[A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of 17 nations finds that majorities in
only nine of them believe that al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 terrorist
attacks on the United States.--"International Poll:
No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11," worldpublicopinion.org,
September 10, 2008]
Michael Hudson, "The Obama Letdown,"
Antiwar.com, November 26, 2008
Enver Masud, "Dear Mr. President: Before you
finalize your Afghanistan policy . . . ," The Wisdom Fund, March 24, 2009
Ali Abunimah, "A Bush in sheep's clothing," Guardian, June 4, 2009
[Poll after poll in the Islamic world has demonstrated that, above all else,
Muslim anti-Americanism is shaped not by cultural, religious or ideological
factors, but by US policies, chief among them support for Israel and, more
recently, the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.. . .
The Defence Science Board is a little-known 40-member federal advisory
committee to the Pentagon, . . . conclusions are as stark as they are
damning: "Muslims do not 'hate our freedom' but rather, they hate our
policies." . . .
It is no wonder that the 22-year CIA veteran and former head of the agency's
Osama Bin Laden Unit, Michael Scheuer, believes there has long been a
conspiracy of silence among political and media elites in the United States
about the real reasons for Muslim hatred of America.--Mehdi Hasan, "Can Obama woo the Muslim world?," New
Statesman, June 4, 2009]
Paul Craig Roberts, "Obama to Muslims: Put Up and Shut Up,"
antiwar.com, June 5, 2009
Robert Fisk, "Words that could
heal wounds of centuries," Independent, June 5, 2009
[In his "reaching out" in Cairo, as in his "anti-nuclear" speech in Berlin,
as in the "hope" he spun at his inauguration, this clever young politician
is playing the part for which he was drafted and promoted. This is to
present a benign, seductive, even celebrity face to American power, which
can then proceed towards its strategic goal of dominance, regardless of the
wishes of the rest of humanity and the rights and lives of our
children.--John Pilger, "Smile on the face of the tiger," newstatesman.com, June 11,
[ . . . one-in-four Americans believe 9/11 was a fabrication designed to
facilitate the campaign against terrorism--"Poll: Americans Disagree with Iranian President on 9/11
'Fabrication'," visioncritical.com, March 17, 2010]
Jeremy Lott, "Poll Finds DC Is Out Of Touch With Americans On
Foreign Policy," thefederalist.com, February 17, 2017
What Really Happened on September 11,