by Margaret Sarfehjooy and Coleen Rowley
"War is peace" double-speak has become commonplace these days. And, the more astute
foreign policy journalists and commentators are beginning to realize the extent of how
"liberal interventionists" work in sync with neocon warhawks to produce and sustain a
perpetual state of U.S. war.
More and more "peace and social justice" groups are even being twisted into "democracy
promotion," U.S. militarism style. But rarely do we get a window to see as clearly into
how this Orwellian transformation occurs as with the "Committee in Solidarity with the
People of Syria" (CISPOS) based in Minnesota's Twin Cities, a spin-off of "Friends for a
Nonviolent World" (FNVW), steering its Quaker-inspired founding in nonviolence to
promote speakers and essayists with strong ties to the violent uprising to topple the
Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, resulting in a war that has already
taken some 200,000 lives. . . .
Often Syrian "experts" speaking to peace groups, such as FNVW/CISPOS's upcoming speaker,
Mohja Kahf, have ties to the early destabilization
of Syria. This American Prospect article documents how Najib Ghadbian, Kahf's
husband of over 20 years (apparently up to last year when they divorced) was one of the
Syrian dissidents who attended the early 2006 meeting with Liz Cheney (then-Vice
President Dick Cheney's daughter), along with other Syrian dissidents to plan how to
destabilize Syria and topple its government. Like some Syrian version of Ahmed Chalabi,
the neocons' choice to run post-invasion Iraq, Kahf's husband apparently got himself
invited to Liz Cheney's "Iran-Syria Operations Group" by having signed the "Damascus
Declaration" in 2005, the year before. . . .
James Prince, the founder and President of the Democracy Council, is also an adviser to , a project created in 2008 by the Jerusalem-based Adelson Institute
for Strategic Studies, founded and funded by Sheldon Adelson, a patron and confidant of
Benjamin Netanyahu. . . .
Enver Masud, "Regime Change American
Style," The Wisdom Fund, February 15, 2001
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, "The Israel
Lobby," London Review of Books, March 23, 2006
"Letter to President Obama About Libya Signed
by Hundreds of 'Democracy' Activists," March 14, 2011
Enver Masud, "Revealed: America's Hidden Hand
Behind The UN Resolution For A No-fly Zone Over Libya," March 19, 2011
Robert Parry, "The Neocon Plan for War and More
War,", November 11, 2014
Robert Parry, "The
Victory of 'Perception Management',", December 28, 2014
[Israel is America's number one foreign policy problem
in that it is able and willing to start potentially catastrophic wars with countries
that it has demonized but that do not threaten the U.S.--Philip Giraldi, "Understanding Jewish
Power,", June 12, 2018]