran
Agrees to Detailed Nuclear Outline, First Step Toward a Wider Deal,", April 2, 2015
OPINION: M K Bhadrakumar, "Iran
deal: Obama earns his Nobel,", April 3, 2015
[Israel and Saudi Arabia . . . are cooperating in trying to torpedo the agreement. . . .
the alliance between Tel Aviv and Riyadh was sealed by a secret $16 billion gift from
Riyadh to an Israeli "development" account in Europe, some of which has been used to
build illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories.--Conn Hallinan, "The Yemen War: Redrawing the
Faultlines,", May 13, 2015]
Chaim Levinson, "Haaretz
exclusive: Israel tested 'dirty-bomb cleanup' in the desert,", June 8, 2015
Scott Ritter, "Iran shouldn't
accept 'no notice' inspections of its nuclear sites,", June 19, 2015
[ . . . the politics of Iran nuclear policy have been shaped by a deceptive tactic of
demanding a detailed accounting by Iran of nuclear weapons work that Iran has always
denied. That demand makes no sense except as a way to either justify punishing Iran or
to sabotage any nuclear agreement. If Western intelligence actually had hard evidence of
an Iranian nuclear program, it wouldn't need a detailed confession from Iran.
The Obama administration adopted the demand as part of the negotiations only under
pressure from the Israelis and their lobby in Washington.--Gareth Porter, "How the Bush Administration Created the Iran "Nuclear
Confession" Scam,", June 22, 2015]
"Outline of Iran, 5+1 terms of agreement released,", July 14, 2015
"Iran nuclear talks:
'Historic' agreement struck,", July 14, 2015
J J Goldberg, "Israel Security Establishment Breaks
With Bibi on Iran Deal,", July 23, 2015
[JCPOA imposes more restrictions on Iranian enrichment capabilities and stockpiles, and
on inspection and monitoring of compliance, than has been imposed on any country in the
course of the entire nuclear era. . . . And left out of consideration altogether was the
nuclear weapons arsenal of Israel acquired with Western complicity and by covert
means--Richard Falk, "Alliance Blackmail: Israel's Opposition to the Iran Nuclear
Agreement,", July 26, 2015]
Vali Nasr, "Why
did Iran sign on to a deal that will weaken its regional hold?,", July 31, 2015
Scott McConnell, "Netanyahu's
Lobby vs. the World,", August 12, 2015
Jonathan S Landay, "Why is Israel's
nuclear arsenal not mentioned in Iran deal debate?,", August 18, 2015
Chaim Levinson, "Israel's
nuclear advisory panel endorses Iran deal,", October 22, 2015
[the Pentagon plans to spend $1 trillion over 30 years on "an entire new generation of
nuclear bombs, bombers, missiles and submarines," including a dozen submarines carrying
more than 1,000 warheads, capable of decimating any country anywhere. In the meantime,
President Obama has ordered 200 new nuclear bombs deployed in Europe.--Katrina vanden
Heuvel, "The new nuclear arms race,", December 15, 2015]
Gareth Porter, "The IAEA's
'Final Assessment',", December 18, 2015
Gareth Porter, "Obama's
Iranian Missile Sanctions Were Deceptive and Hypocritical',",
January 29, 2016