Physicist James Gordon Prather has served as a policy implementing official
for national security-related technical matters in the Federal Energy
Agency, the Energy Research and Development Administration, the Department
of Energy, the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Department of the
Army. Dr. Prather also served as legislative assistant for national security
affairs to U.S. Sen. Henry Bellmon, R-Okla. - ranking member of the Senate
Budget Committee and member of the Senate Energy Committee and
Appropriations Committee. Dr. Prather had earlier worked as a nuclear
weapons physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California
and Sandia National Laboratory in New Mexico.
Non-Proliferation Treaty (July 1, 1968)
- Forbids the five member states with nuclear weapons from transferring them to any other state
- Forbids member states without nuclear weapons from developing or aquiring them
- Provides assurance through the application of international safeguards that peaceful nuclear energy in NNWS will not be diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
- Facilitates access to peaceful uses of nuclear energy for all NNWS under international safeguards
- Commits all member states to pursue good faith negotiations toward ending the nuclear arms race and achieving nuclear disarmament.
Enver Masud, "U.S. Violating Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty," The Wisdom Fund, March 11, 2003
Jimmy Carter, "'The United States is
the major culprit in this erosion of the NPT'," Washington Post,
March 28, 2005
Enver Masud, "Iran Has an 'Inalienable
Right' to Nuclear Energy," The Wisdom Fund, January 16, 2006
Agency: 30 Countries Could Soon Have Nuclear Weapons," Fox News,
October 16, 2006
NPT Tattering Because Big Boys Continue to Rely on Nuclear Weapons,", June 4, 2007
Standoff Fact Sheet,", December 1, 2007
[Several of the nine NYT "experts" had been demanding for years "regime change" in Iraq,
by force, "if necessary." None of the nine had actually opposed invading Iraq.
So, you can guess how guilt-ridden they all are, upon reflection, now that Operation Iraqi
Freedom has been revealed to be "the greatest strategic disaster" in our history.--Gordon Prather, "Scott
Ritter: Reflections,", March 22, 2008]
"Are Iran Election Protests U.S.
Orchestrated?," The Wisdom Fund, June 21, 2009
"U.S. Hypes Iran's Nuclear 'Threat', Ignores
Israel's," The Wisdom Fund, September 10, 2009
[The IAEA only actually requires that it be informed six months before an
enrichment facility comes online, and the new site is at least that far from
completion. Nuclear material has not been added, and the IAEA says that the
data they've been given suggests that as with the existing Nanatz facility,
the new site is only designed to enrich uranium to 5%, useful for energy
production at the nation's Bushehr power plant but not for military
Western leaders are now demanding that UN inspectors be given access to the
new site. Such a demand would be seemingly reasonable, if Iran hadn't
already promised to do so days ago to the IAEA and publicly said hours
before the "demands" that they have every intention of doing so.--Jason
Ditz, "As Required, Iran Informs IAEA About New
Enrichment Site: Western Furore Over 'Secret' Facility Despite No Apparent
Illegality,", September 25, 2009]
[Iran revealed the site's existence in a letter to the International Atomic
Energy Agency on Monday, the agency confirmed Friday.--"Sources: U.S. was aware of 'new' Iranian
nuke site for years,", September 25, 2009]
[ . . . when Obama announced that "Iran is breaking rules that all nations
must follow", he is technically and legally wrong.--Scott Ritter, "Keeping Iran honest: Iran's secret
nuclear plant will spark a new round of IAEA inspections and lead to a
period of even greater transparency ," Guardian, September 25, 2009]
[Speaking in Tehran on Saturday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his country
had in fact informed the IAEA a full year in advance of the deadline set by
the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). "If you want to build the building, you
can do that.
If you want to lay the pipes, you can do that. Six months before you start
processing itself ... then you need to inform the IAEA so it is prepared to
begin its inspection programme," Ahmadinejad said."--"Iran denies violating IAEA rules,", September 26,
[The president of the United States and his European puppets are doing what
they do best - lying through their teeth. The U.S. "mainstream media"
repeats the lies as if they were facts.--Paul Craig Roberts--"Another War in the Works,", September 29,
Gareth Porter--"US Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn't Add
Up," Inter Press Service, September 30, 2009
Julian Borger and Richard Norton-Taylor--"'No credible evidence' of Iranian nuclear weapons,
says UN inspector," Guardian, September 30, 2009
[Obama's "showdown" with Iran has another agenda. On both sides of the
Atlantic the media have been tasked with preparing the public for endless
war. The US/Nato commander General Stanley McChrystal says 500,000 troops
will be required in Afghanistan over five years, according to America's NBC.
