"Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death," ACFTV, February 4, 2003
["The results were astounding: the donors presented concentrations
of toxic and radioactive uranium isotopes between 100 and 400 times
greater than in the Gulf veterans tested in 1999."--Alex Kirby, "Afghans
' uranium levels spark alert," BBC News Online, May 22, 2003]
"U.S. Charged With War Crimes," Information Clearing House
["Unlike the Afghans in Cuba, there is no doubt about the status of
these captives, whether PoWs or civilians arrested for looting or
other crimes under military occupation: all have the right, under
the laws of war, to be visited and documented by the International
Red Cross."--Ed Vulliamy, "Red Cross denied access to PoWs: Up to 3,000 Iraqis - some of
them civilians - believed to be gagged, bound, hooded and beaten at
US camps close to Baghdad airport," Guardian, May 25, 2003]
[". . . in the first Gulf war when around 3,500 Iraqi civilians were
killed, compared with 100,000 soldiers. . . .
Extrapolating from the death-rates of between 3% and 10% found in
the units around Baghdad, one reaches a toll of between 13,500 and
45,000 dead among troops and paramilitaries."--Jonathan Steele, "Body counts," Guardian, May 28, 2003]