Suzanne Goldenberg, "More Than
80,000 Held by US Since 9/11 Attacks," Guardian, November 18, 2005
Robert Dreyfuss, "Dirty War: Our
Monsters in Iraq,", November 18, 2005
[The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it
has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners. . . .
The United States has, for instance, 2.3 million criminals behind bars, more
than any other nation, according to data maintained by the International
Center for Prison Studies at King's College London.--Adam Liptak, "U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other
nations,", April 23, 2008]
[Foreign suspects held in Guantanamo Bay have the right to challenge their
detention in US civilian courts, the US Supreme Court has ruled.--Thomas
Powers, "Major
Guantanamo setback for Bush," BBC News, June 12, 2008]
Pamela Hess, "AP: Exams prove abuse,
torture in Iraq, Gitmo," Associated Press, June 17, 2008
Marisa Taylor, "In a first, court
says military erred in a Guantanamo case," McClatchy Newspapers,
June 23, 2008
Mark Townsend, "Revealed: full horror of Gitmo inmate's beatings," Observer,
February 22, 2009
[VIDEO: The "Truth Commission" . . . is an excuse for
non-prosecution. It's essentially saying, "Let's put some stuff on the
public record. Let's immunize people. And then," as he even said, "let's
turn the page and go forward." That's really an excuse for non-prosecution.
. . .
I don't think he would be out there without the Obama administration at
least saying this is maybe a way to go. Look at, there's a lot of pressure
in this country right now for prosecutions. I mean, the polls indicate that
people want to see a criminal investigation. We've had open-open and
notorious admissions of waterboarding by people like Cheney. And we know
that waterboarding is torture, even according to Obama.
So, how do you diffuse that pressure? And one way you diffuse it is you set
up a, quote, "truth commission" that's going to give immunity to people. And
then, as Leahy himself says - the word he used, I think, is that he objects
to those "fixated" on prosecution. Well, you know, it's a legal requirement
that you prosecute torturers in your country. And yet, he calls us "fixated"
on it and wants to make this excuse. So I think this is, in a way - you
don't know this - but in conjunction with the Obama administration saying,
"Let's do this. It will dispose of, you know, the human rights groups in the
world and others. And let's go forward." . . .
But what we see in these memos - and I recommend them to everybody, because
you read these, you are seeing essentially the legal underpinnings of a
police state or a dictatorship of the president. There's no doubt about it.
That's what it is, and it's not theoretical. These were the actual building
blocks of what we had in this country for eight years, in which - and the one
you mentioned when we opened, Juan, that what happened here was one of these
memos said the military could operate in the United States, and operate in
the United States despite the Posse Comitatus law, which prohibits the
military from operating in the United States. And when it operates - this is
really extraordinary - they can arrest and detain - "arrest" is not the right
word - kidnap anyone they want and send them to a detention place anywhere in
the world without any kind of law.--"Lawmakers Debate Establishing
'Truth Commission' on Bush Admin Torture, Rendition and Domestic
Spying,", March 5, 2009]
[The long-awaited release Thursday of four Bush-era memos lays out in
clinical detail many of the controversial interrogation methods secretly
authorized by the Bush administration - from waterboarding to trapping
prisoners in boxes with insects - while former President George W. Bush was
publicly condemning the use of torture.--Margaret Talev and Marisa Taylor,
interrogations: From waterboarding to forced nudity,"
McClatchy Newspapers, March 5, 2009]
Alex Spillius, "Risk of rejected
torture evidence puts Obama in a bind over trials," Telegraph, May
5, 2009
[ . . . out of the 240 detainees currently on the island, 60 were cleared of
any wrongdoing by the last administration and are just languishing there in
a sort of limbo and 80 others have yet to be tried in whatever court the
administration finally settles on. According to Sec. Def. Bob Gates, that
leaves 50 to 100, who cannot be charged with terrorism but won't be released
because they are supposedly too much of a risk. That leaves how many
convicted "terrorists"? Three.--Kelley Vlahos, "Stop Calling Them 'Terrorists'!," American Conservative, May
20, 2009]
[Amb. Murray reports that the people delivered by CIA flights to
Uzbekistan's torture prisons "were told to confess to membership in Al
Qaeda. They were told to confess they'd been in training camps in
Afghanistan. They were told to confess they had met Osama bin Laden in
person. And the CIA intelligence constantly echoed these themes."--Paul
Craig Roberts, "The Evil
Empire,", November 6, 2009]
[George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld covered up that hundreds of
innocent men were sent to the Guantanamo Bay prison camp because they feared
that releasing them would harm the push for war in Iraq and the broader War
on Terror, . . .
General Powell, who left the Bush Administration in 2005, angry about the
misinformation that he unwittingly gave the world when he made the case for
the invasion of Iraq at the UN, is understood to have backed Colonel
Wilkerson's declaration.--"George W. Bush 'knew Guantanamo prisoners were
innocent'," Times, April 9, 2010]
[72% of Guantanamo detainees who finally were able to obtain just minimal
due process (which is what a habeas hearing is) - after years of being in a
cage without charges - have been found by federal judges to be wrongfully
detained.--Glenn Greenwald, "A disgrace of historic proportions,", May 28, 2010]
[The US military dossiers, obtained by the New York Times and the Guardian,
reveal how, alongside the so-called "worst of the worst", many prisoners
were flown to the Guantanamo cages and held captive for years on the
flimsiest grounds, or on the basis of lurid confessions extracted by
The 759 Guantanamo files, classified "secret", cover almost every inmate
since the camp was opened in 2002. More than two years after President Obama
ordered the closure of the prison, 172 are still held there.
. . . US authorities listed the main Pakistani intelligence service, the
Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), as a terrorist organisation
alongside groups such as al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian
intelligence.--David Leigh, James Ball, Ian Cobain and Jason Burke, "Guantanamo leaks lift lid on world's most controversial
prison," Guardian, April 25, 2011]
[When it comes to prisons, we are No. 1. The United States has 743 people in
prison for every 100,000 people in the country. England has 153; Germany has
89 and Japan a mere 63.--Patricia Hunt, "Webb takes on a U.S. hallmark: prisons,", September 17, 2011]
Carol Rosenberg, "Cost to house a captive at Guantanamo Bay is
$800,000,", November 8, 2011
Scott Shane, "Beyond Guantanamo, a Web of Prisons for
Terrorism Inmates,", December 10, 2011
[The "Dirty 30" probably weren't all Osama bin Laden bodyguards after all. The "Karachi 6"
weren't a cell of bombers plotting attacks in Pakistan for al-Qaida. An Afghan man captured
14 years ago as a suspected chemical weapons maker was confused for somebody else.--Carol
Rosenberg, "New Guantanamo Intelligence Upends Old 'Worst of the
Worst' Myths,", October 7, 2016]
[Some emerged with the same symptoms as American prisoners of war who were brutalized
decades earlier by some of the world's cruelest regimes.
Those subjected to the tactics included victims of mistaken identity or flimsy evidence
that the United States later disavowed.--Matt Apuzzo, Sheri Fink and James Risen, "How
U.S. Torture Left Legacy of Damaged Minds,", October 8, 2016]
[The official military line was that torture did not happen. As an insider, I knew this
was a lie--James Yee, "I was an imam at Guantánamo Bay,", June 4, 2021]