[A U.S. warship fighting gunboats in the Persian Gulf yesterday
mistook an Iranian civilian jetliner for an attacking Iranian F14
fighter plane and blew it out of the hazy sky with a heat-seeking
missile, the Pentagon announced. Iran said 290 persons were aboard
the European-made A300 Airbus and that all had perished.--George C.
Wilson, "Navy
Missile Downs Iranian Jetliner on 4th of July," Washington Post, July 4, 1988]
trillion lawsuit filed by 9/11 families," CNNfn, April 16, 2002
[On July 1, 2002, a U.S. AC-130 gunship attacked and strafed four
villages in the Deh Rawud district of Uruzagan, killing more than 60
innocent Afghans and wounding about 120 others. The American troops
which occupied the villages offered tents and blankets as
compensation. A week later, the U.S.-installed and backed Karzai
regime offered the Afghan wedding victims $18,500 in compensation,
or about $100 per victim -- the payments were $200 on behalf of each
individual killed and $75 for each wounded person, . . .
The Times of India caustically noted that about $40,000 was spent on
the rehabilitation of every sea otter affected by the Exxon Valdez
oil spill in Alaska.--Marc W.
Herold, "The Value of a
Dead Afghan: Revealed and Relative," Cursor, July 21, 2002]
[Millions of dollars have been awarded in such cases including $55.4
million to the family of a Marine colonel murdered in Lebanon in
1989 and $41.2 million to Terry Anderson, the former Associated
Press Beirut bureau chief who was held hostage for more than six
of Sept. 11 Victims Sue Bin Laden Supporters," Fox News, August
15, 2002]
[The world's worst industrial accident happened in the Indian city
of Bhopal around midnight on December 3 1984. The date and scale of
the disaster are among the few undisputed facts. But Bhopal didn't
just happen in 1984: it has been happening ever since. Babies are
born with monstrous deformities. Young people are physically twisted
and brain damaged by the ongoing contamination. Older people are
spluttering out their lives, their lungs, eyes and other organs
corrupted by the gas that spewed from the Union Carbide pesticide
plant, after a tank containing 40 tonnes of lethal methyl isocyanate
(MIC) exploded.
. . . around 4,000
people were killed in the hours after the gas leak, and another 200,000
subsequently affected. Even now, however, there are any number of
counter-bids in the grisly auction of death and suffering. Some put the
initial death toll at 2,000; others at 8,000. (The latter is more plausible,
given that around 7,000 shrouds were sold in Bhopal in the three days after
the leak.) The office of Bhopal's medical commissioner registered 22,149
directly related deaths up to December 1999. But the fact is, we will never
know the exact figure. Whole families were wiped out, and had no living
relatives to report their passing. Others were buried or cremated quickly.
At the railway station, where a tribe of Gypsies was encamped, everyone
perished; no one was left alive to say who they were. . . .
In 1989, while the Supreme Court was still considering the company's
latest submissions, the government settled out of court for just
$470m - less than a tenth of the compensation Exxon paid after the
Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, an incident that killed nobody.
Around $240m still sits in government coffers. The most recent
official records available, published in 2000, show that 8,394
claims of personal injury and 570 claims relating to deaths were
still to be decided. Some 550,000 injury awards had been made, at an
average of $529 per person. More than 14,000 awards had been made to
families of the dead, at an average of $1,170. At the same time,
more than 450,000 claims had been rejected, many on pettifogging
grounds to do with incorrect form-filling.
The pursuit of criminal justice has been no less shambolic. In the
hours after the blast, Union Carbide's chairman, Warren Anderson,
decided against most advice to fly to Bhopal from the company's
Connecticut headquarters. It was a principled decision and, for him,
a bad one. To his horror, he was promptly arrested. The central
government in Delhi, eager to maintain and attract foreign
investment, was every bit as horrified as Anderson, and within 24
hours he had been freed on bail of 25,000 rupees (less than £1,500).
He gave an undertaking that he would return to face any subsequent
court summons, and then left the country, never to return.--Derek
Brown, "The dead zone," The Guardian, September 21, 2002]
"Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death,"
ACFTV, February 4, 2003
"Iraq Civilian Body Count Passes 6,000,"
Reuters, July 9, 2003
[Herrold said the way in which Washington assigned relative values to life
was more worrying in the international sphere, because it might even guide
foreign policy.
