Robert Fisk is the author of "The Great War for Civilisation"
Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Terrorized
by 'War on Terror'," Washington Post, March 25, 2007
George McGovern, "Why I Believe Bush Must
Go," Washington Post, January 6, 2008
Juan R. I. Cole, "Top Ten Myths About
Iraq,", January 8, 2008
Israel's West Bank Settlements," Reuters, January 8, 2008
[Every country in the world, except America, knows by now that the US is the
world's leading state sponsor of terror . . .
Bush considers Iran to be the leading state sponsor of terror, because Iran
is believed to fund Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian
ghetto. Hezbollah and Hamas are two organizations that exist because of
Israeli aggression against Palestine and Lebanon. The two organizations are
branded "terrorist" because they resist Israel's theft of Palestine and
Israel's designs on southern Lebanon. Both organizations are resistance
organizations. They resist Israel's territorial expansion and this makes
them "terrorist."--Paul Craig Roberts, "Bringing Death and
Destruction to Muslims,", January 17, 2008]
[On January 13 an emerging Sunni-Shiite nationalist bloc in Iraq signed a
groundbreaking agreement aimed at ending Iraq's civil war, blocking the
privatization of Iraq's oil industry and checkmating the breakaway Kurdish
state. . . .
For the past two years, Iraqi nationalists - opposed to the US occupation,
opposed to Al Qaeda and opposed to Iran's heavyhanded influence in Iraqi
affairs - have struggled to assert themselves. The nascent coalition
contains the seeds of true national reconciliation in Iraq, but it has
emerged independently of the United States. Unrelated to the constant
American pressure on the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to meet
various reconciliation "benchmarks," the new coalition is designed either to
sweep Maliki out of office or force him to join it. . . .
Among its goals, say its leaders, are to ensure that Iraq's "oil, natural
gas, and other treasures [remain the] property of all the Iraqi people,"
opposing both the proposed new oil law that would open the door to
privatization of the oil industry and the illegal oil deals signed by the
Kurdish regional government. Another goal, they say, is to block the Kurdish
takeover of the oil-rich region around Kirkuk in Iraq's north. And, they
say, the new coalition will "overcome the narrow circle of sectarianism" by
uniting Sunnis and Shiites.--Robert Drefuss, "Nationalists
Stirring in Iraq,", January 16, 2008]
Tim Dickinson, "Truth
or Terrorism? The Real Story Behind Five Years of High Alerts,", January 22, 2008
"Iraq seeks sharp
reduction in U.S. military role,", January 24, 2008
Ahmed Ali and Dahr Jamail, "Iraqis: 'US
the Biggest Producer of Terror',", January 28, 2008
[Hoping to turn enemies into allies, U.S. forces are arming Iraqis who
fought with the insurgents. But it's already starting to backfire.--Nir
Rosen, "The Myth of the Surge," Rolling Stone,
March 6, 2008]
[The most recent survey of Iraqi deaths is the poll conducted by Opinion
Research Business, a top British polling firm, in August 2007, which found
an estimated 1.2 million deaths by violence among Iraqi households.--"NPR Underreports Iraq
Deaths," FAIR, March 26, 2008
[The war in Iraq has become "a major debacle" and the outcome "is in doubt"
despite improvements in security from the buildup in U.S. forces, according
to a highly critical study published Thursday by the Pentagon's premier
military educational institute.--Jonathan S. Landay and John Walcott, "Pentagon
institute calls Iraq war 'a major debacle' with outcome 'in doubt',"
McClatchy Newspapers, April 17, 2008]
[As long as there is injustice in the Middle East, al-Qa'ida will win.
As long as we have 22 times as many Western forces in the Muslim world as we
did at the time of the Crusades - my calculations are pretty accurate - we
are going to be at war with Muslims..--Robert Fisk, "So al-Qa'ida's
defeated, eh? Go tell it to the marines," Independent, June 1, 2008]
James Glanz, "Government
Study Criticizes Bush Administration's Measures of Progress in
Iraq," New York Times, June 24, 2008