by M K Bhadrakumar
With just a fortnight left for the "jirga" or tribal council to be held in
Kabul, the prospects do not look good. Pakistan is determined to torpedo the
Afghanistan government's plan to work out a societal consensus for ending
the war through the traditional means of a consultative assembly. The
convening of the jirga, for May 2-4, was a pledge made by President Hamid
Karzai in his inaugural address last November. The idea has been viewed
favourably by the bulk of the Afghan society. On the other hand, western
powers, especially the United States and the United Kingdom, acquiesced in
manifest reluctance.
To what extent the U.S. and the U.K. are acting in concert with Pakistan to
sabotage Mr. Karzai's initiative is difficult to judge but all three
protagonists seem to be on the same side of the fence. Their concerns appear
to converge on a single point -- a successful jirga would take the wind out
of their sails and put the Afghans in the driving seat and, in the process,
Mr. Karzai might succeed in unifying the national opinion behind him.
For sure, the jirga can prove a turning point. Mr. Karzai proposes to invite
1200-1400 representatives from various walks of life -- tribal elders from
every district, members of Parliament, women, civil society, . . .
Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign
Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka,
Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.
Amy Chua, "Free-Market Democracy: Our
Most Dangerous Export," Guardian, February 28, 2004
[The west's proudest export to the Islamic world this past decade has been
democracy. That is, not real democracy, which is too complicated, but
elections. They have been exported at the point of a gun and a missile to
Iraq and Afghanistan, to "nation-build" these states and hence "defeat
terror". When apologists are challenged to show some good resulting from the
shambles, they invariably reply: "It has given Iraqis and Afghans freedom to
vote."--Simon Jenkins, "As democracy unravels at home, the west
thuggishly exports it elsewhere," Guardian, April 8, 2010]
Gareth Porter, "McChrystal Reneges on Kandahar Shuras,"
Guardian, April 16, 2010
Stephen Grey, "Taliban's supreme leader signals willingness to talk
peace," Sunday Times, April 18, 2010
[President Obama has bluntly instructed his national security team to treat
Afghan President Hamid Karzai with more public respect, after a recent round
of heavy-handed statements by U.S. officials and other setbacks infuriated
the Afghan leader and called into question his relationship with
Washington.--Scott Wilson and Rajiv Chandrasekaran, "Obama makes personal diplomacy part of Afghan
strategy," Washington Post, May 9, 2010]
[On the broader question of reconciliation, however, Obama was clearly
warning Karzai not to pursue direct talks with the Taliban leadership, at
least until well into 2011.--Gareth Porter, "Afghanistan's
Great Divide,", May 14, 2010]
Mark Mazzetti, "Former Spy With Agenda Operates a Private C.I.A.,", January 22, 2011