[More bombs descended on Laos than on Germany and Japan combined during
World War II, making it the most bombed country in history. At least 80
percent of those killed were civilian farmers and villagers. And the U.S.
government did this illegally and secretly.--Tamara Straus, "When War Doesn't
End," AlterNet, January 7, 2002]
[Relying on wire services, NGO and worldwide newspaper reports, I
attempted to survey the bombing incidents to date and concluded that
more than 3,500 Afghan civilians had been killed.--Marc Herold, "Counting the dead," Guardian, August 8, 2002]
["According to Dai Williams, independent DU researcher, there has
been 50 to 100 times greater health hazard in Afghanistan than had
been in Balkans from the usage of uranium based weapons - depleted
uranium, dirty uranium and uranium ore."--Mohammed Daud Miraki, "Perpetual Death From
America," Rense.com, February 24, 2003]
[. . . new types of radioactive weapons may have been used in
Afghanistan. . . . "The results were astounding: the donors
presented concentrations of toxic and radioactive uranium isotopes
between 100 and 400 times greater than in the Gulf veterans tested
in 1999."--Alex Kirby, "Afghans
' uranium levels spark alert," BBC News Online, May 22, 2003]
["Eyewitnesses say when the prisoners began shouting for air,
U.S.-allied Afghan soldiers fired directly into the truck, killing
many of them. The rest suffered through an appalling road trip
lasting up to four days, so thirsty they clawed at the skin of their
fellow prisoners as they licked perspiration and even drank blood
from open wounds.
"They also say US Special Forces re-directed the containers
carrying the living and dead into the desert and stood by as
survivors were shot and buried. Now, up to three thousand bodies lie
buried in a mass grave.
"The film has sent shockwaves around the world. It has been broadcast on
national television in Britain, Germany, Italy and Australia. It has been
screened by the European parliament. It has outraged human rights groups and
international human rights lawyers. They are calling for investigation into
whether U.S. Special Forces are guilty of war crimes."--"'Afghan
Massacre: The Convoy of Death' - Broadcast for the First Time Ever in
the US: Eyewitnesses Testify that US Troops Were Complicit in the Massacre
of up to 3,000 Taliban Prisoners During the Afghan War," Democracy
Now, May 23, 2003]
[". . . the move is seen as logical by the US, which has been
attacked worldwide for breaching the Geneva Convention on prisoners
of war since it established the camp at a naval base to hold alleged
terrorists from Afghanistan."--"US plans death camp," Herald Sun (Australia), May 26,
Mike Collett-White, "U.S.
Military Vows to Keep Afghan Jails Secret," Reuters, May 19, 2004
VIDEO: What I find is that the US Marines act with impunity. They are
conducting cordon and search operations designed to humiliate and terrorise
the local community into compliance.--Carmela Baranowska, "Taliban Country," 2004
[. . . the bullet wound in his thigh, left untouched, was causing fever.
At Camp Rhino, Lindh, now under Marine Guard, was placed naked and
blindfolded on a stretcher and lashed to it with duct tape. He was then put
in a metal shipping container . . .
it was very cold in the room where Lindh was being held and he could hear
him shaking inside the container. . . When Lindh had to urinate, the metal
box was raised upright so the urine would flow out the bottom. Holes were
punched out of the metal siding for air. He was fed intermittently - about a
thousand calories a day--Richard D. Mahoney, "Getting
Away With Murder: The Real Story Behind American Taliban John Walker
Lindh And What the U.S. Government Had to Hide," Arcade Publishing (2004)]
[A United Nations human rights monitor who accused American military forces
and civilian contractors last week of abusing and torturing prisoners in
Afghanistan has been told his job is over.--Warren Hoge, "
Lawyer Who Told of U.S. Abuses at Afghan Bases Loses U.N. Post," New
York Times, April 30, 2005]
Frank Lindh, "The Real Story of
John Walker Lindh," AlterNet, January 25, 2006
[Dostum's men hauled the bodies into the nearby desert and buried them in
mass graves, according to Afghan human rights officials. By some estimates,
2,000 men were buried there.
Earlier this year, bulldozers and backhoes returned to the scene, reportedly
exhumed the bones of many of the dead men and removed evidence of the
atrocity to sites unknown.--Tom Lasseter, "U.S. keeps silent as
Afghan ally removes war crime evidence," McClatchy Newspapers, December
11, 2008]
VIDEO: "John Walker Lindh's Parents
Discuss Their Son's Story, from Joining the US-Backed Taliban Army to
Surviving a Northern Alliance Massacre, to His Abuse at the Hands of US
Forces," democracynow.org, July 31, 2009
Jesselyn A. Radack, "TRAITOR:
The Whistleblower and the 'American Taliban'," Whistleblower Press
(January 30, 2012)
Trevor Aaronson, "Is
'Terrorist Recidivism' Real?," theintercept.com, May 27 2019