Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the
Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous
Presidency of George W. Bush, was written with two of his sons, Sam and Nat,
and can be ordered at His two previous books, Secrecy &
Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq and Lost
History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth' are also available
there. Or go to
Julian Borger, "The Spies Who Pushed
for War," Guardian, July 17, 2003
Daniel Howden and Philip Thornton, "Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline: Phase 1
of the New 'Great Game'," Independent, May 25, 2005
"Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran,"
CBS, June 24, 2008
[The American-armed and trained Georgian army swarmed into South Ossetia
last Thursday, killing an estimated 2,000 civilians, sending 40,000 South
Ossetians fleeing over the Russian border, and destroying much of the
capital, Tskhinvali. The attack was unprovoked and took place a full 24
hours before even ONE Russian soldier set foot in South Ossetia.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of Americans still believe that the Russian
army invaded Georgian territory first. The BBC, AP, NPR, the New York Times
and the rest of the establishment media has consistently and deliberately
misled its readers into believing that the violence in South Ossetia was
initiated by the Kremlin.--Mike Whitney, "Putin
Walks into a Trap," ICH, August 13, 2008]
[Georgia's decision to seize large parts of Tskhinvali, the capital of the
breakaway region of South Ossetia, on the evening of 7 August was a
disastrous political miscalculation, even in an era that is increasingly
defined by spectacularly poor judgement. . . .
But under the influence of an energetic neo-con lobby in Washington, and
with considerable support from Israeli weapons manufacturers and military
trainers, Saakashvili and the hawks around him came to believe the farcical
proposition that Georgia's armed forces could take on the military might of
their northern neighbour in a conventional fight and win.--Misha Glenny, "What Russia and America are really doing in Georgia and who set
the trap? Vladimir Putin and his thuggish FSB pals or Dick Cheney and his
equally unflappable neocon friends?," New Statesman, August 14, 2008]
[Europe has plans to build an alternative energy natural gas system called
Nabucco, after the opera by Verdi, and this would go right through Georgia.
And I think one of the major objectives of Russia's incursion into Georgia
is to say to the European leadership, "Your ideas about Nabucco are futile,
because we can smash the Nabucco system anytime we want."--Michael Klare,
"Russia-Georgia Conflict Fueled by
Rush to Control Caspian Energy Resources,", August
15, 2008]
asked if "independent investigators" would be welcome in South Ossetia to
document the war crimes that Ivanov spoke of and his response was 'WELCOME',
they would be welcome. I wrote independent 'journalists' instead of
'investigators'...ergo, Russia says that independent investigators are
welcome to document the war crimes that Bush, Israel and Georgia just
inflicted upon South Ossetia.--Karl Schwarz, "The Train Wreck Of The
Zionist New World Order,", August 15, 2008]
[Spiegel, a prominent Jewish oligarch boasting close ties with the Kremlin,
accused Georgia of genocide and ethnic cleansing.--Lily Galili, "Head of World
Congress of Russian Jewry accuses Georgia of genocide," Haaretz,
August 16, 2008]
August Cole, "Attack on Georgia Gives Boost To Big U.S. Weapons
Programs," Wall Street Journal, August 16, 2008
[For almost 8 years the US media has served as Ministry of Propaganda for a
war criminal regime. Americans incapable of thinking for themselves, reading
between the lines, or accessing foreign media on the Internet have been
brainwashed. . . .
The gullibility and unconcern of the American people has had many victims.
There are 1.25 million dead Iraqis. There are 4 million displaced Iraqis. .
. .
Only this time, the rest of the world didn't buy it. The many years of lies
- 9/11, Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, al Qaeda connections, yellowcake,
anthrax attack, Iranian nukes, "the United States doesn't torture," the
bombings of weddings, funerals, and children's soccer games, Abu Ghraib,
renditions, Guantanamo, various fabricated "terrorist plots," the determined
assault on civil liberties - have taken their toll on American credibility.
No one outside America any longer believes the US media or the US
The rest of the world reported the facts - an assault on Russian civilians
by American- and Israeli-trained and -equipped Georgian troops.
The Bush Regime, overcome by hubris, expected Russia to accept this act of
American hegemony. But the Russians did not, and the Georgian military was
sent fleeing for its life.--Paul Craig Roberts, "This Time, the
World Is Not Buying It,", August 16, 2008]
[The Bush administration appears to have pulled off its latest military
fiasco in the Caucasus. What was supposed to have been a swiftly and
painless takeover of rebellious South Ossetia by AmericaÕs favourite new
ally, Georgia, has turned into a disaster that left Georgia battered, Russia
enraged, and NATO badly demoralized. . . .
Bush, who ordered the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, and is
threatening war against Iran, accused Russia of 'bullying' and 'aggression.'
Putin, who crushed the life out of Chechnya's independence movement, piously
claimed his army was saving Ossetians from Georgian ethnic cleansing and
protecting their quest for independence.--Eric Margolis, "
[As of 1991, the oil of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan belonged to
Moscow. Can we not understand why Putin would smolder as avaricious Yankees
built pipelines to siphon the oil and gas of the Caspian Basin through
breakaway Georgia to the West?
For a dozen years, Putin & Co. watched as U.S. agents helped to dump over
regimes in Ukraine and Georgia that were friendly to Moscow.
If Cold War II is coming, who started it, if not us?
The swift and decisive action of Putin's army in running the Georgian forces
out of South Ossetia in 24 hours after Saakashvili began his barrage and
invasion suggests Putin knew exactly what Saakashvili was up to and dropped
the hammer on him. . . .
The war in Georgia has exposed the dangerous overextension of U.S. power.
