"U.S.-Backed Israel Pounds Lebanon, Thousands Flee,"
The Wisdom Fund, July 13, 2006
[The purpose of the ICTI would be to investigate and prosecute Israeli war
crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon
and Palestine--just as the ICTY did for the victims of international crimes
committed by Serbia and the Milosevic Regime throughout the
Balkans.--Francis A. Boyle, "A War Crimes Tribunal
May be the Only Deterrent to a Global War," counterpunch.com, August 1,
"Fatal Strikes:
Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon," Human
Rights Watch, August 3, 2006
[I am told that the Israelis informed George W Bush in advance of their
plans to "destroy" Hezbollah by bombing villages in southern Lebanon. The
Americans duly informed the British.--John Kampfner, "Blood on his
hands," New Statesman, August 7, 2006]
Justin Raimondo, "The New Munich:
Lebanon, 2006, and Czechoslovakia, 1938 - the historical parallels,"
antiwar.com, August 7, 2006
[During much of the 1980's, the United States maintained a moratorium on
selling cluster munitions to Israel, following disclosures that civilians in
Lebanon had been killed with the weapons during the 1982 Israeli
invasion.--David S. Cloud, "
Israel asks U.S. to ship rockets with wide blast," New York Times,
August 11, 2006]
[Israel's assault on Lebanon was planned even before Hizbullah attacked and
was aimed at driving a wedge between the different faiths that have been
living in harmony in the country--Elaine Engeler, "World Council of Churches: Israel planned to
destroy Lebanon," Haaretz, August 17, 2006]
[Mine-clearing teams scrambling across the region have logged 89 cluster
bomb sites so far, and expect to find about 110 more. . . . Cluster bombs
are permitted under international law, but UN and human rights officials
claim Israel violated provisions forbidding their use in urban
areas.--Declan Walsh, "Unexploded
cluster bombs prompt fear and fury in returning
refugees," Guardian, August 21, 2006]
Nogueira Investigates the Lasting Dangers of Unexploded Israeli Cluster
Bombs," democracynow.org, August 23, 2006
[Amnesty International has accused Israel of committing war crimes by
deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure in Lebanon.--"Israel accused
over 'war crimes'," BBC News, August 23, 2006]
[An estimated 237,000 artillery shells were fired during the war--Zvi
Zrahiya, "Lebanon
Conflict Cost NIS 11.2 Billion in Military Expenses Alone,"
envirosagainstwar.org, September 10, 2006]
Meron Rappaport, "IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in
Lebanon," Haaretz, September 12, 2006
Gideon Alon, "French forces:
Stop Lebanon overflights or we'll open fire," Haaretz, October 18, 2006
"Official: Israel used phosphorous bombs," Associated Press,
October 23, 2006
[In 1982, it denied using phosphorous munitions on civilian areas - until
journalists discovered dying and dead civilians whose wounds caught fire
when exposed to air.
I saw two dead babies who, when taken from a mortuary drawer in West Beirut
during the Israeli siege of the city, suddenly burst back into
flames.--Robert Fisk, "Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb," Independent, October
28, 2006]
Steve Connor, "Phosphorus shells used in Lebanon invasion, UN says,"
Independent, November 8, 2006
[De-miners say up to one million unexploded cluster bombs in Lebanon will
pose a threat to civilians for years.--Imogen Foulkes, "New bomb clean-up
treaty begins," BBC News, November 12, 2006]
"Israeli PM says Lebanon war was pre-planned: report," Reuters,
March 8, 2007
[A new report, written by a respected Israeli human rights organization, one
representing the country's Arab minority, not its Jewish majority, has
unearthed evidence showing that during the fighting Israel committed war
crimes not only against Lebanese civilians - as was already known - but also
against its own Arab citizens.--Jonathan Cook, "Evidence of
Israeli 'Cowardly Blending' Comes to Light," antiwar.com, January 5,
Richard Irvine, "UK rewrites war crimes law at Israel’s
request," electronicintifada.net, October 1, 2011