Arundhati Roy, "Freedom Is The Only
Thing The Kashmiri Wants," Outlook India, September 1, 2008
Victoria Schofield, "Overview:
Tenth International Kashmir Peace Conference, Washington DC, USA,"
Kashmiri American Council, July 29, 2009
[What is new is that this time the public anger against the killing of
children and teenagers has drawn in even the most apolitical of
Kashmiris.--Anuradha Bhasin Jamwal, "Fuelling the Rage
in Kashmir," Economic & Political Weekly, July 10, 2010]
[The fundamental problem is that the status quo, with India in effective
control of most of Jammu and Kashmir, favours India.
. . . the challenge of an effective peace process in South Asia will be to
cut through the chimera of "confidence building measures" which lead
nowhere, and to frame an agreement which goes far enough in addressing the
legitimate grievances of Kashmiris to make the loss of Kashmir acceptable to
the majority of Pakistanis.--Robert Grenier, "Losing Kashmir,", July 14, 2010]
[It's not too much of a secret that for more than a decade (and perhaps much
longer) Israel's Mossad has been advising, some say directing, India's
intelligence agencies. The cover story is co-operation in the "war against
global terrorism". But it's not unreasonable to speculate that agents of
Zionism and its neo-con associates are complicit in stoking Hindu-Muslim
tensions.--Alan Hart, "India at War With Itself: A Global Nuclear Tinderbox Fueled by
Israel,", July 14, 2010]
[Reisner did not identify the generals, although he made it clear that their
idea of breaking down every door in Kashmir which is suspected of hiding
weapons with impunity was not an isolated view and that it represented the
collective approach of the Indian security forces.--K. P. Nayar, "Israeli
colonel spills Kashmir beans: Barak policy-maker quotes Indian
officers on use of force in the Valley to counter terrorism,", August 5, 2010]
Sudha Ramachandran, "Now it's
the turn of 'children of the conflict',", August 6, 2010
Najeeb Mubarki, "The politics of protest in
Kashmir," Economic Times, August 6, 2010
Eric S. Margolis, "Burning Kashmir,", September 17, 2010
Shuddhabrata Sengupta, "Kashmir's Abu
Gharaib,", September, 2010
Mohan Malik, "Beijing
playing its Kashmir card,", October 8, 2010
Jason Burke, "WikiLeaks cables: India accused of systematic use of
torture in Kashmir," Guardian, December 16, 2010
Mirza Waheed, "On Kashmir India acts as a police state, not as a
democracy: Delhi has been unwilling to solve this tragic and brutal
conflict, and has scuttled any attempt at meaningful discourse,"
Guardian, May 29, 2011
[Press treatment of the story about Pakistani government funding of a
Kashmiri lobbying organization seems to have less to do with lobbying than
with the identity of the particular government involved and the temperature
of relations between it and Washington.--Paul R. Pillar, "How to Lobby for a Foreign Government
(and not get arrested),", July 20, 2011]
[The Soviet Union thwarted every effort of the United States through the
United Nations to reach a just solution to the disputed Himalayan region of
Kashmir. The non-aligned movement (which at its inception in 1961 included
India, Egypt, Ghana, Yugoslavia, and Indonesia) opposed Pakistan at every
juncture.--S. Amjad Hussain, "U.S.-Pakistani relations: How low can
they go?,", June 27, 2011]
[Tens of thousands of people died in the insurgency, which began in 1989 and
was partly fueled by weapons, cash and training from Pakistan.--Lydia
Polgreen, "U.S.-
Pakistani relations: How low can they go,", August 22,
Shashi Tharoor, "Time for India to seize initiative on peace in Kashmir?,", June 27, 2012
[Anyone who was really interested in solving the mystery of the parliament
attack would have followed the dense trail of evidence on offer. No one did,
thereby ensuring the real authors of the conspiracy will remain unidentified
and uninvestigated.
The real story and the tragedy of what happened to Guru is too immense to be
contained in a courtroom. The real story would lead us to the Kashmir
valley, that potential nuclear flashpoint, and the most densely militarised
zone in the world, where half a million Indian soldiers (one to every four
civilians) and a maze of army camps and torture chambers that would put Abu
Ghraib in the shade are bringing secularism and democracy to the Kashmiri
people. Since 1990, when the struggle for self-determination became
militant, 68,000 people have died, 10,000 have disappeared, and at least
100,000 have been tortured.--Arundhati Roy, "The Hanging of Afzal Guru: A Stain on Indian Democracy,", February 11, 2013]
"Reality Check: Who actually cares about the Kashmiris?" UpFront, August 6, 2016
M K Bhadrakumar, "China is the winner in India's surgical strikes at Pakistan,", October 1, 2016