Enver Masud, "U.S. Violating Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty," The Wisdom Fund, March 11, 2003
[MARGARET WARNER: Just a sort of common sense question. If, if the Iranians
aren't doing this for weapons uses and it's really just to generate
electricity, why would they have kept it secret for 18 years?
MOHAMED ELBARADEI: Well, their answer - and again I'm repeating their, their
story - that they have been under sanction for 18 years. If they would have
declared it to us 18 years ago, they would not have been able to get the
equipment they wanted.-- "Newsmaker: ElBaradei," PBS NewsHour, March 18, 2004]
Mark Jensen, "Scott Ritter: U.S. Plans June
Attack on Iran, 'Cooked' Iraq Election Results," United for Peace of
Pierce County (WA), February 19, 2005
Gordon Prather, "Iran Defends the
NPT," Antiwar.com, May 7, 2005
Michael T. Klare, "The Iran War
Buildup," The Nation, July 21, 2005
[According to Philip Giraldi, writing in the new issue of the American
Conservative, . . . The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice
President Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic
Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in
response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The
plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional
and tactical nuclear weapons.--"What Is the Plan If There's Another 9/11?," justinlogan.com, July 22,
David Ray Griffin, "9/11 and the Mainstream
Press," National Press Club, July 22, 2005
Simon Tisdall, "Tehran
accuses US of nuclear double standard," Guardian, July 28, 2005
Dafna Linzer, "Iran Is Judged 10 Years From Nuclear Bomb,"
Washington Post, August 2, 2005
[Iran hasn't announced any plans to resume enriching uranium. . . . The
Iranians also proposed that there be an unprecedented "continuous on-site
presence of IAEA inspectors at the conversion and enrichment facilities." .
. . Furthermore the Iranians are right. "The Board of Governors has no
factual or legal ground, nor any statutory power, to make or enforce such a
demand, or impose ramifications as a consequence of it."--Gordon Prather,
"The EU vs. Iran:
Who's Right?," Antiwar.com, August 8, 2005]
['Operation Iraqi Freedom' was a war designed to install a pro-U.S.
government in Iraq, establish multiple U.S. military bases before the onset
of global Peak Oil, and to
reconvert Iraq back to petrodollars while hoping to thwart further OPEC
momentum towards the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency. . . .
Iran is about to commit a far greater "offense" than Saddam Hussein's
conversion to the euro for Iraq's oil exports in the fall of 2000. Beginning
in March 2006, the Tehran government has plans to begin competing with New
York's NYMEX and London's IPE with respect to international oil trades -
using a euro-based international oil-trading mechanism.--William R. Clark,
Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse,"
Information Clearing House, August 8, 2005]
[Why does Cheney want to sell nuclear reactors to China, but order the U.S.
Strategic Command to prepare to nuke Iran's nuclear power capability, a
capability that would allow Iran to sell more oil to an energy-starved
world?--Paul Craig Roberts, "Nuclear China Good,
Nuclear Iran Bad?," Antiwar.com, August 11, 2005]
[Could the proposed Iranian oil bourse (IOB) become the catalyst for a
significant blow to the influential position the US dollar enjoys?--Toni
Straka, "Killing the
dollar in Iran," Asia Times Online, August 26, 2005]
Jim Lobe, "Pentagon
Foresees Preemptive Nuclear Strikes," Inter Press Service, September 13, 2005
[Iran (for example) has an inalienable right to buy a turn-key uranium
enrichment facility and, if the financial details can be worked out, Russia
(for example) "shall" sell it to them.--Gordon Prather, "Neocrazies
Foiled," CounterPunch, September 17, 2005]
[. . . the United States built Iran's first nuclear plant at Amirabad, and
knew that the Shah began a low-grade weapons research programme in
1967.--Randeep Ramesh, "Nuclear nuances: A blossoming relationship with Iran is rubbing
India's friends in Washington the wrong way," Guardian, September 22,
[The Pentagon document, "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations," calls for
the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear adversaries in order "to
ensure success of US and multinational operations."
. . . The Bush administration knows that few Americans have any knowledge
of international law and procedures and will simply believe whatever
President Bush says. The highly concentrated US media is a proven walkover
for the war-mongering Bush administration.--Paul Craig Roberts, "Bush is Cooking
Up Two New Wars," CounterPunch, September 13, 2005]
[So Iran is in "compliance" with its (NPT) Safeguards Agreement.
