August 24, 2011
By Sherard Cowper-Coles
British Ambassador and Special Representative, 2007-2010
The choice of the title registers the urgency that
the Ambassador attaches to his message that
everything is amiss in Afghanistan with little hope
for improvement. He subscribes to the conclusion
reached by the Rand Corporation that uses the study
of 90 insurgencies since 1945 as a context to
determine the variables that determine success or
failure, and points to their absence in
Afghanistan: the indigenous security force is
inept, the local government is immersed in
corruption, and the external support for insurgents
is unabated. He also acquiesces to the view of
Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith: "a military victory
over the Taliban was 'neither feasible nor
supportable'." He quotes from the Atlantic (April
1968) a list of fourteen indicators where
Afghanistan parallels Vietnam in failure down to
the last detail (page 286).
His list of why "the grand strategy" is a total
wreck is also long: getting in with no thought of
getting out; lack of consistency and continuous
mission creep; disunity of military and political
commands; governing an unruly Western military by a
civilian ineptness that did not know "the
difference between a tornado and a torpedo";
diverting resources to Iraq; unwillingness to
co-opt the neighbors; poor choice of local allies
who became more of a problem than a solution;
relying on self-centered military in a vacuum of
indigenous institutions for development; and what
can be stated as "hubris hovering above misery",
not his words, to create a corruption-prone
environment: the $125 billion annual expenditures
by the Empire, dwarfed but not uplifted the $800
million self-generated revenue of the Afghan state
while the American Generals were free to dole out
$750 million annually—that total lopsidedness in
cash-disbursement nourished the "narco-mafias whom
the Taliban originally targeted when they took
power in the mid-1990s." "Most tragically of all,"
he adds, was the hasty intervention and not waiting
for the outcome of the jirga, summoned by the
Taliban in October 2001, "to decide how to respond
to American demands that Osama bin Laden and those
responsible for the 9/11 be handed over."
But in their resounding urgency, these messages are
not a substitute for an objective examination of
the facts and reasons that made Afghanistan the
trampling ground for the biggest military coalition
in modern history. The facts and reasons for this
longest of "false flag" wars in American history,
are willfully mutilated or falsified. Being aware
of the falsification of facts, in my meeting with
the Ambassador, right before filling the post, I
offered him my cooperation on the condition that
America pursues peace and stability in my country.
I knew that my cooperation was of no consequence,
but what about America's intentions?
It would be an insult to human probity to neglect
the historic context that brought the
irreconcilable Western camps, the Capitalist and
the Marxist, to agree over the necessity of
invading Afghanistan; and for both to bring to bear
the full force of their technological prowess to
combat, decisively, in the earlier manner of The
British Empire, what amounted to "chaos" in a
Muslim land; and to unleash the full force of their
co-opted medias to demonize the native culture in
order to justify such acts.
The Afghan Empire was established in 1747 when the
three "Gunpowder Empires" in the Islamic world [the
Ottoman, the Safavi, and the Mughal or Timuri in
India] had peaked, and the industrial revolution
was transforming the West into "The Unbound
Promethean" that it is today. It was in an age when
the West was in full swing rushing toward
organization and harmony and the Islamic world was
meandering toward chaos and despair. In such
crossing of paths, of purposeful transformation
versus precipitous degradation, Afghanistan was
born and destined to bear the brunt of the hubris
that developed from the Western drive toward
progress. Afghanistan was destined to confront
three attempts at its destruction: by an Empire
that defied the setting of the sun, the USSR that
prided in its military as the bastion of its
protection against NATO, and the US/NATO amalgam
that is driven by The Military Industrial Complex.
By its insolence, and enormous human sacrifice,
Afghanistan is rendering the Western hubris
dysfunctional, while highlighting its ugliness, and
the consequences are the liberation of Eastern
Europe, the Asian Republics, and a more humanized
world as it stems the tide of American colonialism.
But this rag tag situation does not qualify it for
recognition in a world that still clings to the
vestiges of arrogance and remains a willing
prisoner because the gravitational pull of the
"Black Hole" has damaged its perception.
This is not the first emanation of probity from
Afghanistan; it played a similar role under the
name Khurasan, when the hubris-driven ambitions of
the Umayyad Caliphate transgressed the bounds of
decency. Their arrogance prompted a force from the
North of the Hindu Kush, just as today's is from
the south, to intervene in 746 AD and change the
course of Islamic history by transferring the
Caliphate to the Abbasid. The establishment of
modern Afghanistan is a millennial celebration of
that intervention for the annihilation of ambitions
driven by sheer hubris. A famous one-line ballad,
in Pashto, captures the spirit of integrity in the
plains south of the Hindu Kush in a bloody
encounter with the British Empire: My beloved! If
you are not martyred in Maiwand; Destiny must be
saving you for nothing but utter shame.
Once again, the British are in Helmand, adjacent to
Maiwand, as part of the largest coalition since the
Crusades. But this time Afghanistan is slowly but
surely joined by the whole world in defiance of
imperial ambitions, which Eisenhower saw in the
Military Industrial Complex, and was aghast at its
ugliness. The US faces unrest from within in a
search for the truth about a war that, unlike WWII,
is not pulling it out of a depression, but into it.
