by Enver Masud
On September 11, 2001, there occurred five events which, as far as we know,
are unique in world history. According to official accounts:
At 9:59 A.M., 110-story Two World Trade Center (the South Tower), having
been struck by United Airlines Flight
175 at 9:03 A.M., collapsed at near free fall speed.
At 10:28 A.M., 110-story One World Trade Center (the North Tower), having
been struck by American Airlines Flight
11 at 8:47 A.M., collapsed at near free fall speed.
The 110-story North and South Towers remained standing after being struck by
Boeing 767s. They collapsed - we're told - due to fire. No steel frame tower
has collapsed due to fire, neither before 9/11 nor since 9/11.
At 9:38 A.M., American Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, struck the Pentagon
at 530 mph, and unlike other aircraft disasters, disappeared leaving no
identifiable fuselage, wings, or tail outside.
At 10:03 A.M., United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, crashed in a field
in Pennsylvania leaving a crater about the size of a large automobile,
debris scattered over a few miles, and unlike other aircraft disasters, only
tiny pieces "no larger than a phonebook" at the site of the crash.
At 5:20 P.M., 47-story Seven World Trade Center collapsed at near free fall
speed. The 9/11 Commission chose not to even mention its collapse in their
final report.
Seven World Trade Center was not struck by a plane. It collapsed - we're
told - due to fire. No steel frame tower has collapsed due to fire, neither
before 9/11 nor since 9/11. On 9/11, three did.
Five events on 9/11 - unheard of before 9/11, since 9/11. Coincidence or coverup?
We don't believe the official account, and
neither do many American patriots.
Enver Masud, "9/11 Unveiled,"
The Wisdom Fund (September 11, 2008)
"What Really Happened on September 11,"
The Wisdom Fund, 2002 -- 2009