The goal is control of the "strategic prize" of the gas and oilfields
of the Caspian Sea, central Asia, the Gulf and Iran - in other words,
Eurasia.--John Pilger--"The lying game: how
we are prepared for another war of aggression,",
September 30, 2009]
[Under the tentative deal, Iran would ship what a U.S. official said was
"most" of its approximately 3,300 pounds of low-enriched uranium to Russia,
where it would be further refined. French technicians then would fabricate
it into fuel rods and return it to Tehran to power a nuclear research
reactor that's used to make isotopes for nuclear medicine.--Warren P.
Strobel and Margaret Talev--"Iran agrees to
ship enriched uranium to Russia for refinement,",
October 1, 2009]
Juan Cole, "Top Things you Think You Know about Iran that are not
True,", October 1, 2009
says nuclear Israel number one threat to Mideast: report,", October 4, 2009
[Israel is making preparations to carry out military attacks in Iran after
December, . . . Israel was not planning to bomb Iran, but might send elite
troops to conduct activities on the ground there.
These, according to the magazine, could involve the sabotage of nuclear
facilities as well as assassinations of top Iranian nuclear scientists."'Israel may attack Iran after
December',", October 15, 2009]
[The sequence of events surrounding the Iranian policy change and the
subsequent beginning of construction on a second enrichment facility
suggests that Iran was hedging its bets against a US air attack, while
retaining the obligation to provide detailed information six months before
the introduction of nuclear material - if the threat of an attack were to
subside.--Gareth Porter, "US threats
prompted Iran nuclear facility," Guardian, October 27, 2009]
[State Department condemned the Jundallah
bombing . . . is someone trying to torpedo the talks and push Iran and the
United States into military collision?--Patrick J. Buchanan, "The Fruits of Intervention,", October
30, 2009]
Gordon Prather, "On the Eve of WWIII?,", October 31, 2009
Julian Borger, "Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead design - secret
report?," Guardian, November 5, 2009
Russia has no evidence Iran trying to build nukes," Reuters,
December 3, 2009
[There is definitely concern about Iran's future intentions, but as I've
always said, I can't read future intentions. . . . There have been
allegations that Iran has done some studies on weaponization - I emphasize
these are alleged studies, not the manufacture of nuclear weapons - but
even your own national intelligence estimate concluded that they stopped
this in 2003. . . . Is there a risk? There is always a risk. But the
approach should be "Yes, we are concerned, but we are not panicked." And
then you try to find a solution that is not based on panic.--Joby Warrick,
"A nuclear watchdog's parting shots: A conversation
with Mohamed ElBaradei," Washington Post, December 6, 2009]
[Article V of the NPT states clearly that, "[n]othing in this treaty shall
be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the parties to the
treaty to develop research, production, and use of nuclear energy for
peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with articles I
and II of this treaty." As Iran has never been found in violation of the NPT
- has never been found to have diverted nuclear materials for non-peaceful
purposes - this legislation seeking to deny Iran the right to enrichment
even for peaceful purposes itself violates the NPT.--Ron Paul, "Sanctioning
Iran a Dangerous, Illegal Move,", December 16, 2009]
[Iran says it can produce its own fuel, although that could provoke an
international furor because it would need to enrich uranium to 19.75 percent
- a level technologically closer to weapons-grade material.--Thomas Erdbrink
and William Branigin, "In Iran, nuclear issue is also a medical
one," Washington Post, December 20, 2009]
Norman Dombey, "This is no smoking gun, nor Iranian bomb: Nothing in the
published 'intelligence documents' shows Iran is close to having nuclear
weapons," Guardian, December 22, 2009
Gareth Porter, "US
Intelligence admits Iran nuke document forged," Middle East Online,
December 31, 2009
Aresu Eqbali, "Iran gives West ultimatum to accept uranium
swap," AFP, January 2, 2010
[Former Central Intelligence Agency official Philip Giraldi has said U.S.
