Terrorism is the war of the poor,
and War is the terrorism of the rich.--Sir Peter Ustinov
"'Airlines Terror Plot'
Disrupted," BBC News, August 10, 2006
"Bush Administration Exploited
Terror Plots For Political Gain," Huffington Post, February 23, 2008
Robert Dreyfuss, "Yet Another Bogus
'Terror' Plot," Nation, May 22, 2009
"Yemen: New Frontier in US 'War on
Terror'," The Wisdom Fund, December 22, 2009
[This suggests that Yemeni government actions taken at the behest of the
U.S. have produced an al-Qaeda that wasn't there before.--Gary Leupp, "Blowback on Flight
253? Eyes on Yemen," counterpunch.org, December 28, 2009]
Qaeda: We Planned Flight 253 Bombing," CBS News, December 28, 2009
"US aware
'Nigerian' prepared for terror attack," BBC News, December 30, 2009
[Instead of the video, we get a statment that the video has been viewed and
that the terrorist had a passport. Each of these statements made by the FBI
is a self serving play on semantics and each misses the importance of my
prior "sharp dressed man" account. The importance being that the man "Tried
to board the plane with an accomplice and without a passort". The other
significance is that only the airport security video can verify my
eyewitness account and that it is not being released.--Aaron Foley, "Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell:
'I was visited by the FBI'," mlive.com, December 31, 2009]
Parts 2,
"Tarpley :
Underwear Bomber 'Establishment Controlled Patsy!'," Alex Jones Show,
December 31, 2009
[Smith said the man was handcuffed and escorted to a room where he was
interviewed and searched. Nothing was found. The man was not arrested or
detained--Jennifer Chambers and Paul Egan, "Customs official
confirms report of 2nd man held from Flight 253," detnews.com,
January 1, 2009]
[In a CNN
News program, passenger Richelle Keepman states, "There was a man
that, when we first took off, I noticed about 10 seats ahead of us to the
left-hand side. He had a camcorder. I thought maybe this was his first
flight and was just excited. And then, when the actual incident
occurred, I looked up, and he was the only one standing and filming the
entire thing."--Eileen Dannemann, "US-Israeli Complicity in
Terror Plots Exposed, Media Cover-Up Flight 253 Plot," ccun.org,
January 4, 2010]
David Bedein, "Israeli Security Firm Fails To Stop
Passenger From Carrying Explosives On Detroit Flight," thebulletin.us,
January 4, 2010
"Scott Horton interviews Kurt Haskell," antiwar.com, January 6,
Patrick Martin, "The airplane bomb
plot: Obama continues the cover-up," WSWS, January 8,
Scott Creighton, "Umar Fizzlepants Update
Including a Picture of the 'Burned' Seat," willyloman.wordpress.com,
January 9, 2010
Ray McGovern, "Answering Helen
Thomas on Why They Want to Harm Us," CommonDreams.org, January 9,
[. . . the Associated Press reported January 4, that British authorities
began assembling a security file on Abdulmutallab shortly after his arrival
the UK in 2005 when officials claimed he was in contact with "known
radicals."--Tom Burghardt, "Flight
253: Anatomy of a Cover-Up," Global Research, January 11, 2010]
[Patrick F. Kennedy, an undersecretary for management at the State
Department, said Abdulmutallab's visa wasn't taken away because intelligence
officials asked his agency not to deny a visa to the suspected terrorist
over concerns that a denial would've foiled a larger investigation into
al-Qaida threats against the United States.
Allowing Adbulmutallab to keep the visa increased chances federal
investigators would be able to get closer to apprehending the terror network
he is accused of working with--Nathan Hurst, "Terror suspect kept
visa to avoid tipping off larger investigation," Detroit News,
January 27, 2010]
[Could the SDM have been a U.S. Government official? He dressed in a suit
and not a security uniform. Check. He indicated we do this all the time.
Could "we" be the U.S. Government? Check. He spoke English with an American
accent. Check. Would he need to convince the ticket agent that this was a
normal procedure to allow boarding without a passport? Check. Would he have
the ability to obtain such clearance? Check. Could he enter this security
area even though he wasn't a passenger? Check. Would the ticket agent likely
refer this request to a manager? Check. Would the U.S. Government not want
this information public and try to hide it? Check. . . .
On January 20, 2010, current Director of the National Counterterrorism
Center (NCTC), Michael E. Leiter, made a startling admission. Leiter
indicated that: "I will tell you, that when people come to the country and
they are on the watch list, it is because we have generally made the choice
that we want them here in the country for some reason or another." . . .
Janet Napolitano's statement that "The System Worked." From her point of
view it probably did as this WAS PART OF THE SYSTEM!--Kurt Haskell, "The
Truth About Flight 253 Has Been Revealed," lewrockwell.com, February
2, 2010]
[Had the 23-year-old Nigerian set off his bomb, it would have been a
nightmare for the people on board, and a tragedy for those who knew them. It
would certainly have represented a safety and security issue that needed to
be dealt with. But it would not have been a national emergency, nor a
national-security crisis.--Tom Engelhardt, "This is not a national emergency," antiwar.com, February
15, 2010]
[A Michigan college student who sat next to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab . . .
says that Abdulmutallab mostly slept and listened to music during the flight
and seemed surprised when asked about the smoke that apparently came from
under his blanket.--"Accused Christmas Bomber Listened to Music, Slept," NPR,
February 17, 2010]
[Captain J Joseph, an air accident investigator, and Dr Wyatt both concluded
that the quantity of explosive used was nowhere near enough needed to
rupture the skin of a passenger plane.--"Christmas Day terror
plot plane would have landed safely even if 'underpants' bomb had blown up
," Daily Mail, March 5, 2010]
[The 'trained terrorist' will be tied to a huge network of idiots and dupes,
all working in the region along the Afghani/Pakistan border, an area where
India, and their Israeli friends, really do train terrorists who kill
hundreds with real bombs in Pakistan.--Gordon Duff, "Times Square 'Fizzler,' Israel's
'Crotch Bomber' Redux," Veterans Today, May 5, 2010]
[Since he left public service in 2009, Chertoff co-founded the Chertoff
Group, a security and risk-management firm, whose clients include a
manufacturer of full-body scanning machines. After a young Nigerian without
a passport - the so-called Christmas Day "underwear bomber" - was allowed,
in the words of Ha'aretz, to "slip through" security at Schiphol Airport by
the Israeli security firm, ICTS International (which was established by
former members of Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet), the
former Homeland Security chief was all over the mainstream media touting
full-body scanners as the answer to America's airline security
problems.--Maidhc O Cathail, "Pro-
Israelis turning U.S. into Islamophobic Police State," mediamonitors.net,
June 10, 2011]