George Bisharat, "Israel and
Palestine: A True One-State Solution," Washington Post, September 3, 2010
Richard Falk, "The Latest Gaza
Catastrophe," Al Jazeera, November 18, 2012
Edith M. Lederer, "UN
vote recognizes state of Palestine; US objects,", November 29, 2012
Jodi Rudoren and Mark Landler, "Housing Move in Israel
Seen as Setback for a Two-State Plan,", November 30, 2012
Franklin Lamb, "A Historic Victory for
Palestine - Another Rejection of Occupation,", November
30, 2012
Dan Williams, "Israel defies UN after vote on Palestine with plans for
3,000 new homes in the West Bank,", December 1, 2012
Jimmy Carter, "Statehood key to renew peace
talks,", December 4, 2012
[ . . . no member state of the United Nations organization has ever been
destroyed or eliminated. Some of them have broken off into constituent units
but they have never been extinguished. And you see, Israel would like all of
Palestine, the West Bank, East Jerusalem - without the Palestinians. And so
it's important, as they see it, not to have a recognition of Palestinian
statehood by the United Nations organization. It's that simple.--"An Interview With Professor Francis Boyle,", December 4, 2012]
Alan Hart, "Hypothetical Q&A with Barack Obama,", December 27, 2012
VIDEO: Against the backdrop of the currently frozen peace process, all six argue - to
varying degrees - that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is bad for the
state of Israel.--"Six Israeli security chiefs stun world,",
January 28, 2013
Harriet Sherwood, "Israel must withdraw all settlers or face ICC, says UN
report,", January 31, 2013
[British Parliament voted overwhelmingly (274-12) to recognize a Palestinian
state--Philip Weiss, "British Parliament
sends a message to Obama: the people see Israel as a 'bully',",
October 14, 2014]
[Theodor Meron, legal counsel to Israel's Foreign Ministry, . . . concluded that
"civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes the explicit provisions
of the Fourth Geneva Convention."--Samantha Lachman, "How Palestinians Could Use Israel's Own Legal Analysis Before The
ICC,", January 20, 2015]
Yonah Jeremy Bob, "ICC 'welcomes State of Palestine' as 123rd member
at ceremony,", March 31, 2015