by Enver Masud
A key foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama, Samantha Power, was forced to
resign today after describing Hillary Clinton as a monster. Obama is better
off without Power.
We know Power primarily from her television appearances on the subject
of Darfur. We don't recall her mentioning the Chinese oil concessions (desired by
U.S. companies), and the diminishing farmlands in the north (attributed to
global warming) which caused herders there to migrate south where they came
into conflict with farmers.
Nor did Power mention that among the 200,000 Darfurians who have died, a
World Food Program report says that
about 20% died due to violence, and 80% died mainly from starvation and from
Meanwhile, she appeared to ignore the far worse
crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. More people have died there
than in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Darfur combined - 5.4 million by some
The late Senator Lantos played a major role in the Darfur
deception, just like he did in the deception leading to the first Gulf
A high point of the public relations campaign against Iraq, was the
testimony of a Kuwaiti refugee, before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus
on October 15, 1990, who told of Iraqi troops removing over 300 babies from
incubators in Kuwait City hospital, and dumping them on the floor to die.
On January 6, 1992, John R. MacArthur, publisher of Harper's Magazine and
author of "Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War,"
revealed in a New York Times Op-Ed that "Nayirah," the alleged refugee, was
the daughter of Saud al-Sabah, Kuwait's ambassador to the United States, and
that Hill and Knowlton, a large public relations firm, had helped prepare
her testimony, which she had rehearsed before video cameras in the firm's
Washington office.
"The chairmen of the Congressional group, Tom Lantos, a California Democrat,
and John Edward Porter, an Illinois Republican, explained that Nayirah's
identity would be kept secret to protect her family from reprisals in
occupied Kuwait" wrote MacArthur.
Henry Parr, "How
Far Should U.N. Go to Protect Civilians?," IPS, July 24, 2009
[ . . . the main obstacle to the implementation of a genuine R2P are
precisely the policies and the attitudes of the countries that are most
enthusiastic about this doctrine, namely the Western countries, and in
particular the US. Jean Bricmont, "Bombing for a
Juster World? The Problem With the 'Responsibility to Protect',", July 28, 2009]
[As a human-rights entrepreneur who is also a tireless advocate of war,
Samantha Power is not aberrant. Elite factions of the human-rights industry
were long ago normalized within the tightly corseted spectrum of American
foreign policy. Sarah Sewell, the recent head of the Carr Center for Human
Rights at Harvard, has written a slavering introduction to the new Army and
Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual: human-rights tools can help the
U.S. armed forces run better pacification campaigns in conquered territory.
The Save Darfur campaign, more organized than any bloc of the peace movement
in the U.S., continues to call for some inchoate military strike against
Sudan (with Power's vocal support) even though this disaster's genocide
status is doubtful and despite an expert consensus that bombing Khartoum
would do less than nothing for the suffering refugees. Meanwhile, the
influential liberal think tank the Center for American Progress also appeals
to human rights in its call for troop escalations in Afghanistan - the better
to "engage" the enemy.--Chase Madar, "Samantha Power and
the weaponization of human rights,", September 1, 2009]
Enver Masud, "Reply to CSID's Open
Letter Opposing the No-fly Zone," The Wisdom Fund, March 22, 2011
[Power was cashiered from the campaign over a public insult to Hillary
Clinton, and appointed to a lowly human-rights position at Obama's National
Security Council, but has since emerged as Obama's lead adviser on the
Middle East. . . .
Power is not only insidious, however, but also incompetent. Her Pulitzer
Prize for human-rights reporting did not prepare her for the unpleasant
realities on the ground in the Middle East. She shot her bolt prematurely
over Libya, landing America in an embarrassment.--David P Goldman, "Israel the
winner in the Arab revolts,", April 12, 2011]
[The bar for preventing genocide may well have been set too high in the
past, as she argues. But she, in turn, may be setting it too low, providing
an ideological smokescreen for the use of American military force in dubious
circumstances, something she never adequately addresses. She runs the risk
of exposing America to the charge of hypocrisy for not intervening in
countries where brutal mistreatment of the local population is taking place,
as in Zimbabwe, while providing a validating and dangerously palatable logic
for American overextension. Power's solution to the conundrum that has
bedeviled the Democratic Party since Vietnam - when to sanction the use of
force abroad - is to support wars of national liberation. This is likely not a
solution at all.
In a speech in 2006, Power told graduating students at Santa Clara
University Law School "to demand that our representatives are attentive to
the human consequences of their decision making." The new round of
engagements abroad by the Obama administration may well come to be seen as
the last glimmerings of American hubris. "Kings can have subjects," George
F. Kennan once observed, "it is a question whether a republic can."
It would be no small irony if, in her zeal to reshape American foreign
policy in the image of liberal internationalism, Power were to usher in its
demise.--Jacob Heilbrunn, "Samantha
and Her Subjects," The National Interest, April 19, 2011]
Chase Madar, "Samantha Power and the Weaponization of Human
Rights,", June 6, 2013
Finian Cunningham, "Power in the service
of Power,", August 2, 2015