"Saudi clerics detained in apparent
bid to silence dissent," reuters.com, September 10, 2017
[The U.S.-Israel axis is forming a new regional front line.--Ibrahim Karagul, "This is a very dangerous
game... What's behind the Saudis' 'moderate Islam' announcement?,"
yenisafak.com, October 26, 2017]
[It is probably the only political event in recent memory that has the support of
Washington, Moscow and Beijing, not to mention Berlin, London, Paris and Tokyo - as well
as Jerusalem. . . .
"Behind the scenes, the Trump administration and Saudi Arabia have been conducting
extensive negotiations, led by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Saudi Deputy
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The discussions began shortly after the presidential
election, when Mohammed, known in Washington as 'MBS,' sent a delegation to meet with
Kushner and other Trump officials at Trump Tower. After years of disillusionment with
the Obama administration, the Saudi leadership was eager to do business. 'They were
willing to make a bet on Trump and on America,' a senior White House official
said."--David P. Goldman, "Saudi Arabia
gets its first real government," atimes.com, November 7, 2017]
"Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms
Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War," zerohedge.com, November 7, 2017
"Real Motive Behind Saudi Purge Emerges: $800 Billion
In Confiscated Assets," zerohedge.com, November 8, 2017
[Prince Mohammed launched a military campaign in
neighboring Yemen in March 2015 . . .
Prince Mohammed has helped lead a diplomatic campaign to isolate Qatar, saying Riyadh's erstwhile ally backs
terrorism and cozies up to Iran. . . .
Last month Prince Mohammed announced a $500-billion plan to
create a business and industrial zone extending across its borders into Jordan and
Egypt, part of his efforts to reduce dependence on oil.--William Maclean, "Shifting sands: What is changing in Saudi
Arabia?," reuters.com, November 8, 2017]
[When Saad Hariri's jet touched down at Riyadh on the evening of 3 November, the first
thing he saw was a group of Saudi policemen surrounding the plane. When they came
aboard, they confiscated his mobile phone and those of his bodyguards. . . .
trying to destroy the government in Beirut, force the Shia Hezbollah out of the cabinet
and restart a civil war in Lebanon. . . .
There will be no complaints from Washington or London, whose desire to share in the
divvying up of Saudi Aramco (another of the crown prince's projects) will smother any
thoughts of protest or warning.--Robert Fisk, "Saad Hariri's
resignation as Prime Minister of Lebanon is not all it seems," independent.co.uk,
November 9, 2017]
Bethan McKernan, "Lebanon
demands return of 'kidnapped' prime minister from Saudi Arabia," independent.co.uk,
November 10, 2017
Alastair Crooke, "Saudi
Arabia's Desperate Gamble," consortiumnews.com, November 10, 2017
VIDEO: Paul Adams, "Saudi Arabia and Iran: Will they go to war?," bbc.com,
November 11, 2017
[Is this the beginning of the collapse of the House of Saud? Or a Saudi renaissance led by
Prince Mohammed as he claims?--Eric Margolis, "What
Craziness Is Going on in Saudi Arabia?," unz.com, November 11, 2017]
[the whole purpose of this assault on Lebanon's sovereign integrity is to force the fall
of the government, new elections and the expulsion of the Shia Hezbollah ministers in
the cabinet - thus breaking Iran's power in Lebanon.--Robert Fisk, "This isn't the first time Saudi
Arabia has threatened the stability of Lebanon," independent.co.uk, November 11,
[That the crown prince of Saudi Arabia can, essentially, kidnap the elected leaders of
not one but two Middle Eastern countries - and, incidentally, put the leading Saudi
royal he replaced as crown prince under palace arrest - speaks volumes about not just
his “impulsive intervention policy” but the shameless pass he gets from Western
EAST TO DUST," atimes.com, November 13, 2017]
[In return they ask for a U.S.-Saudi-Israeli (military) alliance against their perceived
enemy on the eastern side of the Persian Gulf.--"Revealed - Saudis Plan To Give Up Palestine - For War
On Iran," moonofalabama.org, November 14, 2017]
M K Bhadrakumar, "China
debunks theory Saudi Arabia wants regional war," atimes.com, November 18, 2017
[this is not a "corruption purge" as its being sold to international media, but in
reality a massive cash grab and shakedown.--Tyler Durden, "New Footage From Inside Riyadh Ritz-Carlton
Reveals Princes Swapping Assets For Freedom," zerohedge.com, November 23, 2017
Sami Moubayed, "'Truce':
Syria, the Saudis and Hariri's resignation U-turn," atimes.com, November 27, 2017
M K Bhadrakumar, "'Turkey-Iran-Qatar
entente mocks Saudi-led 'Arab NATO'," atimes.com, November 28, 2017
[Saudi Arabia is transferring a trillion dollars of pillage from princes to princes,
from old business parasites to up-to-date versions, from austere desert mirages to
fantasies of new mega-cities.--James Petras, "China, Saudi Arabia and the US: Shake Up and Shake Down,"
atimes.com, December 4,2017]
VIDEO: Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner of the U.S. and Israel, promoting Zionism though
its powerful media while increasing its hostility to Iran--"Saudi Arabia's Unholy Alliance with Israel," therealnews.com, February 21, 2018