by Karen Armstrong
In the 12th century, Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, initiated a
dialogue with the Islamic world. "I approach you not with arms, but with
words," he wrote to the Muslims whom he imagined reading his book, "not with
force, but with reason, not with hatred, but with love." Yet his treatise
was entitled Summary of the Whole Heresy of the Diabolical Sect of the
Saracens and segued repeatedly into spluttering intransigence. Words failed
Peter when he contemplated the "bestial cruelty" of Islam, which, he
claimed, had established itself by the sword. Was Muhammad a true prophet?
"I shall be worse than a donkey if I agree," he expostulated, "worse than
cattle if I assent!"
Peter was writing at the time of the Crusades. Even when Christians were
trying to be fair, their entrenched loathing of Islam made it impossible for
them to approach it objectively. For Peter, Islam was so self-evidently evil
that it did not seem to occur to him that the Muslims he approached with
such "love" might be offended by his remarks. This medieval cast of mind is
still alive and well.
Last week, Pope Benedict XVI quoted, without qualification and with apparent
approval, the words of the 14th-century Byzantine emperor Manuel II: "Show
me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things
only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith
he preached." The Vatican seemed bemused by the Muslim outrage occasioned by
the Pope's words, claiming that the Holy Father had simply intended "to
cultivate an attitude of respect and dialogue toward the other religions and
cultures, and obviously also towards Islam".
But the Pope's good intentions seem far from obvious. Hatred of Islam is so
ubiquitous and so deeply rooted in western culture that it brings together
people who are usually at daggers drawn. Neither the Danish cartoonists, who published the
offensive caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad last February, nor the
Christian fundamentalists who have called him a paedophile and a terrorist,
would ordinarily make common cause with the Pope; yet on the subject of
Islam they are in full agreement.
Our Islamophobia dates back to the time of the Crusades, and is entwined
with our chronic anti-semitism. Some of the first Crusaders began their
journey to the Holy Land by massacring the Jewish communities along the
Rhine valley; the Crusaders ended their campaign in 1099 by slaughtering
some 30,000 Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem. . . .
Richard T. Cooper, "General Casts
War in Religious Terms," Los Angeles Times, October 16, 2003
Pope Benedict XVI, "Faith,
Reason and the University: Memories and Reflections," The Vatican,
September 12, 2006
Tariq Ali, "Papal
Insults,", September 16, 2006
Peter Popham, "Muslim
world protests at Pope's 'derogatory' Mohamed comments,"Independent,
September 16, 2006
Makes Personal Apology to Muslims," Deutsche Welle, September 17, 2006
John L. Esposito, "Benedict XVI and Islam,"
ACMCU, September 18, 2006
Yair Ettinger, "Chief rabbi writes to
Sunni cleric about pope's remarks," Haaretz, September 18, 2006
[Famously, the then Cardinal Ratzinger once referred to Buddhism as a form
of masturbation for the mind . . . The current anger of Muslims is
comparable to the anger and disappointment felt by Jews after his visit to
Auschwitz in May.--Madeleine Bunting, "'A man with
little sympathy for other faiths"," Guardian, September 19, 2006]
"Pope Expresses 'Deep Respect' for Islam," Associated Press,
September 20, 2006
[For nearly a century and a half after independence, American Jews who
received senior diplomatic postings overseas usually got sent to Muslim
capitals, where it was assumed that they would readily find a common
language. That custom came to a sudden halt only in 1917, when the Balfour
Declaration inaugurated a century of Muslim-Jewish hostility. . . .
The violent convulsions wracking the Muslim world today are no more inherent
to Islam than the Crusades or the pogroms were essential to Christianity. As
for the current confrontation between Islam and Judaism, it is, in the broad
sweep of history, a mere blip, compared to the two-millennium nightmare of
Christian persecution.--"The Pope,
Islam and History,", September 22, 2006]
[ . . . the quote serves exactly the requirements of the present Emperor,
George Bush II. He, too, wants to unite the Christian world against the
mainly Muslim "Axis of Evil". Moreover, the Turks are again knocking on the
doors of Europe, this time peacefully. It is well known that the Pope
supports the forces that object to the entry of Turkey into the European
Union. . . .
True, Muhammad called for the use of the sword in his war against opposing
tribes - Christian, Jewish and others - in Arabia, when he was building his
state. But that was a political act, not a religious one; basically a fight
for territory, not for the spreading of the faith.--Uri Avnery, "Muhammad's
Sword," Gush Shalom, September 23, 2006]
Kabir Helminski, "Islam and Logos: A Reply to
Pope Benedict," Islamica Magazine, September 2006
Abdolali Bazargan, "Letter to the
Pope," Islamic Center of Beverley Hills, October 25, 2006
talks due in Italy," BBC News, March 4, 2008