by Enver Masud
FREE ebook — "9/11 Unveiled" (Arabic, Chinese)
Muslims didn't do it — American Patriots
"Fatally Flawed: The 9/11 Commission Report" -- a talk scheduled for
November 1 at the NRECA Conference Center in Arlington, Virginia, including
the 90 min film by independent researchers on the destruction of the World
Trade Center -- is on the Internet at
If approached with an open mind, this presentation will lead you to the
conclusion that we were not told the truth about September 11, 2001 -- the
stated casus belli for the war on Afghanistan, and repeatedly linked to the war
on Iraq by President Bush, and Vice President Cheney.
Indeed there is prima facie evidence for the use of expertly placed
explosives to cause the collapse of 1, 2, and 7 World Trade Center.
The prime example is 7 World Trade Center --
its collapse in less than 7 seconds is most easily recognized as a
controlled demolition. The 9/11 Commission Report does not even mention
the collapse of this 47-story building, and the National Institute of
Standards and Technology has yet to produce its report.
Philanthropist Jimmy Walter has issued a "Million Dollar Challenge" -- the
first person to prove explosives were not used in the destruction of the
World Trade Center will receive a million dollars. The prize remains unclaimed.
The Iraq war alone is expected to cost the U.S. between one
and two trillion dollars according to Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. A
study directed by Johns Hopkins estimates over 650,000
Iraqis have died as a result, and 1.6 million have fled the country. Add to
this the cost in American lives, the destruction of Iraq's society,
institutions and infrastructure, and millions more maimed and wounded. In
the words of veteran journalist Robert Fisk, "We have turned Iraq into the
most hellish place on Earth."
It is now incumbent upon all Americans of conscience, specially leaders of
faith-based organizations, to speak out and demand the truth.
Muslim leaders, in particular, have
a special duty because most of this death and destruction has been inflicted
upon the Muslim world, and Muslims everywhere are the target of a new cold war with Islam -- of which my
former colleague at Eastern Times, Mowahid H. Shah, wrote in the Christian
Science Monitor, July 30, 1990.
And now that it is clear that the Bush administration manipulated the
intelligence on Iraq there is the matter of compensation for the victims of
U.S. aggression -- the "Supreme International
Crime" in the words of former Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson,
chief U.S. prosecutor at the first Nuremberg trial. The United Nations
Compensation Commission approved $52.5 billion in claims
against Iraq for its invasion of
Kuwait in 1990.
Enver Masud, an engineering management consultant, founded The Wisdom Fund
in 1995. He is the recipient of the 2002 Human Rights Foundation Gold Award,
the author of over 100 articles on U.S. foreign policy, and contributing
author of 9/11 and American Empire. He managed the U.S. National Power Grid
Study at the U.S. Dept. of Energy, and established the Operations Review
Division in Iowa. Consulting for USAID, and the World Bank, he has worked in
Albania, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Latvia, Pakistan, Russia, and
Enver Masud, "The Book Hugo Chavez Should Have
Held Up," The Wisdom Fund, September 24, 2006
"The 9/11 Commission Report:
Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
States," July 22, 2004
Enver Masud, "Iraq: Divide and Rule, 'Ethnic
Cleansing Works'," The Wisdom Fund, October 10, 2006