by Mansoor Alam
And now have We set thee (O Muhammad) on a clear road (Shariah) of
(Our) commandment; so follow it, and follow not the whims of those who
know not [45:18]
-- M. Pickthall translation
The above verse leaves no doubt that the Shariah the Prophet (PBUH) was
commanded to follow - and hence Muslims in turn are supposed to follow -
must provide a clear road (or code) for leading our individual as well as
collective lives. Since Islam is universal in scope, its laws must reflect
that universality. Therefore, it is wrong to refer to a shariah that
applies only to a particular group or sect as 'Islamic.' In fact,
attaching the Islamic label to a sectarian shariah negates its very
universality. Similarly, imposing the shariah of a particular sect (or
Madhab) on all Muslims is also wrong because there is no compulsion in
So why the apparent contradiction where everyone wants to impose his or
her interpretation on everyone else? And is there a way out of this
Yes, there is and that involves re-opening the closed door of ijtihad that
has remained shut tight for centuries. The self-appointed custodians of
the religion guard it passionately, issuing fatwas against those who do
not step in line with their sectarian shariah and even declare them as
heretics or kafirs. These custodians waged war to get rid of the
M'utazilah. Their Crime? Belief in human free will (what you sow is
what you reap), fairness in justice, and utilizing reason to understand
the Qur'an. The stigma remains, so much so that even today anyone
advocating to uphold these Qur'anic ideals is branded with this label by
the proponents of this man-made sectarian shariah.
But time is the ultimate arbiter. There has been recent debate on the
issue of opening the door to ijtihad, not because they want to do it, but
because they have been forced into it by the challenges that confront
Muslims today.
The Prophet (PBUH) first planted the seed of ijtihad and nourished it as
commanded by Allah (SWT) - [Qur'an 4:135]. This he did as an integral part
of the Islamic way of life (Shariah). The Rightly-Guided Caliphs continued
the Prophet's tradition by their continuous cultivation of ijtihad,
resulting in the phenomenal flowering of the Islamic civilization.
In accordance with the universal nature of Islam, the world was offered
the fruits of these efforts in areas of science, art, philosophy,
architecture, jurisprudence and medicine. As the early Muslims were
dedicated to the spirit of inquiry and establishing schools in many
branches of knowledge, the West benefited well from the fruits the tree of
ijtihad yielded. Muslims however ceased to nurture the root of inquiry
that had proved so vital to their vigorous development. Once felled, the
loss of ijtihad starved the Ummah of a means to propagate the intellectual
inquiry so integral to the early Islamic tradition.
This single act may have contributed to the downfall of Muslims more than
anything else. We are limited now to recycling and regurgitating old
commentaries. Any discussion of progress evokes fear of innovation and
must automatically be labeled as haraam (forbidden) according to this
sectarian shariah.
There is definitely a way to get out of our present abyss, but that would
require opening the door of ijtihad, enabling the present Ummah to debate,
and apply the principles of ijtihad, in the manner of our noble
predecessors, to all issues, in the light of Qur'anic guidance. Life,
according to the Qur'an, is nothing but ijtihad or struggle - persistent
struggle, continuous exertion [29:69]. This is the only way we can reclaim
Allah's universal Shariah [22:78]. Only then will we be able to realize
the true and full potential of Islam. It was done before and it can be
done again. This is the promise of Allah and Allah does not break his
promise [30:6].
According to Muhammad Iqbal, the poet-philosopher of the East and one of
the greatest scholars of Islam:
Persistent struggle gives maturity to the elixir of life
O ignorant ones! This is the secret of immortal life
Dr. Mansoor Alam is on the Editorial Board of The Alternate Voice.
P.O. Box 350863, Toledo, OH 43635-0863 USA
Sir Abdullah Suhrawardy, "The Sayings of
Muhammad," February 1905
"Sharia or Islamic Law,"
The Wisdom Fund
Reza Aslan, "No
god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam," Random House
(March 15, 2005)
Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, "The
Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists," HarperSanFrancisco
(October 1, 2005)
Richard N. Ostling, "Scholar says
this generation's Muslims face a momentous choice," Associated
Press/The Manila Times, November 5, 2005
Anouar Majid, "A
Call for Heresy: Why Dissent Is Vital to Islam and America,"
Univ Of Minnesota Press (September 18, 2007)
[The country's powerful Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a
team of theologians at Ankara University to carry out a fundamental revision
of the Hadith, the second most sacred text
in Islam after the Koran.--Robert Piggott, "Turkey in radical
revision of Islamic texts," BBC News, February 26, 2008]
[Much of Sharia law is based on the hadith
and not on the Koran, which is the literal word of God for Muslim believers.
A substantial body of hadith is used to justify the oppression of women, the
stoning of adulterers and other controversial aspects of Sharia law.
Compilations of hadith were collated two centuries after the ProphetÕs death
in the 7th century.--Vincent Boland, "Turkey's
fresh look at Prophet nears end," Financial Times, February 26, 2008]
. . . the outrage about according a degree of official status to Shariah in
a Western country should come as no surprise. No legal system has ever had
worse press. To many, the word "Shariah" conjures horrors of hands cut off,
adulterers stoned and women oppressed. By contrast, who today remembers that
the much-loved English common law called for execution as punishment for
hundreds of crimes, including theft of any object worth five shillings or
more? How many know that until the 18th century, the laws of most European
countries authorized torture as an official component of the
criminal-justice system? As for sexism, the common law long denied married
women any property rights or indeed legal personality apart from their
husbands. When the British applied their law to Muslims in place of Shariah,
as they did in some colonies, the result was to strip married women of the
property that Islamic law had always granted them - hardly progress toward
equality of the sexes.
In fact, for most of its history, Islamic law offered the most liberal and
humane legal principles available anywhere in the world.--Noah Feldman,"Why
Shariah?," New York Times, February 26, 2008]