by Steven R. Weisman and John H. Cushman Jr.
The Bush administration, trying to rescue its troubled plan to restore
sovereignty to Iraq, is joining Iraqi leaders to press the United Nations to
play a role in choosing an interim government in Baghdad, administration
officials said Thursday.
L. Paul Bremer III, the American administrator in Baghdad, and an Iraqi
delegation led by Adnan Pachachi, the current chairman of the Iraqi
Governing Council, will make an urgent appeal on Monday for greater United
Nations involvement, the officials said.
In Iraq on Thursday, tens of thousands of demonstrators put pressure on the
United States to change its plans, marching in Basra to support calls by
Iraq's leading Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, for direct
The new move involved yet another change in strategy for an administration
under pressure from shifting events in Iraq. . . .
Faisal Bodi, "The West, Not Islam,
is the Real Enemy of Democracy," The Guardian, January 13, 2003
David Rohde, "Iraqis Were Set to Vote, But
U.S. Wielded a Veto," New York Times, June 19, 2003
Enver Masud, "New Constitution a
Pretext for Exploiting Iraq," The Wisdom Fund, September 16, 2003
Noah Feldman, "A New Democracy, Enshrined
in Faith," New York Times, November 13, 2003
Nicolas Pelham, "UK officials say Iraq elections by
June viable," Financial Times, January 19, 2004
Jonathan Steele, "Why the
US is running scared of elections in Iraq: Washington's plan to transfer
power without a direct vote is a fraud," The Guardian, January 19, 2004
David Lindorff, "Rigged
Votes and Puppet Governments," CounterPunch, January 21, 2004
Naomi Klein, "Of course
the White House fears free elections in Iraq: Only an appointocracy can be
trusted to accept US troops and corporations," The Guardian, January
24, 2004
[A thorough assessment should find that elections are not only possible, but
necessary - and one hopes the Bush administration will be persuaded to
agree. Otherwise we will be left with a troubling contradiction: President
Bush insisting that he has liberated 25 million Iraqis from tyranny, while
at the same time denying them the right to self-determination.--Dilip Hiro,
"One Iraqi,
One Vote?," New York Times, January 27, 2004]
Steven R. Weisman, "Bush
Presses U.N. to Mediate Iraqi Clash on Rule," New York Times, February 4, 2004