by Michael Gavshon and Drew Magratten
Right now there's a war taking place in the heart of Africa, in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, and more people have died there than in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and Darfur combined.
You probably haven't heard much about it, but as CNN's Anderson Cooper
reports, it's the deadliest conflict since World War II. Within the last ten
years, more than four million people have died and the numbers keep rising.
As Cooper and a 60 Minutes team found when they went there a few months ago,
the most frequent targets of this hidden war are women. It is, in fact, a
war against women, and the weapon used to destroy them, their families and
whole communities, is rape. . . .
To understand what is happening here, you have to go back more than a
decade, when the genocide that claimed nearly a million lives in neighboring
Rwanda spilled over into Congo. Since then, the Congolese army,
foreign-backed rebels, and home-grown militias have been fighting each other
over power and this land, which has some of the world's biggest deposits of
gold, copper, diamonds, and tin. The United Nations was called in and today
their mission is the largest peacekeeping operation in history.
Since 2005, some 17,000 UN troops and personnel have cobbled together a
fragile peace. Last year they oversaw the first democratic election in this
country in 40 years. But now all they have accomplished is at risk. Fighting
has broken out once again in Eastern Congo and the region threatens to slip
into all out war.
Each new battle is followed by pillaging and rape; entire communities are
terrorized. Forced to flee their homes, people take whatever they can, and
walk for miles in the desperate hope of finding food and shelter. Over the
last year, more than 500,000 people have been uprooted. A fraction of them
make it to cramped camps, where they depend on UN aid to survive. . . .
According to the CIA World Factbook, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Roman
Catholic 50%, Protestant 20%, Kimbanguist 10%, Muslim 10%, other 10%.
Christian or Christianity were not mentioned by CBS or CNN. Contrast this
with their frequent mention of Muslim and Islam when covering majority
Muslim states.
Enver Masud, "If Hutus And Tutsis Were
Muslim Media Would Say So," The Wisdom Fund, December 10, 1996
Enver Masud, "Holocaust
Remembrance Veils Criminal Policies," The Wisdom Fund, April 22,
David Leigh and David Pallister, "The
New Scramble For Africa," Guardian, June 1, 2005
Zack Pelta-Heller, "Flight of the Child
Soldiers," AlterNet, May 19, 2006
[The National Team has three core tasks: to investigate the Presidential
Guard members who murdered Rwanda's intelligentsia; to investigate the
political and military leaders behind the extermination programs; and to
investigate the plane crash that kills the two presidents and triggers the
The earliest and most widely held theory blames Hutu extremists for shooting
down the plane, over anger at the peace talks between Hutu and Tutsi leaders
in Arusha, Tanzania. But some point the finger at Tutsi rebel leader Paul
Kagame, claiming he is upset by the progress of the talks and knows the
upheaval sparked by the plane crash will legitimise his invasion and begin
his march to power.
In 2000, Kagame becomes president. . . .
"I never realised that we may be compromising the investigation. I didn't
understand the politics of the region. I didn't realise that Paul Kagame had
been trained by the US, supported by the US. I thought that we were keeping
the call discrete from the French and the Belgians. I never thought of the
US. It was a blunder."--Nick McKenzie, "Uncovering Rwanda's secrets," The Age, February 10, 2007]
Robert Menard and Stephen Smith, "Darfur
Needs Peace, Not Peacekeepers," Los Angeles Times, April 14, 2007
[ . . . the Democratic Republic of Congo (70% Christian) . . . has received a
fraction of the media attention devoted to Darfur.--Roger Howard, "Where
anti-Arab prejudice and oil make the difference," Guardian, May 16,
Craig Timberg, "Report: Congo's War and Aftermath Have Killed 5.4
Million," Washington Post, January 23, 2008
Chris McGreal, "War in
Congo kills 45,000 people each month," Guardian, January 23, 2008
VIDEO: Corporations Reaping
Millions as Congo Suffers Deadliest Conflict Since World War II,", January 23, 2008
[There are two stories about how this war began - the official story, and
the true story. The official story is that after the Rwandan genocide, the
Hutu mass murderers fled across the border into Congo. The Rwandan
government chased after them. But it's a lie. How do we know? The Rwandan
government didn't go to where the Hutu genocidaires were, at least not at
first. They went to where Congo's natural resources were - and began to
pillage them. They even told their troops to work with any Hutus they came
across. Congo is the richest country in the world for gold, diamonds,
coltan, cassiterite, and more. Everybody wanted a slice - so six other
countries invaded.--Johann Hari, "How we fuel Africa's bloodiest
war," Independent, October 30, 2008]
[ . . . the Bush administration was trying to do was to justify the
militarization of Africa. In other words, the early seeds, the growth of
AFRICOM. It wanted a reason, an excuse, to, if you like, secure Africa,
primarily for its oil resources, the gradually increasing threat of China on
the continent. . . . the war on terror provided just such a reason.--"British Anthropologist
Jeremy Keenan on 'The Dark Sahara: America's War on Terror in
Africa',", August 6, 2009]
Mark Tran, "Northern Congo civilians 'need urgent aid': Agency says
rape, killing and child abduction rife and 40,000 people displaced as Lord's
Resistance Army fights military," Guardian, October 15, 2009
[Congolese groups are financing themselves with minerals such as gold and
the "three T's" - tin, tungsten and tantalum.--Mary Beth Sheridan, "U.S. financial reform bill also targets 'conflict
minerals' from Congo," Washington Post, July 21, 2010]