There is no way America can fight a war with Russia in the Caucasus with our
army tied down in Afghanistan and Iraq. Nor should we. Hence, it is demented
to be offering, as John McCain and Barack Obama are, NATO membership to
Tbilisi.--Patrick J. Buchanan, "Who Started Cold War
II?,", August 19, 2008]
[John McCain calls the conflict in Georgia "the first probably serious
crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War," and he is doing
everything he can to make it his own, even at the cost of upstaging the
shrinking President Bush. But the tragedy in Georgia also reveals the most
embarrassing foreign policy blunder since - well, since the Bush
administration decided to wage a preemptive war in Iraq. If deep thinkers in
Washington insist on setting up a string of client states to encircle
Russia, they should never let the puppets pull their own strings, as Mikheil
Saakashvili appears to have done when he sent his army into rebellious South
Ossetia.--Steve Weissman, "McCain's War: Playing With Nuclear Fire,", August
20, 2008]
[Indeed, most of the world is bemused by western moralising on Georgia.
America would not tolerate Russia intruding into its geopolitical sphere in
Latin America. Hence Latin Americans see American double standards clearly.
So do all the Muslim commentaries that note that the US invaded Iraq
illegally, too. Neither India nor China is moved to protest against Russia.
It shows how isolated is the western view on Georgia: that the world should
support the underdog, Georgia, against Russia. In reality, most support
Russia against the bullying west. . . .
In the US, leading neo-conservative thinkers see China as their primary
contradiction. Yet they also support Israel with a passion, without
realising this stance is a geopolitical gift to China. It guarantees the US
faces a hostile Islamic universe, distracting it from focusing on
China.--Kishore Mahbubani, "The west is strategically wrong on Georgia,"
Financial Times, August 20, 2008]
[The U.S. ambassador to Moscow, in a rare U.S. comment endorsing Russia's
initial moves in Georgia, described the Kremlin's first military response as
legitimate after Russian troops came under attack.
U.S officials, including President George W. Bush, have strongly criticized
Moscow's subsequent action but have not focused on the initial chain of
events that triggered the conflict between Russian and U.S.-ally Georgia.
The war broke out after Georgia tried to retake its Moscow-backed breakaway
region of South Ossetia, prompting a counter-attack by Russian forces.--"Russia's first Georgia move
legitimate: U.S. envoy," Reuters, August 22, 2008]
[Without qualification the scope and intensity of Russian military moves
against Georgia deserve legal, moral, and political condemnation, but at the
same time Georgian and United States responsibility for the crisis is
significant, and should not be overlooked.
Russia violated the core norm of the UN Charter by sending its military
forces beyond its borders to attack a small neighbor on August 12, doing
heavy damage in the densely inhabited capital city of Tskhinvali by firing a
flurry of rockets and missiles, including cluster munitions. There are
unconfirmed media reports that as many as 2000 civilians died from the
combined Georgian and Russian attacks on South Ossetia, with the bulk of
these being caused by Georgia.--Richard Falk, "Assessing the Georgian crisis,", August 25, 2008]
Steve Gutterman, "Russia recognizes breakaway
Georgian regions," Associated Press, August 26, 2008
[President Mikheil Saakashvili epitomises the style, made worse in his case
by the lies he served up to deceive foreign opinion. He boasted of defeat.
Georgia was being swallowed up, Tbilisi was on the verge of occupation,
Russia was using weapons of mass destruction.
The biggest lie was his attempt to airbrush the fact that he created the
crisis by launching an artillery barrage on the South Ossetian capital,
which killed scores of civilians and 15 Russian peacekeepers. It was absurd
to think Russia would not retaliate.--Jonathan Steele, "Crisis of lies and hysteria," Associated Press, August 26, 2008]
[Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Thursday that he had reason to
think U.S. personnel were in the combat zone during the recent war in
Georgia, adding that if confirmed, their presence suggested "someone in the
United States" provoked the conflict to help one of the candidates in the
American presidential race.--Philip P. Pan and Jonathan Finer, "Putin Asserts Link Between U.S. Election and Georgia
War," Washington Post, August 29, 2008
"Spiegel: OSCE
observers fault Georgians in conflict,", August 30,
[Georgia also had a special relationship with Israel that was mostly under
the radar. Georgian Defense Minister Davit Kezerashvili is a former Israeli . . .
Israel began selling arms to Georgia seven years ago. U.S. grants
facilitated these purchases. From Israel came former minister and former Tel
Aviv Mayor Roni Milo, representing Elbit Systems, and his brother Shlomo,
former director general of Military Industries. Israeli UAV spy drones, made
by Elbit Maarahot Systems, conducted recon flights over southern Russia, as
well as into nearby Iran.
In a secret agreement between Israel and Georgia, two military airfields in
southern Georgia had been earmarked for the use of Israeli fighter-bombers
in the event of pre-emptive attacks against Iranian nuclear
installations.--Arnaud de Borchgrave, "Israel of the
Caucasus," Middle East Times, September 2, 2008]
Mark Ames, "The Cold
War That Wasn't," Nation, October 22, 2008
Seumas Milne, "The
truth about South Ossetia: After the west heaped blame on Russia for the
conflict, it ignores new evidence of Georgia's crimes of aggression
," Guardian, October 31, 2008
George Friedman, "The Russian Economy
and Russian Power,", July 27, 2009
[The most remarkable dimension of the various joint projects concerns
energy cooperation, most notably Turkey's expression of support for Russia's
South Stream project.--Saban Kardas, "Putin,
Erdogan seal 'grand bargain'," Asia Times, August 13, 2009]
Philip P. Pan, "Georgia Set Off War, Probe Finds,"
Washington Post, October 1, 2009