Julian Borger, "The Spies Who Pushed
for War," Guardian, July 17, 2003
Enver Masud, "Iran Has an 'Inalienable Right' to
Nuclear Energy," The Wisdom Fund, January 16, 2006
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, "The Israel
Lobby," London Review of Books, March 23, 2006
Paul Krugman, "Yes He Would," New
York Times, April 10, 2006
[Iran could have its first nuclear weapon in 2009. By this time, Iran could
have had sufficient time to prepare the other components of a nuclear
weapon, although the weapon may not be small enough to be deliverable by a
ballistic missile.
This result reflects a worst-case assessment for arms control. Iran can be
expected to take longer, as it is likely to encounter technical difficulties
that would delay bringing a centrifuge plant into operation.--David
Albright, "When
could Iran get the Bomb?," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
July/August 2006]
[By secretly providing NSA intelligence to Israel and undermining the
hapless Condi Rice, hardliners in the Bush administration are trying to
widen the Middle East conflict to Iran and Syria, not stop it.--Sidney
Blumenthal, "The
neocons' next war," Salon, August 3, 2006]
[It was the opportunity Hizbullah's action seemed to offer of dealing a
telling blow to Iran by crushing its Lebanese proxy, it can be argued, which
danced in the minds of members of Israel's cabinet and general staff. What
impelled the US, followed by Britain, to delay and obstruct the diplomacy
which might have brought an earlier end to the fighting was, again arguably,
that same impulse. Taking down Iran was more important than saving villagers
in Lebanon or civilians in Israel.
. . . the Iranians, who had expressed their sympathy for Americans in
spontaneous demonstrations after 9/11 and offered practical help in
Afghanistan, were hardly prepared to be named as members of the "axis of
evil" in Bush's notorious State of the Union address in 2002.--Leader: "Aiming
for Iran," Guardian, August 8, 2006]
[President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney were convinced, current and
former intelligence and diplomatic officials told me, that a successful
Israeli Air Force bombing campaign against Hezbollah's heavily fortified
underground-missile and command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease
Israel's security concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential
American pre‘mptive attack to destroy Iran's nuclear installations--Seymour
M. Hersh, "Washington's
interests in Israel's war," New Yorker, August 14, 2006]
[It is feared that the weapons-grade uranium from the South African nukes
will be used as a "smoking gun" to show Iran's possession of nuclear
weapons--Wayne Madsen, "David Kelly
knew about South African nuclear weapons program," waynemadsenreport.com,
August 21, 2006]
[IAEA inspectors have yet to see any indication - much less evidence -
that Iran has engaged in any activity involving the use of any amount of
proscribed nuclear materials in furtherance of a military
purpose.--Gordon Prather, "Cooking
Intelligence Again," antiwar.com, August 29, 2006]
[ElBaradei once again confirmed that Iran remained in total compliance
with its original NPT-required Safeguards Agreement. And that Iran continues
to provide cooperation on certain matters beyond that required. . . .
This is where Iran has chosen to make its stand. Defending the NPT, the
IAEA-NPT nuke proliferation prevention regime, the IAEA Board of Governors,
the UN Security Council and the UN Charter, itself, against assaults by
Bonkers Bolton and his Gang of Three.--Gordon Prather, "Whoops! Bolton's
Bad," antiwar.com, September 2, 2006]
[President George W Bush is coming under enormous pressure from Israel - and
from Israel's neoconservative friends inside and outside the US
administration - to harden still further his stance toward Iran.Patrick
Seale, "Pressures mount on Bush to bomb Iran," Daily
Star, September 16, 2006]
"'We Are
Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran Right Now'," CNN,
September 18, 2006
Scott Ritter, "Target Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for
Regime Change," Nation Books; 1st edition (September 28, 2006)
Arnaud de Borchgrave, "If
and when Bush 'Iraqs' Iran," Washington Times, October 3, 2006
Jonathon Cook, "The BBC and Israeli
Propaganda," counterpunch.org, October 11, 2006
VIDEO: [ . . .the most important thing is to understand the reality that
Iran is squarely in the crosshairs as a target of the Bush administration,
in particular, as a target of the Bush administration as it deals -- as it
relates to the National Security Strategy of the United States. You see,
this isn't a hypothetical debate among political analysts, foreign policy
specialists. Read the 2006 version of the National Security Strategy, where
Iran is named sixteen times as the number one threat to the national
security of the United States of America, because in the same document, it
embraces the notion of pre-emptive wars of aggression as a legitimate means
of dealing with such threats. It also recertifies the Bush administration
doctrine of regional transformation globally, but in this case particularly
in the Middle East. So, we're not talking about hypotheticals here,
regardless of all the discussion the Bush administration would like you to
believe there is about diplomacy. There is no diplomacy, as was the case
with Iraq. Diplomacy is but a smokescreen to disguise the ultimate objective
of regime change. . . .
