by Enver Masud
British armed forces broke into Basra jail, and freed two undercover,
"British" agents arrested by the Iraqi police while allegedly traveling in an
unmarked car, in civilian - some
say Arab - dress, and in possession of explosives.
An Iraqi defence ministry source said: "The dramatic show of strength, also
allowed about 150 Iraqi prisoners to escape," reported the Times of London.
Details of the arrest and the subsequent breakout from the Basra jail,
including the nationality of the men arrested, have been contested.
The Guardian
reports that an Iraqi judge has "renewed arrest warrants for two British soldiers
who were rescued from jail."
The accompanying photos are said to be of the two "British" agents arrested
on September 19, and the items found in the car they were driving.
The key issue, however, is: "Were the two 'British' agents carrying
explosives, and what did they intend to do with them?"
If, as some allege, their purpose was to attack Iraqis, and make it appear
to be the work of other Iraqi's, it would lend substance to allegations that
the Americans and/or British are responsible for
some of these attacks.
And it would undermine the U.S. and British rationale for prolonging the
At the very least, the 'British' agents may be classified as unlawful
combatants, and if incarcerating unlawful combatants indefinitely in
Guantanamo is lawful, then the Iraqis should have the right to hold the
'British' agents.
Henry H. Shelton, Head US Special Forces: [The special forces are used] to
put down rebellions or to start one.--"60 Minutes," April 30, 1995 [On October
1, 1997, Gen. Shelton became Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.]
Enver Masud, "Who's Terrorizing Whom,"
The Wisdom Fund, March 26, 1996
Enver Masud, "Deadly Deception,
Pretexts for War," The Wisdom Fund, July 30, 2001
Robert Fisk, "All This Talk of Civil
War, and Now This Carnage. Coincidence?," Independent, March 3, 2004
Michael Hirsh and John Barry, "'The Salvador
Option': The Pentagon may put Special-Forces-led assassination or
kidnapping teams in Iraq," Newsweek, January 10, 2005
Jeffrey Fleishman, "Risk of Civil War Spreads
Fear Across Nation," Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2005
Juan Cole, "British Storm Basra Jail with Tanks," Informed Comment, September
20, 2005
Nafeez Ahmed, "Caught Red-Handed," Institute for Policy Research & Development,
September 23, 2005
Raymond Whitaker and Sarah Tejal Dave, "So
what were two undercover British soldiers up to in Basra,"
Independent, September 25, 2005
Michael Keefer, "Were British Special Forces Soldiers Planting
Bombs in Basra?,", September 25, 2005
Michael Smith and Ali Rifat, "SAS in
secret war against Iranian agents," Sunday Times, September 25, 2005
[Although reported initially by the Times and the Mail, all mention of
the explosives allegedly found in the SAS men's unmarked Cressida vanished
from the news. . . .
The Anglo-American goal of "federalism" for Iraq is part of an imperial
strategy of provoking divisions in a country where traditionally the
communities have overlapped, even intermarried. The Osama-like promotion of
al-Zarqawi is integral to this.--John
Pilger, "Sinister
Events in a Cynical War," New Statesman, September 27, 2005]
Reliable sources have reported to The Wisdom Fund that the SAS agents
were in Basra to create an incident which would be blamed on Iran in an
attempt to get Iran to give in to the US/British demand to forego nuclear
activities which are in compliance with the NPT.--October 10, 2005
VIDEO: Alex Jones, "Terror Storm: A Chronicle of False Flag
Terrorism," Prison Planet TV, July 12, 2006
Sean Rayment, "Top secret army cell breaks terrorists," Sunday
Telegraph, February 5, 2007
Martin Chulov, "Basra in southern Iraq has been transformed - thanks to
oil," Sunday Guardian, October 11, 2010
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