by Sam Roe
The specter of nuclear warfare waged by North Korea or Iran has hung over
the world in recent months. But beyond that fear and foreboding looms a more
far-reaching threat: the vast amount of nuclear bomb-grade material
scattered across the globe.
And it wasn't Kim Jong Il or the ayatollahs of Iran who put it there.
America did.
For a time, in a misguided Cold War program called Atoms for Peace, the U.S.
actually supplied this material--highly enriched uranium, a key component of
nuclear weapons. The Soviets followed suit.
The threat still posed by these stockpiles, particularly in the wake of the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, is so dire that the keepers of the Doomsday Clock cited the issue as
among their chief concerns this month when they moved the iconic measure of
global security closer to midnight.
Just last week, Georgian authorities disclosed they had caught a Russian man
trying to sell uranium he had hidden in two plastic bags in his pocket--an
unsettling reminder of how easy it is to smuggle this dangerous material.
Yet decades of fitful commitment by the U.S. government to retrieve
bomb-grade uranium have left the world no safer, a Tribune investigation has
found. Today, roughly 40 tons of the material remains out of U.S.
control--enough to make more than 1,400 nuclear weapons. . . .
Romania is but one example in a world that reverberates from the fallout of
the United States' Cold War folly known as Atoms for Peace, a program that
distributed highly enriched uranium around the world.
That uranium was intended solely to be used as fuel in civilian research
reactors. But it is potent enough to make nuclear bombs and can be found
everywhere from Romania, now a crossroads for nuclear smuggling, to an
Iranian research reactor at the center of that nation's controversial
nuclear program.
Three dozen other nations also obtained highly enriched uranium from the
U.S. Then in 1974 India set off its first nuclear weapon, and America
scrambled to get the bomb fuel back . . .
Robert Jensen, "You Call This
'Civilized?': Bush's Nuclear Hypocrisy," The Wisdom Fund, February
12, 2004
Tony Benn, "U.S., Britain's 'Total
Hypocrisy' on Nuclear Energy," Democracy Now!, March 10, 2006