These equations probably guided the way a war was run in Afghanistan, he
said. "Afghans are at the bottom of the totem pole, below Palestinians,
below Iraqis," he said. --Andrew Chang, "What
Price, Life? It Depends on Who You Are, and What Your Country's Worth,"
Reuters, September 4, 2003]
[If the US were to lift its sanctions, unlikely in the current
climate, the families will each receive another $4m. If Libya is
removed from the state department's list of terror sponsors, they
will get an additional $2m - a total of $10m for each family. If the
US does not lift its sanctions within eight months, the families
will receive only $1m more, or $5m per victim.--Gary Younge and
Brian Whitaker, "Lockerbie relatives
see UN end Libya sanctions," Guardian, September 13, 2003]
[In a report last month, Human Rights Watch concluded that "US
soldiers at present operate with virtual impunity in Iraq" and
accused them of over-aggressive tactics, indiscriminate shooting and
a quick reliance on lethal force.--Rory McCarthy, "No regrets or culprits, just cash for series of random
killings," Guardian, November 26, 2003]
[Relatives of 170 victims of the bombing of a French airliner in 1989 have
signed a $170m payout deal with Libya.--"Libya signs UTA
bombing payout," BBC News, January 9, 2004]
Jeffrey Gettleman, "For Iraqis in Harm's Way, $5,000
and 'I'm Sorry'," New York Times, March 17, 2004
Kamal Ahmed, "Iraqis lose right to sue troops over war crimes: Military win
immunity pledge in deal on UN vote," The Observer, May 23, 2004
[The families or loved ones of civilians killed on Sept. 11 received, on
average, $3.1 million in government and charitable awards.--David W. Chen,
Study Puts Sept. 11 Payout at $38 Billion," New York Times, November 9,
[Families suffering a death, serious injury or property damage can receive a
one-time payment of as much as $2,500.--Jackie Spinner, "Rebuilding
What the Assault Turns to Rubble," Washington Post, November 10, 2004]
[In 2001 three families of Cuban-American pilots whose planes were shot down
by Cuba were paid damages totalling $97m.--Stephen Gibbs, "Cuba sued over
death of CIA pilot," BBC, November 19, 2004]
"U.S. jury
hits alleged Hamas backers with $156m damages," Reuters, December 9,
[On December 3, 1984, huge amounts of toxic gas leaked from the Union
Carbide pesticide factory in Bhopal, poisoning hundreds of thousands of
people, and killing thousands, the biggest and deadliest chemical disaster
of all time. Today, hundreds of thousands of people still suffer. Drinking
water for at least sixteen nearby communities remains severely polluted,
while, to date, no court of law anywhere in the world has ever held Union
Carbide or any of its officers responsible for what happened that
night.--VIDEO: "Litigating Disaster," LinkTV, June 12, 2005]
[The insurance payout to the beneficiaries of an American soldier who dies
in the line of duty is $400,000, while in the eyes of the U.S. government, a
dead Iraqi civilian is reportedly worth up to $2,500 in condolence
payments--Andrew J. Bacevich, "What's an Iraqi Life Worth?," Washington Post,
July 9, 2006]
"U.S. court awards
$48 million to victim of Palestinian terrorism," Associated Press, February 8, 2007
[The Pentagon has set $2,500 as the highest individual sum that can be paid.
. . . "the full market value may be paid for a Toyota run over by a tank in
the course of a non-combat related accident, but only $2,500 may be paid for
the death of a child shot in the crossfire."--"The Measure of a Life, in Dollars and Cents,"
Washington Post, June 18, 2007]
[A federal judge yesterday ordered Iran to pay more than $2.6 billion to
nearly 1,000 family members and a handful of survivors of a 1983 bombing of
a Marine barracks in Lebanon that killed 241 soldiers.--Glenn Kessler, "Iran Must Pay $2.6 Billion for '83 Attack,"
Washington Post, September 8, 2007]
[The EPA's estimate of the "value of a statistical life" was $6.9m as
of this May - down from $7.8m five years ago - according to an Associated
Press study released today.--Elana Schor, "US environmental
agency lowers value of a human life," Guardian, July 11, 2008]
Andrew Buncombe, "The cursed children of Bhopal," Independent,
November 19, 2008
"U.S. orders PA
to pay $116 million to family of terror victims," Haaretz, May 15, 2009
[Amnesty International will this week call on the Indian government and Dow
Chemicals, which bought Union Carbide in 2001, to take "urgent and decisive
action" to ensure that the accused appear in court - more than 20 years
after arrest warrants were first issued. Dow continues to deny any
responsibility for the criminal case.--Nina Lakhani, "Bhopal: The victims are still being
born," Independent, November 29, 2009]
[The death of a child or adult is worth $1,500-$2,500, loss of limb and
other injuries $600-$1,500, a damaged or destroyed vehicle $500-$2,500, and
damage to a farmer's fields $50-$250.--Christopher Torcha, "US compensates
Afghans for death, damage from war," thestate.com, February 19, 2010]
Mark Townsend, "Nato draws up payout tariffs for Afghan civilian
deaths," Observer, February 28, 2010
[One million dollars for cancer. Two million dollars for death.--James Bone, "Damaged heroes of 9/11 are offered a share of $675m in
final payoff ," Times Online, March 13, 2010]
Raphael Ahren, "US court orders Syria to
pay $330 million to bereaved family of 2006 TA bombing victim,"
timesofisrael.com, May 15, 2012
Tracy Jarrett, "Fund to distribute nearly $61
million to victims of Boston Marathon bombings," nbcnews.com, June 29, 2013
[A 1984 explosion at a Union Carbide India Ltd. plant in Bhopal, India - widely considered
the worst industrial disaster in world history - left thousands dead and more than 500,000
exposed to deadly chemicals. Stratfor was hired by Dow Chemical to keep tabs on activist
groups like the Yes Men and Bhopal Medical Appeal - which were actively working to
publicize the issue and assist the victims.--Gabriella Coleman, "Bad, Bad
Barrett Brown," slate.com, January 23, 2015]
[each of the 53 hostages and their estates are set to receive up to $4.4 million, with
spouses and children eligible for a $600,000 payment.--Margaret Chadbourn and Benjamin
Siegel, "Iran Hostage Crisis: Victims Get Compensation 36 Years Later,"
abcnews.go.com, December 24, 2015]
Stephanie Kirchgaessner, "US to pay €1m to family of Italian aid worker killed in
drone strike," theguardian.com, September 16, 2016