In the wake of imminent social and political
discontent, and worsening economic downturns, the
West will find its "exclusivity", the bastion of
its arrogance, in the dust bin of history; it will
eventually see its deliberate policies against the
"Islamic World" as its greatest folly, ranking in
shame along with the Opium Wars. In order for the
West to be denied an arena for its imperial
ambitions the restoration of Dignity in the Islamic
World is a must. Any policy that fosters the
destruction of national dignity as evidenced by
governments, patronized by Western powers that do
not serve the people is doomed to failure. The days
of reckoning with the West are drawing eerily close
to the time when diffidence will give way to
defiance. Afghanistan cannot be credited for
arousing the reckoning, but for providing the
archetype for its feasibility. Given its imperial
past and contemporary military ambitions, the West
will not take kindly to such a change and it is
likely to resort to its nuclear arsenal as it has
done in the past.
The Afghan conundrum is far more deeply woven into
global issues than the author is willing to admit.
As a consequence he has marshaled facts to change
tactics, but has shied away from describing the
Nero-like forces that are aiming at the destruction
of Afghanistan but which may destroy the West
itself. One is inclined to conclude that the
Ambassador's heart is in the right place, but to
his chagrin the Fabian Socialists are not there to
welcome the heavy burden he carries in his heart.
Bowing to the collusion of Imperial USA, the
Ambassador offers an apologia for a determined
brutality that aims at the annihilation of Afghan
culture. The book is replete with examples of
dastardly acts, sheer incompetence, endless
corruption, cruelty in prisons, and the total lack
of concern for correction on any front, which are
all in keeping with the behavior of a hired
government; but he would not admit that the
government was installed and sustained by the CIA
and MI6 in total disregard of the wishes and
welfare of the people. A "recalcitrant client" is a
contradiction in terms, and for an installed
government to dare to defy the wishes and desires
of its patrons time and time again, better reasons
are needed than "because the Americans don't
believe they are imperialists anyway." The puppet,
in its make-up, is a plutocracy launched by the
Neocons on behalf of the Military Industrial
Complex, for nefarious goals, using 911 as an
alibi. What keeps the plutocracy functioning is a
mafia-mentality which tolerates abominations by the
puppet and the Caesar. Is not Karzai's callous
disregard of the prevailing poverty and the
dystopia in which live more than a million drug
addicts in the midst of an unprecedented flood of
billions of dollars, treason of the highest order?
Does it not parallel the callous disregard of the
large prison population inside Imperial America
whose detention is outsourced to profiteers and is
enslaved to render free services to the States
bankrupted by the Plutocracy?
Perhaps Holbrooke's plea for revitalizing
agriculture in Afghanistan, which the Ambassador
dismisses as untimely, was a last cry for some
vestige of humanity? It borders on cruelty for the
Ambassador to attribute the spread of narcotics to
Afghan culture while ignoring the valid documents
that claim that drugs finance the war to the tune
of $50 billion a year.
Nevertheless, the book is valuable in providing a
glimpse of what went on during 2007-2010 when the
Ambassador was a close observer on the scene. His
final recommendation is valuable but the existence
of a capable and concerned government to implement
it is left to deus ex machina:
Without realizing it, we have become involved in a
multi-player, multi-dimensional, multi-decade civil
conflict, the origins of which go back many years.
It is an unresolved struggle, over the nature of
the Afghan polity, between Islam and secularism,
tradition and modernism, town and country, Sunni
and Shia, farmer and nomad, Pashtun and Tajik,
Uzbek and Hazara. Unless and until those problems,
and Afghanistan's relations with its neighbors and
near neighbors, are addressed through an ambitious
and continuing jirga-like process, internal and
external, sponsored by the US and the UN, supported
by the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security
Council, NATO and EU and engaging all regional
players, conflict will continue.[…] America will
need itself to talk to all internal and external
parties to the conflict, including the Taliban.
For the proposal to succeed, it has to be
Afghanized in the following way : 1) The
dysfunctional government be supplemented by calling
upon notable and untarnished Afghans to play the
role of arbiters, without any claim to positions,
and to bring the Northern Alliance and the Taliban
to a working coalition. 2) The disarray in
Afghanistan is due to the increase in poverty where
the poor have sacrificed the most and are succored
the least. Bridging the yawning imbalance should be
the prime objective of any government. 3) The
ruptured Afghan society is in dire need of the
restoration of human dignity, as dictated by The
Holy Quran (17:70), which is inclusive of total
freedom for the pursuit of living by all:
children/adult, male/female, sects and races. This
Quranic provision is the irrefutable formula for
bringing the Taliban and the Northern Alliance to a
commitment to serve all the people. The Bonn
Constitution, however, is notoriously neglectful of
the plight of the people in Afghanistan; it obliges
the State (Article 10) to "encourage, protect, as
well as ensure the safety of capital investment and
private enterprise," and so, gives higher
importance to monetary resources than to the
people, which is in total defiance of the core
values of Islam, with which the Ambassador wants
America to have "a fresh start."
In the unlikely event that the West musters the
courage to launch an inquiry about the truth of
911, as demand intensifies in the US, the audacious
leap will not only take Islam out of the Cage of
Inquisition, which is carried by Peter King in the
"Dome of Democracy", but will also usher in a new
dawn of peace and harmony.
Abderrahman Ulfat
Fulbright Scholar, Princeton University, 2005/06
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 1995/96