intelligence judges the "nuclear trigger" document to be a forgery--Gareth
Porter, "New
Revelations Tear Holes in Nuclear Trigger Story," IPS, January 5,
[A general who was once in charge of Israel's nuclear weapons has claimed
that Iran is a "very, very, very long way from building a nuclear
Brigadier-General Uzi Eilam, 75, a war hero and pillar of the defence
establishment, believes it will probably take Iran seven years to make
nuclear weapons. --Uzi Mahnaimi, "Israeli general Brigadier-General Uzi Eilam denies Iran is nuclear
threat," Sunday Times, January 10, 2010]
Jim Lobe, "Sanctions,
regime change take center stage," Asia Times, January 29, 2010
Carol Driver, "'Nobel Peace Prize-winner Barack Obama ups spending on nuclear weapons
to even more than George Bush'," Daily Mail, January 29, 2010
[President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he could agree to sending partially
enriched uranium to foreign countries for processing into fuel rods that
would then be returned to Iran. Thus he outlined more or less what the
United Nations has asked of Iran in recent negotiations, but which it had
previously rejected.--David Usborne, "'Iran 'will comply over uranium'',"
Independent, February 3, 2010]
[President Barack Obama gave a speech that many have interpreted as a
commitment to significant nuclear disarmament.
Now, however, the White House is requesting one of the larger increases in
warhead spending history. --Greg Mello, "The Obama disarmament paradox," Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, February 4, 2010]
M J Rosenberg, "'Senate Passes AIPAC's Iran Sanctions Bill in Five
Minutes'," Huffington Post, February 9, 2010
[Tehran has offered to swap its low-enriched uranium for fuel rods from
Europe and Russia. But Iran says the swap must be simultaneous, while the
US-led Western powers demand Iran hand over its 22 lbs of uranium first,
then get the fuel rods at some later date - if it behaves.--Eric Margolis,
"Iran's Ahmadinejad Strikes Again,", February 15, 2010]
[ . . . the Institute for Science and International Security . . . is saying
Iran cannot make usable fuel for the nuclear power plant it is building, and
Gibbs is saying Iran lacks the capability to make fuel rods for its research
reactor.--Patrick J. Buchanan, "Is Iran Running a Bluff?,", February 16,
[Rigi is bound to spill the beans - he may already have begun - and much is
going to surface about the covert activities by the US forces based in
Afghanistan to subvert Iran by hobnobbing with Jundallah, which, incidentally, is
also known to have links with al-Qaeda.--M K Bhadrakumar, "Jundallah
arrest proves timely for Iran,", February 26, 2010]
[You do not need a degree in nuclear physics or chemical engineering to
see that the New York Times story
is, quite simply, false. . . .
First, the story's lead attributes to the report statements of fact that the IAEA
does not make - and has never made. Instead of stating that "Iran Worked on
Warhead," the IAEA says that it is concerned about the possible existence of
past or current activities related to the development of a nuclear payload.
. . .
Second, the report does not state or claim that the IAEA has any new
information about the possibility of a nuclear weapons program. The report
contains no relevant new or different facts, evidence, conclusions, or
"declarations." On the contrary, the IAEA (at paragraph 40) is emphatic that
it is summarizing information about potential military application
previously reported in detail--Peter Casey, "Read the IAEA Reports on Iran,",
March 1, 2010]
[Finally, the report prominently mentions the Security Council Resolutions
against Iran. As I have explained elsewhere, sending Iran's nuclear dossier
to the Security Council, which was the basis for approving resolutions 1737,
1747, 1803, and 1835 against Iran, was completely illegal and against the
IAEA Status. Thus, even the legality of the Security Council resolutions is
questionable.--Muhammad Sahimi, "Politicizing the IAEA against Iran,",
March 13, 2010]
[A recently published report by the Central Intelligence Agency says Iran is
still working on building a nuclear weapon despite some technical setbacks
and international resistance -- and the Pentagon say it's still concerned
about Iran's ambitions.
But, as blogger George Maschke notes, that statement is categorically false.
