"The New Scramble for
Africa," The Wisdom Fund, June 1, 2005
"Sudan President Charged With War
Crimes," The Wisdom Fund, March 4, 2009
[Booklist: Griswold may be the first to explain how global warming
intensifies religious conflict. For as she travels the climactically
vulnerable region near 10 degrees latitude, she sees climate change
exacerbating tensions dividing 700 million Muslims and 1.2 billion
Christians. These tensions emerge in probing interviews with religious
leaders - Christian and Muslim - aflame with spiritual passions now rare in
the secular West. Yet Griswold also discovers how the West has helped
incubate the region's interfaith hostility. It was, after all, Western
colonizers whose arbitrary boundaries helped harden religious differences:
in Sudan, for instance, the British established the tenth parallel as a
partition between the Islamic north and the Christian south. More recently,
it was the U.S.-led invasion of distant Afghanistan that triggered bloody
clashes between Muslim and Christian mobs in the Middle Belt of
Nigeria.--Eliza Griswold, "The
Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from the Fault Line Between Christianity and
Islam," Farrar, Straus and Giroux (August 17, 2010)
[Sudan, like most countries in Africa, is multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and
multi-religious. In some ways it is a microcosm of Africa. Just like the
United States found a way to resolve enough of its issues to remain one
country, and later become a great power, Sudan has a greater chance of
realizing its potential if, even at this late date, it can resolve enough of
its problems to stay united.
Howard University professor Dr. Mae King gave the analogy recently that if a
"Gallop Poll" were taken in 1865 at the end of the Civil War in the
confederacy, there is no doubt that the majority would have voted for
succession. This is the case with southern Sudanese. Many have suffered a
lifetime of war and poverty.
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) effectively ended the war in 2005
between the north and the south, and for the most part, it has held up and
been implemented. It contained a "poison pill" of a vote next year allowing
southern Sudanese to vote to keep the country together or to
separate.--Hodari Abdul-Ali, "Sudan Needs Unity," washingtoninformer.com, November 11, 2010]
[Sudan is sub-Saharan Africa's third-largest oil producer, behind Nigeria
and Angola.--Maggie Fick, "Control of Sudan's oil a big issue in January vote:
Control of Sudan's oil moves south after January referendum vote, but
pipelines run in north," AP, December 23, 2010]
Alan Boswell, "China shifts stance in Sudan, advancing prospects
for partition," McClatchy Newspapers, December 24, 2010
[Obama's Uganda surge is also a classic Pipelineistan gambit. The possibly
"billions of barrels" of oil reserves discovered recently in sub-Saharan
Africa are located in the sensitive cross-border of Uganda, South Sudan, the
Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo.--Pepe
Escobar, "The US
power grab in Africa," atimes.com, October 21, 2011]
"Sudan claims Israeli airstrikes
behind explosion in military factory in capital, Khartoum,"
Associated Press, October 23, 2012