But, in December, 2003, Iran had signed an Additional Protocol to its
Safeguards Agreement and had volunteered to cooperate with the IAEA -
pending ratification by the Iranian Parliament - as if the Additional
Protocol were actually "in force." . . .
ElBaradei reported last week that even after two years of Iranian
cooperation that went beyond what was required under their Safeguards
Agreement and its un-ratified Additional Protocol, he was still "not yet in
a position to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or
activities in Iran."--Gordon Prather, "US-Israeli Diplomatic
Triumph Over Iran," Antiwar.com, October 1, 2005]
[It is the E3 - not the Iranians - who have not only "violated" the Paris
Agreement, but the NPT, as well.--Gordon Prather, "Saving Face,"
Antiwar.com, October 8, 2005]
[The Iranian ambassador in London, Mohammed Hossein Adeli, . . .said it was
suspicious that charges of Iranian influence had arisen at this time. "This
leads us to at least think . . . this is used to put pressure on Iran over
nuclear matters."--Paul Hughes and Saul Hudson, "U.S., Britain,
Iran trade charges over attacks," Reuters, October 16, 2005]
Jorge Hirsch, "Israel, Iran,
and the US: Nuclear War, Here We Come," Antiwar.com, October 17, 2005
[. . . influenced India to back a recent resolution at the IAEA referring
Iran's nuclear activities to the UN Security Council.--"India and US
iron out nuke deal," BBC News, October 21, 2005]
[What Britain and other Western countries privately admit, however, is that
sooner or later this opaque, bewildering nation will almost certainly have
nuclear weapons. It is less likely to make reckless use of them than might
be feared, but that is due more to its own internal checks and balances than
any outside influence.-- Angus McDowall, Raymond Whitaker, Marie Woolf, "Iran: Rich, armed and angry, how dangerous is it to the world?,"
Independent, October 30, 2005]
["To demonstrate U.S. intent and capability to use nuclear weapons to deter
adversary use of WMD."--Jorge Hirsch, "The Real Reason
for Nuking Iran," Antiwar.com, November 1, 2005
Jorge Hirsch, "A Legal US
Nuclear Attack Against Iran: The real reason for the IAEA Iran
resolution," Antiwar.com, November 12, 2005
William J. Broad and David E. Sanger, "The Laptop: Relying on Computer, U.S. Seeks to
Prove Iran's Nuclear Aims," New York Times, November 13, 2005
The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United
Nations, "An Unnecessary Crisis: Setting
the Record Straight about Iran's Nuclear Program," New York Times,
November 19, 2005
Jorge Hirsch, "Nuking Iran
Without the Dachshund: The meaning of the Philip Giraldi story,"
Antiwar.com, November 26, 2005
[I had been well briefed on his proposals by Dr Akbar Etemad of the Iranian
Atomic Energy Organisation, who had told me that he intended to build a 24
megawatt capacity by 1994, which was bigger than the programme Britain
itself had at that time, . . .
Iran developing such a huge nuclear capacity caused no problems for the
Americans because, at that time, the Shah was seen as a strong ally, and had
indeed been put on the throne with American help.
There could hardly be a clearer example of double standards than this, and
it fits in with the arming of Saddam to attack Iran after the Shah had been
toppled, and the complete silence over Israel's huge nuclear armoury, which
is itself a breach of the non-proliferation treaty.--Tony Benn, "Atomic
hypocrisy: Neither Bush nor Blair is in a position to take a high moral
line on Iran's nuclear programme," Guardian, November 30, 2005]
[In pursuing a civilian nuclear program, Iran has international law on its
side. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty gives signatories "the
inalienable right" to peaceful nuclear technologies contingent on not making
nuclear explosives. Although Iran has been less than forthcoming about many
of its nuclear activities, inspections by the International Atomic Energy
Agency have not revealed evidence of a nuclear weapons program.--Jack
Boureston and Charles D. Ferguson, "Keep
your enemy closer: The best way to know the full extent of Iran's
nuclear doings is to offer it help," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
November/December 2005]
David Horowitz, "ElBaradei: No 'smoking gun' in Iran"
Jerusalem Post, December 7, 2005
[If the Heritage experts had read that Note Verbale, they would know that
Iran had already offered (on March 23, 2005) a package of "objective
guarantees" (developed by an international panel of experts) that met most
of Heritage's demands.--Gordon Prather, "Those Crazy
Mullahs" Antiwar.com, December 17, 2005]