The actual report, to which the Fox article links and which the DNI was
required by Congress to submit, says no such thing. Rather, this is its core
"We continue to assess Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear
weapons though we do not know whether Tehran eventually will decide to
produce nuclear weapons. Iran continues to develop a range of capabilities
that could be applied to producing nuclear weapons, if a decision is made to
do so."--Glenn Greenwald, "'Reporting' on Iran should seem familiar,", March 31, 2010]
Pepe Escobar, "Nuclear
Obama," Asia Times, April 15, 2010
[ . . . we ought to keep this relatively minor "threat" in perspective, and
not allow the usual threat-inflators to stampede us into another unnecessary
war.Stephen M. Walt, "More hype about Iran?,", April 20, 2010]
FACTBOX: "What is the nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty," Reuters, April 29, 2010
Ahmadinejad Remarks at the Review Conference of the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty,", May 3, 2010
Grant Smith, "How US Weapons Grade Uranium Was
Diverted to Israel,", May 10, 2010
[The White House noted the $80 billion in funding for the nuclear stockpile
came on top of more than $100 billion in additional investments in nuclear
delivery systems, like nuclear submarines.--Susan Cornwell and Phil Stewart,
wants $80 billion to upgrade nuclear arms complex," Reuters, May 13,
[In 2009 all sixteen US intelligence agencies issued a unanimous report that
Iran had abandoned its weapons program in 2003.--Paul Craig Roberts, "Hillary Clinton's Latest Lies,", July 10,
[Muddling on with the status quo is not a grown-up policy. The International
Energy Agency says the world must invest $26 trillion (£16.7 trillion) over
the next 20 years to avert an energy shock. The scramble for scarce fuel is
already leading to friction between China, India, and the West.
There is no certain bet in nuclear physics but work by Nobel laureate Carlo
Rubbia at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) on the use of
thorium as a cheap, clean and safe alternative to uranium in reactors may be
the magic bullet we have all been hoping for, though we have barely begun to
crack the potential of solar power.--Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "Obama could
kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thorium,"
Telegraph, August 29, 2010]
["I have to question what the Prague speech was all about," Hosokawa said,
referring to Obama's epoch-making 2009 speech in the Czech capital declaring
that "the United States will take concrete steps toward a world without
nuclear weapons."--"Japan alarmed at
U.S. subcritical test,", October 15, 2010]
[Plan to spend $10bn on updating nuclear bombs goes against 2010 pledge not
to deploy new weapons, say critics--Julian Borger, "Obama accused of nuclear U-turn as guided weapons plan emerges,", April 21, 2013]
Muhammad Sahimi, "Iran Has a Right to Enrich -- And America Already Recognized
It,", November 19, 2013
Julian Borger, "Marshall Islands sues nine nuclear powers over failure to
disarm,", April 24, 2014
[This expansion comes under a president who campaigned for "a nuclear-free world"
and made disarmament a main goal of American defense policy.--William J Broad and David
E Sanger, "U.S. Ramping Up Major Renewal in Nuclear
Arms,", April 24, 2014]
James Carroll, "How the President
Who Pledged to Banish Nuclear Weapons Is Enabling Their Renewal,", April 24, 2014
"Myths and Facts Regarding
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Regime,", 2015
Kris Osborn, "Pentagon Says It Needs $270 Billion to Upgrade
Nuclear Arsenal,", Jun 25, 2015
[How the B61-12 entered the U.S. arsenal of weapons is a tale of the extraordinary
influence of the "nuclear enterprise," . . .
This enterprise encompasses defense contractors, including the subsidiary of Lockheed
Martin Corp. that runs the Sandia labs for the government, as well as the U.S.
Department of Energy and the nuclear weapons-oriented wings of the U.S. military--Len
Ackland and Burt Hubbard, "Obama pledged to reduce nuclear arsenal, then came this
weapon,", July 14, 2015]
[the Pentagon plans to spend $1 trillion over 30 years on "an entire
new generation of nuclear bombs, bombers, missiles and submarines," including a
dozen submarines carrying more than 1,000 warheads, capable of decimating any country
anywhere. In the meantime, President Obama has ordered 200 new nuclear bombs deployed in
Europe.--Katrina vanden Heuvel, "The new nuclear arms race,", December 15, 2015]
[Nuclear powers including the United States have boycotted the negotiations for such a
treaty--Rick Gladstone, "U.N. Panel Releases Draft of Treaty to Ban Nuclear Arms,",
May 22, 2017]
two-thirds of U.N. states agree treaty to ban nuclear weapons,",
July 7, 2017
[There is no historical example of an imperial power renouncing its interests in
compliance with a paper agreement. It only abides with agreements when it has no other
options.--James Petras, "Imperial Road to Conquest:
Peace and Disarmament Agreements,", April 30, 2018]
This is the weapon that could make the previously "unthinkable" thinkable.--James
Carroll, "The Most Dangerous Weapon Ever Rolls Off the Nuclear
Assembly Line,", February 14, 2019]
Joseph Trevithick, "New Low-Yield Nuclear Warheads Have
Been Delivered,", December 29, 2020