Editorial: "The Road Home,"
New York Times, July 8, 2007
Patrick Cockburn, "Revealed:
Secret Plan to Keep Iraq Under U.S. Control," Independent, June 5,
Patrick Cockburn, "Oil Giants Return To
Iraq," Independent, June 20, 2008
"U.S. Tactics Exacerbate Sectarian Tensions
in Iraq," The Wisdom Fund, February 1, 2009
[U.S. military commanders have said they are preparing for an Iraq presence
for another 15-20 years, the U.S. embassy is the size of Vatican City, there
is no official plan for the withdrawal of contractors and new corporate
mercenary contracts are being awarded.--Jeremy Scahill, "Iraq's 'National Sovereignty
Day' is US-Style 'Hallmark' Hype," antiwar.com, July 2, 2009
[In less than a month, the Iraqi people may vote on the validity of the
security pact, which permits the continuing US presence in Iraq. If Iraqis
reject the pact, the US would be required to withdraw from the country
within a year, speeding the deadline to July 30, 2010, unless a new deal is
negotiated before then. And according to Kate Gould, legislative program
assistant for foreign policy at the Friends Committee on National
Legislation (FCNL), the negotiation of a new bilateral agreement seems
unlikely.--Maya Schenwar, "Iraq's 'National Sovereignty Day'
is US-Style 'Hallmark' Hype," antiwar.com, July 2, 2009]
[We have passed the June 30 deadline that, according to a Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA) signed between US Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Iraqi Foreign
Minister Hoshyar Zebari on November 17, 2008, was the date all US forces
were to have been withdrawn from all of Iraq's cities. Today, however, there
are at least 134,000 US soldiers in Iraq - a number barely lower than the
number that were there in 2003. In addition, US Secretary of Defense Robert
Gates testified on June 9 that the United States would maintain an average
of at least 100,000 troops in Iraq through fiscal year 2010.
The SOFA is a sieve, and the number of US military personnel in Iraq is
remaining largely intact for now. Add to the 134,000 US soldiers almost the
exact number of military contractors (132,610 and increasing)--Dahr Jamail,
"US Occupation of Iraq
Continues Unabated," truthout.org, July 6, 2009]
[Baghdad survives now as a city defined not by its thousands of years of
history, but rather segregation brought on by policies of deliberate ethnic
cleansing.--Scott Ritter, "So This Is What Victory
Looks Like?," truthdig.org, July 7, 2009]
[All the features of classic colonialism took shape in the Bush years in
Iraq and are now, as far as we can tell, being continued, in some cases even
strengthened, in the early months of the Obama era.--Michael Schwartz, "The US
takes to the shadows in Iraq," Asia Times, July 11, 2009]
[Iraqi troops and police carried out a bloody raid Tuesday on the camp of an
Iranian opposition group that the United States has long sheltered, marking
the Iraqi government's boldest move since it declared its sovereignty a
month ago and offering the latest sign that American influence is waning as
Iranian clout rises.--Ernesto Londono and Greg Jaffe, "Iraq Raids Camp of Exiles From Iran,"
Washington Post, July 29, 2009]
[While Iraqi and US government officials continue to insist the withdrawal
of US troops from Iraq is currently on schedule, only a few thousand US
troops have left Iraq since Obama took office, and few, if any, are expected
to be withdrawn through the beginning of 2010.--Dahr Jamail, "Iraq as 'Actor and
Stakeholder'," truthout.org, July 29, 2009]
Salam Faraj, "Iraqi death toll down in July after
US handover," AFP, August 1, 2009
Priya Satia, "Brilliant insights that led us astray in Iraq,"
Financial Times, August 4, 2009
[When Iraq's Parliament ratified its security pact with the US last year,
allowing the presence of US troops until the end of 2011, it built in a
provision for a public referendum vote to take place. . . . The vote,
scheduled to take place by July 30, never happened.--Maya Schenwar, "Postponing Iraqi Public Opinion,"
truthout.org, August 5, 2009]
[Between now and August 2010, a force of 130,000 U.S. troops is expected to
shrink to no more than 50,000; the civilian contractor corps, also 130,000
strong, will be pared to no more than 75,000. And of the nearly 200 bases
under American control, only six major hubs and a couple of dozen smaller
bases will remain by the end of next summer--Ernesto Londono, "High-Stakes Opening and Closing Roles for a U.S.
General in Iraq," Washington Post, August 14, 2009]
Ernesto Londono and Qais Mizher, "Iraqi parliament passes election law after
reaching deal on Kirkuk," Washington Post, November 9, 2009