The true power in Iran rests with the Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader is
the Ayatollah Khamenei. He is supported by an organization called the
Guardian Council. Then there's another group called the Expediency Council.
These are the people that control the military, the police, the nuclear
program, all the instruments of power. And not only has the Supreme Leader
issued a fatwa that says that nuclear weapons are not compatible with
Islamic law, with the Shia belief system that he is responsible, in 2003 he
actually reached out to the Bush administration via the Swiss embassy and
said, "Look, we would like to normalize relations with the United States.
We'd like to initiate a process that leads to a peace treaty between Israel
and Iran." Get this, Israel and Iran. He's not saying, "We want to wipe
Israel off the face of the earth." He is saying, "We want peace with
Israel." And they were willing to put their nuclear program on the table.
Why didn"t the Bush administration embrace this? Because that leads to a
process of normalization, where the United States recognizes the legitimacy
of the theocracy and is willing to peacefully coexist with the theocracy.
That's not the Bush administration's position. They want the theocracy
gone. . . .
On the ground, the CIA is recruiting Mojahedin-e-Khalq, recruiting Kurds,
recruiting Azeris, who are operating inside Iran on behalf of the United
States of America. And there is reason to believe that we've actually put
uniformed members of the United States Armed Forces and American citizens
operating as CIA paramilitaries inside Iranian territory to gather
Now, when you violate the borders and the airspace of a sovereign nation
with paramilitary and military forces, that's an act of war. That's an act
of war. So, when Americans say, "Ah, there's not going to be a war in Iran,"
there's already a war in Iran. We're at war with Iran. We're just not in the
declared conventional stage of the war.--Scott Ritter, "Target
Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for Regime Change,"
Democracy Now, October 16, 2006]
George Jahn, "30 more countries could have nukes
soon," Associated Press, October 16, 2006
"CIA analysis finds no Iranian nuclear weapons drive: report,"
AFP, November 19, 2006
[ . . . if the objective is to strengthen the non-proliferation regime, then
Iran has put on the table so many suggestions based on serious research by
independent scholars that would, from a legal perspective, from a political
perspective, as well as from a technical and monitoring perspective, make it
next to impossible for Iran to divert this technology to non-peaceful uses.
These suggestions included, for instance, permanent presence of IAEA
inspectors, which goes even beyond the additional protocol.--"The Next
Act: Will the Republicans' Mid-Term Loss Hurt Chances of a War on
Iran?," democracynow.org, November 21, 2006]
[Suspicions that the United States is actually trying to build up its
nuclear capabilities are undercutting Washington's arguments for restraining
the nuclear appetites of Iran and North Korea.--Editorial: "Busywork for
Nuclear Scientists," New York Times, January 15, 2007]
[David Albright, operating under the guise of his creation, ISIS, has a
track record of inserting hype and speculation about matters of great
sensitivity in a manner which skews the debate toward the worst-case
scenario.--Scott Ritter, "The Nuclear Expert Who Never
Was," truthdig.com, June 26, 2008]